2. Early Morning at the Stadium

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Five years later...


That was all that could be heard all morning in the range as Y/n reloads yet another arrow into her recurve bow glancing here and there at the WLF engraving on the inside. She draws the string back, focuses on the target that has the outline of a clicker drawn on it. She lets out a steady breath and lets go of the string, the arrow flies towards the target and hits the dead center on the head. Y/n smiles to herself and ready another arrow when a WLF soldier walks into the range.

"Miss L/n?" He asks. "Yes?" She asks in a flat tone, setting her bow down. Upon arriving at the WLF Stadium for the first time years ago along with Abby and the rest of the Salt Lake crew, she changed her last name to avoid any stares, questions or possible fights anyone would want to start with her because of her father's actions.

"Isaac wants You, Abby, and Manny to report to the FOB." He said and left. "Ah, shit." She said, all she wanted to do was to stay at the stadium today, maybe help around with some easy tasks. "Language Senorita." She heard in a thick accent. Y/n turned around to see Manny walking into the range with Abby not too far behind. "Hey guys, what's up?" She said with a soft smile on her face glancing at Abby for a couple seconds too long until Abby made eye contact with her making Y/n look away quickly. "Oh just the usual, you wanna participate in the challenge?" Manny said, fastening a pair of hearing protection on.

"Nah, you know I suck with a gun Manny. I'll pass on losing today." She said walking to pick up her bow, slinging it on her right shoulder. "Clear?" She said looking at the other people in the room shooting guns. They looked at her and nodded their heads. She walked down the range and pulled her arrows out of the clicker shaped target and put them in her quiver. Y/n walked back and everyone began shooting again. "See you guys at the trucks and let me know who loses." She said letting out a small chuckle. Once she exited the range she threw her ear protection into a box among other ear protection muffs.

"Hey Y/n!" She heard as she turned to head to the trucks. She looked at the equipment locker and saw Pat, a WLF soldier looking her way, motioning her over. "Yeah Pat whats up?" She said walking up to the counter that had bars on it. "Nothing much, heard your heading to the FOB with Manny and Abby, also heard Mel's going too." He said, setting his arms on the counter. "Really? Thought Mel would stay, considering she's almost at her due date. Anyways yeah, we're just about to head out, Abby and Manny are getting in some target practice." She said adjusting the bow on her shoulder. "Welp since you are leaving I can't let you go with just your bow so take a gun, you'll need it as a backup weapon." He said turning around and looking for a gun to give her. "Oh it's fine Pat, I don't need one." She said, shaking her head.

"I insist." Pat said, setting a .44 Pistol on the counter. Not just any .44 Pistol, a .44 Magnum Revolver. Y/n stared at it as he wrote down her name and the gun he assigned to her. "I can't take that pistol." She said, she couldn't remember the last time she shot a pistol that big. "Well who knows if you run out of arrows out there. Plus, I already wrote it down in pen so no take backs." He said basically shoving it across the counter to her. "Fine, I hate you." She said putting it in the thigh holster he gave her. "Who doesn't? Hey! May your survival be long." He said to her as she was leaving. "May your death be swift." Y/n said, turning around to face him, putting three fingers to her forehead and saluting with a small smile.

Finally getting to the trucks she see's Mel petting Alice. "Alice!" Y/n says running up to the German Shepherd. Alice runs up to her with her tail swinging left and right. "Awe, who's a good puppy? You're a good puppy!" She said, giving her ear scratches. "Hey." Mel said standing up. "Hey Mel." Y/n says petting Alice. "Where's Manny and Abby?" She said looking around for them. "Gun range, getting some practice in." Y/n said standing up. "Y'know, even though we've only known each other for five years, you've always had that country accent." Mel said, chuckling. "Yeah still got it, you can barely hear it anymore, but never lost it." She said laughing.

Manny walked up to us, Abby shortly following behind. Y/n looked Abby up and down, taking in her facial features like she always does and looked back at Manny to hear what all Manny had to say. Ever since that day in spring when Abby and Y/n met, she immediately had a slight crush on her but never bothered to do anything about it. Abby always had her eyes on Owen who basically became Y/n's older brother. Y/n was there to comfort Abby through her and Owens' breakup. She felt a tinge of happiness when Abby came and told her about it even when she shouldn't have felt it she did. It was wrong on so many levels.

"Y/n? Y/n!" She heard and looked up from the ground to see Manny snapping in her face. "What?" She said, "You ready chica?" He said and walked to the truck and got in. Y/n let out a small sign and mumbled four words as she got into the back of the truck,

"Am I ever ready?"

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