My Wattpad Poem. (FUNNY!)

455 29 19

On Wattpad, there are many things you can do.

You can write, read, or create purple poo.

Yes, I know, we have immature minds,

But everyday we discover new finds.

An unread story, an inspirational talent,

A jumping elephant, that somehow is gallant.

We meet new friends, new people, new writers.

And we hope that none of them are biters.

We learn new things to help us through life,

And we now know that some tried to end theirs with a knife.

A lot of us can save many souls here on Wattpad,

just a we would, as we can, as we had.

Don't take me too seriously, because I'm not,

I'm just writing this to avoid trying pot.

You reading this, you're so bad,

You're so bad that it makes me glad!

You know why I'm glad? I bet you don't.

This will be a question that will remain unknown.

So that's it for now, yes it's time to leave.

Please, oh please, don't pull out your weave.

I love you all, I really do.

Now, comment and vote, and poo purple poo.

My Wattpad Poem. (FUNNY!)Where stories live. Discover now