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Jungkook wanted to correct the mistake he did. So everyone decided to go back to Seoul.

The only person who can't understand a thing is Ji-hoon. Your parents told something urgent came up at Jungkook house and that's why we are leaving early.

In the train you and Jungkook had a talk.

Jungkook: "Ari... can you tell this to mom like you said it to me?"

You: "No, Jungkook. Now it's your turn. Just go and talk with with her. Don't worry I'll  be there as I promised."

Jungkook: "I don't know whether I'll be able to do this"

You: "YA!!! Don't think about it that much. You just need to tell her how you feel inside. Like you said to my parents. I never thought you'll say something like that."

Jungkook: "I'll try my best. You know what...... even though you are my sister, most of the time you act like my older sister."

You: "I'm sorry for that. It's because I'm Ji-hoon's sister"

Jungkook: "No, I like it but it feels like I'm just a useless brother"

You: "Stop with that.... how many times I told you.... don't look at yourself so down. You are  a great brother. Don't think about things too much. Tell your mother what you feel. It's more easy than saying something that you practiced."

Jungkook: "I'll try" 

You reached to Seoul and took a taxi to home. After you got home everyone went to their rooms and unpacked things, you and Jungkook decided to tell to your mother about this after the dinner.

Everyone was tired because of the long journey so they took a nap.

At night, after having dinner, you and Jungkook went to Jungkook's mom room.

Both entered to the room and sat next to mom.

Jungkook's Mom: "Jungkook-ah, Oh, Ari what are you guys doing here?"

You looked at Jungkook and said to relax.

Jungkook: "Mom, there's something that..... I...... really want to tell you."

Jungkook's Mom: "Yes. What is it about?"

Jungkook: "It's about my sister"

Jungkook's Mom: "What about her?"

Jungkook: "Mom, I know that she's having a wonderful life out there and mom..... I really sorry for scolding you all the time bringing about her."

Jungkook's Mom: "I know JK you are also hurt. I can understand. I know it was so hard for you to to take something like that in such a young age"

Jungkook: "Actually.... mom I have something to ask from you"

Jungkook's Mom: "What?"

Jungkook: "What if I found my sister.... would you like to see her?"

Jungkook's Mom: "Yes.... but only if your father is not here."

Jungkook: "Mom..... I really want us to be together again"

Jungkook's Mom: "I know.... you know maybe now your little sister is having a great time with her family. Most probably she's living happily. Do you think that she'll believe all these things after 17 years?"

Jungkook: "Mom..... I..... I......."

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