Don't Make Me Bad

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It was one of those few free Saturdays, when Chan actually had time for himself. There were no crew members, no camera team, no one but him and his laptop. Of course he couldn't just take some rest, but had to work on his music. It was an old beat, which he created years ago, for 3Racha, but never actually finished. Last night that song just popped up in his mind and he thought he may give it a chance again.
Some hours passed and he already rearranged half of the song, and simultaneously wrote some lyrics for the chorus part. Chan wasn't really sure if this thing would come out good or not. He just tried some new things with it, mostly for fun.
Still, sometimes he needs the opinion of someone else.

When it knocked at the door, his dark, focused expression brightened up.
„Hey Channie!“ It was Changbin who came in with a brown paper back in his hands.
„I'm sorry for calling you here.“ The older one apologized.
„Ah no. I was bored anyway.“ He shrugged. „Are you hungry? I bet you didn't eat anything today.“
„Well, I had some Ramyun for breakfast.“
„But it's already noon.“ The brunette pointed at the clock that hang over the door, and Chan got shocked by the fact, that he worked for so long again and didn't even realize. „I got us some rice, Kimchi and pork belly. Also some green salad,“ he pulled some plastic containers out of the bag and placed them on the table. „pineapple juice for you, and iced americano for me.“
„Wow, thank you!“ Chan said with sparkling eyes. „This looks so good.“
„You're welcome.“ He finally took a seat besides his friend, and sipped on his coffee. „Can I hear it? The song?“ Changbin asked. „I mean, that's why you called me over, right?“
The older one only nodded, as his mouth was already stuffed with meat, and handed him his headphones.
The older one watched his friend’s reaction, the satisfied head bopping and little nose crunches he makes when he likes something. It didn't look too bad after all.
„What do you think?“ Chan asked when it was over.
„Yeah, it's not bad. It sounds sexy.“ he wiggled his chest and shoulders, than unzipped his jacket, as if he was playfully seducing his Hyung, and chuckled. „Only this part,” he pointed at the screen, „something didn't sound right there. Let's put it on speaker.“
They both listened again, and changed a few things, took out a few sounds that disturbed the feeling. After that, Changbin also looked over his friend's lyrics, and wrote some rap lines, while Chan worked on the beats again.
About two hours passed, when they started to record some lines. Chan sang the vocal parts, and the brunette took over the rap lines.
They really had lots of fun. It felt like the early days again, when it was just the three of them. Without any pressure or obligations.
„I think that part here feels a bit empty.“ Changbin mumbled, while they listened to the song again. „What about some add-lips?”
„Like what?“
„Well, it's a sexy song. Maybe some breathing or.. moaning?“
Chan almost choked on the last sip of his drink.
„Moaning?“ he giggled.
„Yes. I mean... We already did something like that in a lot of other songs.“
„We could re-use the older sounds. I still have them on my laptop.“
„Let's just record new ones that fit the vibe better.“ Even before he finished the sentence, Changbin jumped up and placed himself in front of the microphone.
Chan knew that there was no way to change his friend's plans, so he just started the song and the recording program, and leaned back.
While the intro melody played, the younger one took off his jacket, and presented that he wore some sleeveless black shirt with deep cut outs on each side. It was quite revealing, as Changbin usually wouldn't show so much skin.
When the first verse started, the brunette began to make some subtle breathing sounds, also some soft sighs. But that sure wasn't everything he got. As the song continued, Changbin became louder and braver. He groaned deep and rough noises into the microphone, hissed and gasped for air.
Just as the younger one said, they already did something like this, and at those times, everyone struggled to not burst into laughter. Then why was it so different this time? Why was Chan’s heart beating so fast? He felt how his cheeks and ears turned red and how hot blood rushed through his veins, just to gather in his lower body parts. Every tone was more explicit than the last, and sounded far to realistic to actually put them into a song.
„It's your turn.“ These words ripped Chan out of his thoughts. He didn't realize that his friend already finished his recording session.
„My turn?“
„Sure. My voice is rough, and mixing it with your softer tones would sound nice.“
„Yeah no, I think what you did is more than enough.“ He just didn't want to stand up right now, and also couldn't look at his friend.
„You thought you could laugh at me in silence and won't have to go through this embarrassing experience?“ He lifted an eyebrow and smirked, while pointing at the mic. „Your turn, Channie.“
„Okay... fine.“ His Hyung agreed. But nothing was fine. He was half erect under his grey sweatpants, so he tried to pull his shirt down, to hide it as much as possible before he stood up.
Unluckily, Changbin is extremely attentive, and of course noticed his leader’s weird behavior and blushed face. After starting the recording, he turned to his friend, observing him in a quite obvious way, staring at his body, biting his bottom lip. Somehow he knew what happened with Chan, or maybe just was good at guessing, but it really aroused him to think, that he caused his Hyung to act this strange.

Just like the brunette earlier, Chan started making some soft breathing sounds, some murmuring and a few sighs too. But suddenly the music stopped. A little confused, Chan looked at his friend. „What's wrong?“ he asked carefully.
„I don't know. It just doesn't sound that good to me. Not as good as I hoped.“ he showed a dirty grin. „Close your eyes, and try again, okay?“
The older one gave his friend a rather leery look.
„Just think of something.. 'nice', to get into the mood.“
Although these words were pretty suspicious, Chan did what the other suggested.
Right after he closed his eyes, Changbin started the recording again, but this time he stood up too, sneaked to the door to lock it, and then got behind his friend. Gingerly he placed his hands on the broad shoulders in front of him, stroking down his back and rest them on his hips for a while.
„Wh-.. What are you doing?“ Chan looked behind him in shock, his hands still folded in front of his crotch, as he felt his insides tingle from the other’s touches.
„Shhh!“ He hushed in his ear. „I'll help making you sound realistic.“
His hands slipped under the older one’s shirt, touching his waist, sliding to the front, over his trained abs, and upwards, to his chest, where he grabbed into the firm flesh, massaging it gently. When the brunette pinched his friends’ nipples, he made some squeaking sounds, and covered his mouth from embarrassment.
Chan’s ways were far too predictable, because now, the younger was able to reach another place. One hand glided down to his pants, lingering between his legs, stroking over the soft material.
„Hng~ Stop. Please.“
Changbin stepped closer, pressing their bodies against each other, and also his crotch between his leader’s buttocks.
„Just admit, that my voice made you hard.“ He whispered and licked over Chan’s blushed auricle, which sent shivers down the older one’s spine. „I've known you for too long, to not notice when you're horny.“ Now that they were this close, Changbin could smell the dark musky scent of his friend’s perfume. It must've been faded throughout the day, as he could barely smell it anymore. He always loved that scent on him, and this time it aroused him even more than usually.
„I don't get.. horny..“ Chan mumbled.
„Yes, you do. That's when you stop being clingy and avoid eye contact with everyone.“ The brunette grabbed his Hyung’s erection tightly, making him gasp. „Others think you're shy, but you're actually thinking about pretty filthy things, right?“ His hands were massaging the muscled chest and hardened dick simultaneously, causing more and more sweet moaning from the other. „And sometimes, you turn into 'Christopher'. Your other self, that just wants to fuck everyone’s brains out.“ he chuckled teasingly. But the next second, that dirty smirk got wiped from his face. Because Chan swung around, grabbed the younger one’s collar and pushed him against the next wall. He stared at the brunette, frowning, breathing heavily. „Shit..“ he hissed annoyed by himself, shooting forward, and suddenly kissed the other. He bit the brunettes bottom lip, sucking on it, then forcing his tongue into the other’s mouth. These were no sweet, lovely kisses, those were rough and wet, and filled with sexual desire.

In only a few seconds, Chan lost control over himself. All the pent up stress and pressure, no free time for himself for months, combined with the teasing words of his friend, his greedy touches and deep vibrating voice. Something inside him snapped, and his whole body and mind got flooded with this insatiable appetite.
„That's the Chris I'm talking about.“ Changbin laughed when his Hyung gave him a second to breath. He was more than pleased, that his words seemed to hit all the right spots, because this went just the way he wanted.
„Just stop talking.“ Chan demanded and took of his shirt in a swift movement, just to come close again, pressing their pelvises together, rubbing their erections against each other through the fabrics of their pants. His strong hands grabbed Changbin’s waist first, then his butt, to pull him towards himself, intensifying the pressure. The brunette shoved a hand between them, pulling down their pants to free the hard flesh. He wrapped his fingers tightly around both of them, moving his hips to make them rub together. They kissed again, breathing and moaning on each other’s lips. Everything felt so intense.
But it wasn't enough.
Chan’s greed and desire were to high, to be satisfied with just this.
He guided the younger one away from the wall and pushed him onto the sofa, impatiently stripping out of his pants. Chan was completely naked now. He placed himself, legs spread, over Changbin’s body, who looked up to him with surprise, as Chan stuck two fingers into his mouth, to wet them with saliva, before he bend over, and shoved the same fingers inside himself.
The younger was quite overwhelmed by what happened in the span of a few seconds. He wouldn't have thought that his Hyung would actually be the bottom in this scenario, but he also wouldn't dare to complain. Therefore Changbin enjoyed the view to much right now. Of course the both of them already ended up together a few times, as they spent so much time with each other in the past years. But is was never more than some kissing and giving each other hand jobs. So this was really something new for them, and Changbin secretly wondered who he learned that from.

Between all the members, there is that unspoken rule of not talking about what happens in the sheets. No matter who ends up with whom, they'd never tell the others. At this point probably everyone hooked up with at least one other member.
But you will never know.

„Wow, Christopher is greedy today.“ he smirked and moved one hand to his Hyung’s cheek, caressing it for a second, then stroking his thumb over his friend’s full lips. So the older one started licking and sucking that finger in a lascivious way, looking down on the brunette, enjoying his reaction. Next he took his fingers out of his butt, positioning himself over his friends crotch and, without a word, sank onto his hard flesh. Chan groaned with wide opened mouth, as he got entered. „Gosh, you're so thick.“ His girth made the process a bit painful for the older one, but the sensation, at the same time, also made Changbin greedier. He grabbed his Hyung’s waist and held him in place while pushing his own hips upwards.
The first grind was already a lot to take, but the second was simply to much. Chan clasped into the couches’ backrest and gave some high pitched whimpers, as he reached his climax. The white stuff got spread over the brunette's chest, some even landed on his face. „I guess it's been a while for you too, hm?“ Changbin smirked and licked off the sweet cum that got on his lips. „Good thing you had that pineapple juice earlier.“
Chan hissed with a cocky smile, „Oh really?“ then leaned down to lick Changbin’s cheek, collecting some of his own semen, just to passionately kiss the younger one and share it with him.
„You're so naughty today.“ the brunette whispered, when his Hyung let him breathe.
„All thanks to you.“ Chan knows that he usually wouldn't act this rough with anyone, he learned to restrain this side of him many years ago. He locked Christopher away, deep inside of him. But Changbin somehow managed to loosen the monster’s chains, whenever they shared some quality time together. How shall he be able to hold back his dark side, with all that teasing and provoking behavior from his rapper?
Changbin was quite proud of himself after his Hyung’s words, but tried not to show it too much. „I hope you’re not already done.” he said and pulled that one muscle, that made his erection twitch inside of the others body.
„I haven’t even started yet.” As he remained in that position for a few minutes now, Chan gradually adjusted to the thickness and was ready to move on his own. Actually, he never did something like this. Riding someone else’s dick. Until now he always was the one being ridden. But he was more than eager to try. Of course he wasn’t completely inexperienced. Chan already used his fingers or some toys on himself, but Changbin somehow was his first real thing.
Just another ‘first’ they share now.

Slowly Chan started to move his hips. It took him a moment to find the right kind of motion until they both felt good. He leaned back, grabbing one of his friend's legs for support, and Changbin also laid hands on his Hyung’s thighs, holding them tight, then stroking upwards over his abs, feeling how they tightened with every thrust of Chan’s hips. Whenever he saw his leader’s beautiful muscles, he was completely enchanted. They’re so nice and defined, and he especially loves those thick veins that go down his abdomen. His fingers softly traced them downwards until he reached Chan’s crotch, where he wrapped his hand around his Hyung’s erect flesh. He didn’t need to move, because Chan just rubbed himself with every motion he did.
The sensation was too intense to keep that speed up for long, as his legs started twitching and his insides cramped with the next upcoming orgasm. But he had to pause, even if he was close.
„What’s wrong?” Changbin asked, caressing the older one’s thighs.
„I- I can’t. It’s to much.” he huffed.
Changbin looked up to him, thinking carefully. Chan really seemed to struggle to move like this. „May I ask, if you did this before?”
„Why? Am I that bad?” the leader laughed sarcastically.
„No!” Changbin came up, propping himself on his elbow, gently putting the other hand on his friend’s waist. „I think you’re just a bit too enthusiastic, for your first time as a bottom?”
„So, it IS bad.”
„Actually, you feel really good. You’re so tight and hot inside, and I love to watch your body move.” The hand slid deeper, grabbing into Chan’s butt cheek. „You just need some practice. And I hope you’ll let me help you with that.”
„You don’t need to charm me anymore. I'm literally riding you right now.” Chan turned his head away, covering his eyes with one hand in a shy way.
„Okay, get up for a second.” Changbin chuckled, amused by his friends behavior. He helped his leader to get off him and sit on his legs, then sat up too, to wrap his arms around the other. „You don’t have to do everything by yourself.” The brunette gently kissed his friend’s collarbones and neck. „Let me help you. I can give Chris what he needs.”
The older only nodded approving. Half of him was still unsure if what they were doing was the right thing, but the other half has been horny for Changbin for years. They were already in the middle of fucking, so why should he turn back now?
„Let’s switch positions, okay? And I’ll make you feel as good as I can.” He helped his Hyung laying down on his back, and positioned himself between his legs. „Are you okay with this?” Changbin asked, and again got some nods as response. „Good. Because I really like kissing you.” He leaned down and did exactly that. Their kisses were softer now, not as wild and thirsty as before, but they both enjoyed them just as much. „Lift your leg.” He whispered, stroked the leader’s thigh, grabbing the back of his knee and pressed it against Chan’s belly.
At the same time Changbin’s other hand slid down between them, guiding his erection to his friend’s butt, pushing it back inside.
„You’re still fine?”
„Yeah..” Chan answered with aery voice. „Keep.. Keep going.”
Slowly Changbin started moving his hips, slightly changing the angle with every thrust, until his leader’s moans became louder. That’s when he knew, he found the right spot and continued hitting it, increasing both speed and force.
„Gosh! Don’t stop!” Chan pressed through his teeth, biting his bottom lip. The sensation grew bigger, barely bearable. Every thrust sent shivers down his spine, making his insides tingle and his toes curl upwards. And it only got worse, when the younger wrapped his fingers around Chan’s dick, rubbing it in the same rhythm.
„I’m cumming!” he groaned, tightly grabbing his rapper's shoulder and using his other hand to cover his face, which gave Changbin a reason to tease his Hyung. With his thumb he covered the tip of his throbbing dick, keeping the orgasm inside, and also slowing his motions down at the same time.
„Why.. Why did you..? I was so close.” the leader whimpered.
„You shouldn’t cover your pretty face.” The brunette leaned down and kissed his friend’s hand. „Look at me. Let me watch you cum.”
„You’re evil.” Chan mumbled.
„Where is the guy that confidently rode my dick some minutes ago, hm?”
He took that hand away with restraint and let his eyes roam between those big brown eyes and the soft pink lips of his friend. „He’s constantly fighting to come out right now.”
„Let him out. You’re with me. What are you afraid of?”
Chan took some deep breaths, biting his bottom lip.
His friend was right. There was actually no reason to hold back. So his fingers wandered from the strong shoulder, over the younger one’s neck and then through his soft dark hair, grabbing into it and pulling his head closer. They shared some rough french kisses, teeth crushing together, tongues dancing with each other. „I’m afraid that you won’t let me cum.” He placed his other leg on Changbin’s butt and used it to push him deeper inside.
„Don’t worry, Chris. You will.” They both smirked and the rapper started moving faster again, but still blocked the other's dick. He continued hitting the sensitive prostate hard and rhythmically.
„More!” Chan groaned, gripping tighter, his nails stabbing into the skin of his friend's muscled back. As he was already close before, it didn’t take long to reach that state again. Chan’s moans became louder the closer he came. This time he didn’t hide his face, he kept looking at his rapper in the most lascivious way possible, which motivated Changbin even more to keep going. From this point it only took a few more thrusts until the sensations were too much to bear. He threw his head back, holding his breath, as his muscles cramped, his limbs holding on harder, his bottom gripping tighter around his friend's thick erection. He came hard, spurting the white semen over both their stomachs.
„Woah… That.. That was..” Chan tried to tell his friend how good it felt, but stopped, when he realized that Changbin didn’t slow down. He kept going with the same sturdy rhythm, hitting his sweet spot and rubbing his dick, which slowly softened down. „Wait.. Wait a second!”
Changbin only grinned. He didn’t think about stopping until he reached his climax too.
„It’s too sensitive. It feels weird.” Chan stated, breathing heavily.
„I’m almost there.” The younger groaned.
„Wait! Angh~!” Chan came once again, the feeling was to overwhelming. His bottom clenched tight again, and now the other one finally reached his climax too, cumming deep inside his friend’s body.
„Fuck..” Changbin mumbled and got off his friend, to sit on the other end of the couch. „Are you okay?” he asked, looking at his leader, who seemed to be not able to move.
„I feel dizzy.” his Hyung mumbled. So Changbin got up to grab a bottle of water to give to the other. Some hydration may help him calm down again.
After emptying half the bottle, Chan nodded, still wearing an exhausted expression on his face. Quite pleased, he looked at his rapper. How he sat there, lifting his firm chest with every heavy breath, radiating vigor and lust. Also wondering why they never did this before.

As Chan was lost in his thoughts, his eyes were roaming around the room, but got stuck at his laptop. „Oh no..” he face palmed himself, and started giggling.
„Hm? What happened?” Changbin asked confused. „Why are you laughing?”
His leader pointed at the desk, simultaneously swiping a tear from the corner of his eye. „It’s still recording.”
The younger one’s eyes widened, than he burst into laughter too, as realization hit him.
„I guess we can’t use those for the song.”

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