Addicted to you

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„Can I ask you something?” Chan mumbled, while caressing his friend’s naked back with his fingertips.
„Yeah, sure.” They still were at the studio, the rapper laying on the sofa with his Hyung on top of him, his head resting on Changbin’s shoulder. He really enjoyed the soft touches, and the afterglow feeling.
„Did you ever do it with Jisung?”
„What?” The younger one was a bit shocked and looked down to the other.
„I’m sorry, you don’t need to answer.”
„No! No.” He rolled over a bit, so that Chan slipped off his body and they now were laying face to face. „I never did. He is like a little brother to me. I don’t think I could.”
„Yeah, same for me.” Chan put a hand on his friends hip, stroking the soft skin. „But I sometimes wonder, how much his tiny waist could take, before it snaps.” He chuckled.
Changbin’s eyes widened by those honest words. „Minho would kill you, if he knew how you talk about Han.”
„You’re probably right.”
Jisung and Minho were in a relationship for a while now and even though their not exclusive to each other, no other member would dare to touch them, unless they want that.
„What about Felix?”
Changbin’s cheeks turned red immediately. „I… I mean..” he stuttered. „I thought we don’t talk about this. Stop with the stupid questions.” The younger suddenly broke their eye contact to sit up on the edge of the couch.
„So you haven’t done it, hm?” Chan also got up and crawled behind his friend, taking him between his legs and wrapping his arms around his body. „I wonder why. Since he obviously is really into you.”
Changbin looked behind him frowning confused. „He is precious to me and has a fragile soul. I’d never only use him for sex.”
„You would be surprised.” Chan placed some gentle kisses on his friends nape. „But I guess he doesn’t know that you’re interested in guys at all.”
„I don’t want to hurt his feelings, so I keep my distance.”
Changbin’s ears blushed from the gentle touches, making his Hyung chuckle, who thought his rapper looked really adorable when he’s shy. He sighed, slightly tilting his head, letting the older kiss along his neck now.
„Felix is a switch too.” Chan said, while peppering his way along the other’s jaw now, placing a few kisses on those round cheeks.
„How do you know?” Suspiciously he lifted an eyebrow. „Did he fuck you, hm?”
„No, don’t worry. You were right, you were my first.” Chan whispered into the other’s ear, sending shivers down the rappers spine, while softly nibbling on the bejeweled lobe. Eager hands slid deeper down his belly, almost slipping between his legs.
„Okay, stop that.” Changbin quickly stood up, took his clothes and started dressing up. „I know you're trying to seduce me again, Christopher, and believe me when I say, that it’s really tempting.” He explained while pulling his shirt over his head. „But I can take care of my own business. Also, it’s really late, and we should head back home now.” The rapper looked back at his friend, who still sat on the couch, fully naked, looking up to him with his sad dark eyes and the thick pouty lips, his hands folded over his crotch, probably hiding his recurring arousal. „Don’t.. Don’t look at me like that.” He picked up Chan's shirt and threw it at his face. „Just put your clothes on. We’re leaving.”

The following weeks weren’t as chill, but fully stuffed with song and video recordings, photo shootings and interviews, still, the few free hours after their schedule, long after sunset, spent Changbin at his favorite place, the gym. Sometimes with company, but mostly on his own. Just one or two more hours of workout, which yet made his days exhaustingly long.
The only thing he wanted was to eat dinner and fall into his bed. But as he entered the dorm that day, it seemed like someone had other plans for him.

He thought he got used to seeing his leader walking around shirtless, but usually Chan was at least wearing some underwear. The oldest stood in the kitchen, where he just put a pot with water on the stove, starting to prepare some ingredients, which Changbin actually didn’t pay attention to. Rather his eyes were glued to the snow white skin and that naked bubbly ass that peaked out of the other's dark blue apron.
„Oh boy…” The rapper sighed, dropping his gym bag on the ground. The damp sound caught Chan’s attention, as he didn’t notice his friend before.
„Binnie, you’re back!” He sent his rapper a bright smile and happily bounced towards him, placing his hands on the younger one’s arms, grabbing into the hardened muscles. „Looks like your workout went well.”
Changbin looked aside, trying to avoid eye contact at all costs.

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