Chapter I.I

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A/N: Hey guys, chapters will probably take some time since I have a lot of work and stuff. I try to write as much as possible, but you know life is hard. Anyways thanks for reading I'm not expecting much from this. (Please correct me if i make mistake.)

Axel's POV:

Today is like every other day, I think as I finish my job and go out for a walk to my favorite coffee shop. I work as a teacher with my best friend Daniel. We have known each other since we were kids. We are both attracted to men which is funny because we never actually liked each other in more than friendly ways.

As I'm walking I'm looking around myself. Leaves are falling all around the park. It's not really cold or really hot. Today is a perfect day, I would say but I need to finish my job by doing some tests for my students. I think again.

I'm here. I walk to the table I usually sit at and open my laptop. "Hello! What would you like to order?" Says a waiter. I look up. He is probably new because I didn't see him before and I go here like every day. I think and after a second I say: "Hi, I would take one Tea Latte." He quickly grabs his pen and notes and writes them down.

After a second of his writing, he asks me: "Is that all?" I give him a little nod "Okay sir. Thanks for your order." He gives me a quick smile before walking away. I think again as I look at my laptop. The new waiter looked pretty. Dirty blond hair and dark brown eyes. Maybe they even looked like wood? I go back to my work but after some minutes the man comes up to me with my Latte. I smiled at him and take my latte. He walks or maybe runs. He goes fast so I don't know.

My work is now done. It's been maybe an hour since I saw the boy. Anyways I figured it would be good to take some dessert and then go home because the work is kinda making me tired. I closed my laptop and placed it in my bag. As I stood up I saw that the coffee shop was almost full. I didn't notice before but there weren't many waiters, maybe just two?

I did just stand there for a second after the second I took my stuff and got up to pay. I guessed it would be better for the waiters. I walked over to the cashier who was standing in front of the checkout. "That would be 1,23$ (1,20€?)" The cashier said. I opened my bag to grab my wallet and give her money. "Thank you. Have a good day sir!" She said and smiled. I just walked away with a smile. While I was walking I quickly looked around to see if I could find the pretty man. He was just talking to some customers.

I got home. Ah, finally some break. It's already 10 Pm I think I should get some quick snacks and take shower. I found chocolate. I ate it and got up from where I was sitting. Getting my pajamas I saw a drawing from a little kid that was in one of my classes. I usually wasn't teaching little kids but their teacher was sick. The little girl in that class drew me. I had my teacher uniform on and I was explaining something. All of the kids were nice to me in that class. What a fun day I think as my mind quickly goes back to that new waiter in my favorite coffee shop. "Whatever," I say as I try to get him away from my thoughts. I finally go to shower and then to sleep.

The next day I went to my friend Daniel during the lunch break (like usual). Daniel had an extra smile today. "Hey, Dan! What's with the smile?" I go up to him and give him a little smirk. He had liked this one student's single dad Ethan for a while now. He can't stop talking about him. They have been on an I guess secret date so the student is not gonna be mad at him like Dan said. "Hi! I'm finally together with Ethan!" He says quickly with a big smile. You could see how happy he was just by his smile. These two have been flirting for over a year.

I'm happy they are together. Ethan has brown hair and grass-green eyes. I don't find him attractive but if Daniel does okay. As long as he is happy I'm okay with it. "What about you Axel? Do you have someone FINALLY??" Daniel says and rolls his eyes with laughter. "No, I don't. But I saw this really cute man in the coffee shop near my house yesterday." I say as I look at my hands with a smile. I knew how much he was gonna ask me about the guy. But that's how he is. I need to accept him. "Oh my really? Do you know his name and what about his-" I stopped Daniel before he finished?"I just saw him. He is probably a new waiter there." I said as I simply gave Daniel a small smile.

It's been like two days since I met the waiter. After that day I noticed how long the days lasted. I was just at my house but now I'm on my way to school. But as I'm passing my favorite coffee shop 'Puesta de sol' my phone rings. It's the principal.

"Hello?" I say, "Oh okay". The call ends. Well from what he just said I don't need to go to my job today. Well, I guess I have a day off. Oh wait, I can go to the coffee shop. As I'm turning back to go to the coffee shop I feel that it just started raining. It's not that much of a deal I guess.

I open the door of the shop. I feel eyes on me but to my surprise, I see just the pretty man at a small table. No one else? "Hi-" I say quickly. "Ou... Hello." He says his dark brown eyes quickly moving from mine. He probably doesn't want me to feel uncomfortable. I go to sit at my favorite table. He gets up and brings his little note. "What would you want sir?" He says. I look at the list of coffees and other drinks. My eye catches a herbal tea. Mm, I'm gonna take that I think as I say loudly "The herbal Tea please". He writes it down and goes away. As he goes I take my laptop out of my back. And I opened a drawing program. I look around me. My Favourite table right next to it is the window. The rain falls, and the son that was less than thirty minutes ago up in the shining sky is now gone. I pick to draw flowers I see on the other window. Calendula. I started drawing.

I hear something as I turn around and I see him sitting next to me and placing the tea for me on the table. He looks at my screen. "What is it?" I say as I try to figure out what he is thinking. After a second of looking at my screen, he says "It's beautiful you have a talent emm?" What a pretty way to ask for someone's name. "Oh my name is Axel. Thanks," I say with a smile covering my face. He just stared at my drawing for a moment but after a second he kindly said "Ollie." What a beautiful name I thought. His eyes were on every movement I have done.

After a moment of him looking at me drawing with big dreaming eyes, I finished drawing. He was about to say something but. I heard the door open and Ollie ran to the cash register. After a bit of just fixing some stuff, I noticed a familiar face walk into the shop. It was my dear friend Daniel with Ethan. They noticed me and walked over. Ollie was still talking with the customers. They sat next to me. "Hii! What are you doing here?" Daniel said and Ethan just waved. Let's say emmm ou I got here to stalk that pretty man at the cash register. I calmly said, "Hey, I stopped here for some tea, it's raining so." I closed my laptop as I said that. They looked so happy together. My best friend looked so happy I would even say this was the first time I saw him so happy <3

"Oh what about that man you said you liked?" Daniel said. I looked at the Calendulas. "I know his name now but nothing much new." I said and smiled at Ollie who was at the cash register. He was smiling at someone. His dirty hair was now almost golden in the sun that showed up after the rain. His dark brown eyes are shining in the light from the sun. I realized I was probably staring. I quickly looked away. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOTHING MUCH?? BRO, YOU FINALLY KNOW HIS NAME!" Daniel almost screamed. Damn it's not that deep WAIT.

"DAN SHUT UP!" I screamed at him when I realized that there was a chance Ollie heard it. My face was red. I saw people staring at us. In the corner of my eye, I saw Ollie looking at me with a little bit of shock. But I also saw a small blush on his face. OH MY GOD, HE HEARD IT HE IS GONNA FREAK OUT AND THINKS I'M CREEPY OR SOMETHING- "Axel! What's up with you? You look so stressed..." Ethan said we were friends before so he knew my name. I looked at him and smiled "It's okay. Don't worry, thanks for asking tho <3" I said. I took out of my bag a book and started reading.

After a second I heard a familiar voice. "Hello, what would you order?" Ollie said gosh his voice was so pretty. After they ordered he walked away. I quickly wrote something down on a small piece of paper. And then hid it in my wallet. Then I got back to reading but I was still thinking. "Hey guys, I think I'm gonna go home. I have been here for a long time now and I'm sure I have some unfinished work at home." I said. "Oh okay bye!" Ethan said and soon was followed by Daniel saying "Okay goodbye!". I smiled at them and walked to the register. Ollie smiled at me and said "That would be 1,20$." I opened my wallet and took out two things. A small piece of paper and 2$. I handed both to Ollie and before he could say anything I walked home.

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