Chapter II

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A/N: Hello guys! Sorry I didn't update sooner. I have a lot of stuff around dance right now and I'm also sick. But I'm going to try and finish this chapter today with around 1k words. Alright, enjoy!

Axel's POV:

It ended already. We just watched some movies and stuff like that. I slept on the couch because he was a guest at my house. After he left I was left with my cat and a lot of work for school since tomorrow is Monday it all needed to be done.

I needed to correct some tests and pick stuff to give my students as work. I didn't go to the coffee shop today.

Damn, it's Monday already, I think as I walk through the hall Its breaks in between the third and fourth hour. I heard someone yell at me. "Mr. Rose!" I turned around to see one of my students.

Her name was Mary not my favorite student but whatever. I teach her Math and something else I forgot already. She's smart but she tries too much and comes off as a little bit of an annoying person.

"Yes, Mary?" I say as I smile at her. Please God makes this conversation as short as possible I have five tests to correct. If I don't have them corrected next class the students will be annoying as fuck.

I'm also tired as fuck I cried half of the night the other half was filled with just work.

"I wanted to ask you Mr. Rose about the Math Olympics." She said, She was kind of bright so I didn't want to ruin her mood.

"Mhm, what is it?" I say as I look at her. When was the last time I felt as happy as this kid? Damn, I'm probably getting too old or just too depressed.

"I wanted to ask who is going. Because I of course want to win." She said with a big smirk on her face.

"Mary I'm sorry I can't tell you I don't remember this. But you can remind me when I'm teaching your class. I have the names somewhere in the Math book." I said giving her a little smile and walking off to my office.

The moment I open the door of my office I hear the bell. FUCK. JUST WHEN I WAS ABOUT TO DRINK MY DAMN COFFEE.

This day is gonna be long I think as I walk back into some class. In the like middle of the class, I notice snow outside.

Is it winter already? The Last time I looked at the dates was in autumn. Time flies I guess. Can't let that stop me from getting money in this hell tho.

My attention was brought to the class in a second when someone screamed the answer to the last question I said before zooming out.

Surprisingly the class didn't take much time.

It was about to be lunch so I could meet Dan and talk to him for a second about Ollie and stuff. "Alright, class. No homework for tomorrow since there is about to be a test but please study!" I say quickly grabbing my things and waiting till everyone stands up.

The time they're taking is starting to feel like it's longer than the whole hour. Lazy fucks I want to eat. As soon as the last student stands up I leave in hurry.

I hurry to sit next to Dan at the table in the cafeteria.

"Hi, Dan!" I say sitting next to him and placing my stuff on the table. He was already eating. I guess I have the luck that I didn't want to eat today he didn't look like he was enjoying it. It was like some kind of chicken wing? Maybe I don't know however as I scanned the room no one was enjoying this food.

"Hi! Want to have some of this delicious food?" He said as a big smile formed on his face. Of course, he would try to give me some food he didn't like. "Nah I'm good. Thanks for asking tho!" I say as I pull a quick smirk. His smile disappeared the second I said that.

"Anyways how's your life going? I haven't heard from you all weekend!" He quickly said fixing the atmosphere between the two of us. "Ou I haven't been that great and I didn't want to ruin your mood sorry. BUT!" I stop for a second making him wait, " I can have dinner with you and your boyfriend to make it up for you." I finished and smirked.

I didn't get many good looks from the teachers around as not everyone was the nicest person there. "Maybe but not the usual coffee shop where we go. That would be just lame. We could go to the Main city by tram and get some dinner there!" He declares. Oh god, that's gonna is interesting.

"And you can take with us your little love interest~." He says making me blush. Few teachers lift their heads. Oh god, now I'm gonna have to deal with this. The most interesting reaction from Dan was probably Mrs. Rings she has something like a crush on me. I don't like her tho it's weird she's like thirty. I'm 22 years old right now and if you ask me eight years difference pretty weird.

"Ah shut up. I'm sure he's not interested anyway!" I say to quickly get off of the uncomfortable look I got from Mrs. Rings. That weird flirty look was exchanged for a surprised and angry look. Thank god she won't bother me anymore. Everyone else in front of our table looks surprised too tho. I guess I don't look gay.

Dan was just laughing at the reactions. "Anyways how's your drawing I haven't seen it in a long time," Dan says after clearing his throat. Ou the painting last time I was working on it was when Ollie was sleeping on my bed.

I smiled saying: "I added some stuff but I didn't continue much Ollie was at my place." As I finished this there was a big smirk on Dan's face. I shouldn't have said that. For the rest of the lunch, he was just trying to embarrass me. The lunch was quickly over tho.


- Pollie~

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