Chapter I.II

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A/N: This was part of chapter 1.1 before. So If you did finish reading it before you should just skip it. This was changed in the date December 15th. (2022)

Ollie's POV:

I met this guy two days ago at my new job. He looks pretty handsome. Black hair and blue eyes. hair makes him look strong but his eyes are calm. Today I told him my name and he told me his name was Axel. I like his name. Later that day he was just on his way home. He gave me more than he was supposed to and a little piece of paper. I said to myself I'm gonna open it when I get home.

It's the end of my shift and I haven't seen the piece of paper Axel gave me last month. I kind of lost it... As I walk from the shop I notice that it started raining not easy rain like fucking heavy rain. "HEY! YOUR GONNA GET ALL WET IN THAT RAIN!" I hear as I turn back I see Axel in a car. "Oh my god hey!" I say with a scared face. It's rather scary just to hear someone call you. At that moment I looked at his car. It was a really pretty car. It was pastel blue, what a lovely color. It was one of my favorites if I'm being honest. The car looked quite old but still really pretty. I'm not one of the people that think old stuff is ugly. I actually find old stuff really pretty. Like old furniture, paintings, music, and more.

"Hop in my car no way you're gonna walk in this... storm home," He said. I slowly walked to his car. It really was turning into a storm. Well, what luck I met Axel. At this point, we were pretty close because of our talks when there were not a lot of people in the coffee shop. I walked and I felt drops of rain that fell on my face and clothes. I love rain. As I got to the car and opened the door I felt somewhat weird. It's rather weird.

Axel POV:

Ollie's hair looked gorgeous when it was wet. Is this a good idea? I mean we still don't know each other that well even though we talk to each other almost every day. I hope he doesn't feel like I'm pushing him into this. Oh god please not that. I started to like him even more after this month. We have similar interests and he likes watching me paint. "Axel I don't feel well..." Ollie said. When I looked at him he looked really sick.

As we got to my place he looked pale as a wall. "Let's go," I say as I open the door of my car. He is really not well. I mean yea, sometimes I even get sick from a day full of my job. "You can sleep in my bed when we get there. I need to finish one of my art projects." I say as I help him get to the door of my house. "Thank you. I feel really sick. I guess it's a long day at work," Ollie said and gave me a smile.

As we get to the living room I ask him: "Do you want me to make you some food?" He smiles at me and says "Sure if you want to." He is so kind... I showed him my room as I walked to the kitchen. He fell asleep on my bed. I started making some chicken soup. When I finished I grabbed two bowls and poured the soup into them. I then took them to my room. It's quite messy but not the worst. I placed one on my bedside table and the other on a small table next to a chair and canvas. I then started painting.

Ollie's POV:

I just woke up. The first thing I saw was Axel's painting. It was a painting of nature. I love paintings. Chicken soup and tea were next to me on a mini night table. The tea looked like it was not made that long ago. He is a nice guy... Suddenly I felt something in my jeans pocket. When I looked I saw the piece of paper Axel gave me the other day. I opened it. I guess his number was there. I took my phone slowly out of my bag and saved his contact. I quickly took a picture of him painting and added it as his contact picture.

After some time he noticed me and asked: "Do you like it? It's inspired by a picture of me when I was young. It was taken in the county I was born in. '' he finished with a smile. It was truly a beautiful painting. I smiled and said: "Yea it's really nice. Thank you for today." He just smiled and looked away for a second. I took the soup and started eating and watching Axel painting.

After some time he says: "Do you want to watch some movie and maybe make some food?" He looks lovely. I think I kind of like him. "Yea sure do you have some ingredients to make the food or are we gonna go shop?" I ask. He quickly walks to his kitchen and yells "No. But there are like two shops that are pretty close." "Okay Let's go then," I say as I go to find Axel.

Axel POV:

This is such a good day. And oh my god Ollie looked so sweet after he woke up. I don't know if I should tell him later or like ever. I'm somewhat scared I mean I don't even know if he is homophobic. I continued thinking until he said "I don't even remember now. But if I didn't say it yet Your paintings are beautiful.

If there is ever a chance, would you draw me someday? I hope this is not so bad for you because I know it can get annoying when people say this to you all the time."

He said with a beautiful smile and blush on his face. "Thank you, and yes sure," I said and looked at the sky. It looked beautiful, kind of pinkish-red. (That is the color of the sky as I'm writing this)

We finished shopping and paid (axel paid of course). It was now around 6 Pm (time for me right now). We started walking to my house. "By the way do u wanna stay the night over? I guess it would be easier for you," I say as I look at him. "Sure but I need to make a call to my friend that I won't be at home today. He would freak out if I won't." As he was saying this he kind of laughed. To be honest this part of the city is pretty at this time. I think 6 Pm it was, yeah.

As we're walking we start a little conversation. "By the way, where do you work?" He asks. Ou, yeah we haven't talked about work he probably thinks I'm an artist I mean we mostly talk about art and books. Lovely isn't it? "I work as a teacher in a private high school. And before you ask, I draw just as a hobby." I smile as the words leave my mouth. He looks at me with a little bit of surprise. "Oh my! Really wouldn't have guessed!" He said as he laughed, "From what you seem like you are a great teacher. I mean you look smart and you also are nice!" After he finished I could feel a blush forming on my face "Thank you." After I finish this sentence I laugh.

We are still walking now. You can almost see my apartment. "By the way, I don't work at the shop. I forgot you don't know," he paused and laughed a little, "I work here because one of the waiters died this summer. And my grandparents own the coffee shop so I just help them with it till a new waiter gets hired. Someone did call them like this week-" he pauses a little bit with a... realization? "So does that mean you will be leaving?" I said as a smile disappeared from my face and a worried face appeared. I finally started to like someone. This can't be happening...

"Yeah... I don't know how I forgot to tell you. I'm sorry... I live pretty far so I don't think I will be coming back here soon." He says. As the words leave his mouth everything breaks. Everything stops. I finally found someone that I like. This can't be happening. We became such good friends and now... And mainly I fell in love with him.

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