Prologue- Final Moments...

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3rd Person POV with Lorinia

Lorinia had known something like this would happen... She was just expecting it from a different person...

As the first dark shadows of the approaching Leviathans started to pierce through the atmospheric storms meant to protect the planet, she immediately thought of the daughter currently with her.

She scooped her up to hurry her to the pod launch bay area outside their village that was usually reserved for Chryionan departures.

Unfortunately, all the central pods were struggling to load people on as it was and Lorinia knew she needed to get her daughter off the planet as soon as possible.

So, after some searching in the older maintenance wing, she found an older but not quite outmoded pod and put her daughter in, giving her one last hug while whispering into her ear,

"Find your sister when the time is right."

Just before she hit the button on the pod's console to close the window hatch and another button on the launch console outside to send the pod off.

Lorinia waved as she watched her daughter leave before hurrying back to her village to retrieve her Tool to at least try and fight off some of the invaders.

*MRAOW!* *Lorinia!*

A cat-like yowl sounded and was translated in Lorinia's head as she saw that her family's guardian Granaphora, Gora, was running out from their growth with her Tool in one of her spines just as a blast from an overhead Leviathan demolished their home and sent the two of them flying to the ground.

When she pushed herself back to her feet she saw five Chitauri soldiers closing in on them with their blasters raised.

"I don't suppose any of you would be willing to stand down honorably, would you?" Lorinia asked as she fully stood up straight with Gora by her side, her tail and antennae puffed and raised in defensive fury, and was answered with some unintelligible snarls as they readied their blasters.

"I supposed that was expected..." Lorinia gave a slight shoulder shrug before the Chitauri unleashed a barrage of fires but she simply raised her Tool, an umbrella made from Zephamore wood and entwining with vines and topped with a water lily-like flower with smaller buds growing out from it, and twirled it in front of them creating an energy barrier that took the force of the shots.

When the soldiers stopped, dumbfounded as to how she was able to stop their weapons, Lorinia snapped her Tool shut and muttered,

"My turn..."

Before she whipped her Tool in front of her to unleash a powerful arc-shaped wave of blue energy that all but sliced the soldiers in half, leaving their remains on the ground.

"It still isn't easy even after all these years..." Lorinia looked down mournfully at the bodies before she felt a spine entwine on her wrist.

*You're doing what you must...* Gora tried to assure her actions but Lorinia still looked mournful before shaking her head and she took off running off in the direction of the village with Gora following while still being linked to her.

*We must check to see if Lumna was able to make it off the planet.* Gora urged through their bond and Lorinia knew she was thinking of the navigation and tracking console in the main Chryionan base on the other side of the village.

When they arrived, Lorinia skidded to a halt at the horrific sight in front of her; bodies of fellow Chrysintheans and Granaphoras were laid to waste with blast marks, pierced gashes, and slashing wounds covering their bodies but their regeneration wasn't kicking in signaling that they were killed with Alculan metal and clouds of dust raised from blasts from the Leviathans covered nearly the whole area. In the distance they could hear the shrieks of flocks of Josichs and Waikivos being slaughtered as well as it seemed that their entire planet and all living beings were a target for genocide.

A cloud of dust started dissipating, allowing the two of them to see a large figure in the distance, the one currently destroying their home; the Mad Titan Thanos.

They hurried to hide behind, as luck would have it, the aquatic plants stall that belonged to Lorinia as they heard the Titan slashing down every Protector that came to try and stop him and Lorinia contemplated her options before looking down at her Tool, in particular, the small bump that was set in the middle of the shaft.

"Gora." Lorinia looked down at the Granaphora before kneeling in front of her to instruct, "Take my Tool and hide it."

Holding it out to her and she looked at it before pushing it away with a spine to argue,

*You need it.*

"No, they need it and I need to keep it out of their hands until my daughters return after the Alignment..."

*I don't understand...*

"I don't expect you to right now..." Lorinia smiled ruefully as she admitted, "Even I don't fully understand but I do know this; Lumna and Astra will return here because of what Nekry is planning and they will need this to stop him."

Lorinia placed her Tool into her spines again, this time Gora took it before placing a paw on Lorinia's hand to ask sorrowfully,

*You're not coming back are you?*

Lorinia hesitated before telling her,

"I need you to find the girls and make sure they're safe but also make sure they don't become angry for what happened here..."

*You didn't answer my question...*

"Please... just.. please promise me Gora..." Lorinia was pleading at this point as she cupped her hands around her paw and a few seconds of tense silence passed before Gora answered solemnly,

*I promise...*

Before she unraveled her spine from Lorinia's wrist and ran off without looking back to disappear through a cloud of smoke with the Tool in her grasp.

Lorinia gazed down at her clenched and slightly shaking fists before a *Boom!* brought her back to reality and she stood back up and walked back out into the clearing, summoning some water from nearby phytotelmata pockets from some of the giant marine flowers that were in her stall.

'I'm sorry girls...'

"Thanos!" She shouted getting his attention before she charged at him with the ring of water around her forming smaller spheres just as Thanos raised his blade and the two were set to clash.

1213 Words

AN- Welcome to Rediscovering Home!

This story has been a looong while in the planning so it feels really great to finally be working on and publishing it after all these years (even if these first few chapters aren't completely planned out ^^; but thankfully I'll be having tons of free time between work shifts over Thanksgiving break to work on them) Also, the cover is just temporary since I want to actually draw it this time because Canva doesn't allow a lot of good stuff to be used unless you're a Canva Pro member

There are a lot of things that are going to be revisited and brought together from all the "crumbs" that are mentioned in previous chapters from both "Galactic Surge" and "Rising from the Ashes" so be sure to really read closely if you wanna try to figure out what's going to happen or, if you're a new reader or just haven't revisited the first two books, that's cool too and a lot of stuff from the previous books will be mentioned/summarized

Until the next chapter, Bye!

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