1. A Rueful Tray of Tacos

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Birds were chirping, and the afternoon sky was extra clear this Friday. Students were chattering in the hallways of Seongjong High School. But not Cho Eunbi.

Cho Eunbi: the girl with the second highest grades all year. And last year. Plus the year before that. The girl everyone knew for her grades, and her looks, and of course, her rich parents. People stared at her as she strided past the hallways with her head held high, but no one noticed the way her fists were clenched so tight they were white. The test scores that were about to be given to her in class were from one of the biggest tests of the semester, and if she got anything less than 100... she didn't even know what her dad was gonna do.

She took a deep breath, before clutching the polished brass handle of the door and twisting it. She wearily eyed the pile of papers that were being counted by Mr. Yang and walked to her seat, preparing for what was about to come.

Eunbi's eyes slightly widened as he started to stand up, handing out the test papers towards the eager students. One girl threw around high fives, cheering at her 85. Others crumpled the paper and stuffed it into the depths of their bag, so they never have to look at it again. She started to violently shake her leg as she awaited her test score- until the man neared her desk.

"Congratulations Cho," the aged man smiled at her, eyes crinkling fondly at one of his best students, before gently placing the paper on her desk. She held her breath as she read the score. Her eyes flicked across her paper as her hands started to twitch. A 99. Again. She clenched her fists as Mr. Yang announced the toppers.

"And the toppers of the exam are- of course, Cho Eunbi and Kang Taehyun!" She could hear her classmates groan.

"They always get the top marks!" Someone whined, as other people glared at the two. The man settled the kids down, and started to lecture them on how grades weren't everything, but unfortunately, no one really listened. Eunbi stared at her fingers, which started to tap on her desk repeatedly. She tuned the man's words out as the anxious taps grew louder. All of a sudden she felt a kick to her leg, making her flinch in surprise. Eunbi turned around, coming face to face towards the smug boy.

"The hell you want?" the girl spat. He shrugged.

"Your leg looked kickable." Taehyun said nonchalantly, and she pursed her lips, slightly covering her grade with her palm as she met his big brown eyes.

"And so does your dick, darling." He cringed at the thought as he slowly closed and pressed his legs against each other. Eunbi chuckled at the slight horror on his face and her eyes trailed back to her paper. Taehyun, who had caught on, glanced at it, and scoffed.

"A 99 again? If you wanted help, you could always ask me, darling." Taehyun said tauntingly as his confidence came back, before leaning forward and knocking her head lightly with his fist. Eunbi grabbed his wrist and twisted it. He grabbed her wrist back and twisted it back without blinking as her eyes widened.

"Ow!" Eunbi snatched her sore wrist back and shot him a glare. He smiled innocently, before a loud voice projected through the room.

"Cho Eunbi!"

Eunbi looked at Haneul, her best friend, who was currently screaming across the classroom as the school bell rang, signifying it was time for lunch. She frowned in confusion and the girl jogged across the sleek wooden floor and slammed her palms on the expensive white desk, making everyone, including the teacher, glare at her in displeasure.

"It's Taco Day! Hurry!" She didn't even have a chance to respond as Haneul clutched her now sore wrist, swiftly picking her up from her seat. "They even have extra cheese this time." The brown haired girl widened her eyes, making it sound like a gift from the gods. Eunbi rolled her eyes, but the corners of her mouth started to drool a bit. Taehyun grinned, watching the scene unfold in front of him.

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