8. Sticks and Stones Do Break My Bones

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When they reached her room, she gestured for him to sit down on the bed as she rushed towards the bathroom to find a first aid kit. Taehyun stood awkwardly in the middle of the blue room, looking around once the door shut behind him.

He stared at an almost empty room. It lacked pictures and posters, but the only thing that set it apart from a model room was the dull yet golden trophy that was atop of a dusty bookshelf. It sat behind a stack of chemistry books, but its color caught his keen eyes. It was almost like it was hidden away.

He looked around, making sure no one was coming, before gently picking up the small object. He stared at the metal plate pasted on the bottom. Vocal and Instrumental Championships - Cho Eunbi: 3rd Place. He was about to study it further when the door opened revealing Eunbi holding up the first aid kit, staring at the label.

"I finally found the kit so you can ju-" The girl stopped as she looked up at the shocked guy. "...what are you doing?"

Taehyun stood frozen in his place, awkwardly holding the metal object.

"I didn't know you sang." Eunbi's face turned into a scowl as she glared at him uncomfortably.

"I don't."

"But why does it have a music note?" The guy pressed. She sighed with her brows knitted together.

"Its none of your business'" She muttered sharply, about to grab the trophy back when he pushed her hand away. He held the trophy higher- high enough that she couldn't reach it- much to her annoyance. He grinned cheekily at her glare, before she looked behind him in horror, casping hyer hands over her mouth.

He frowned and looked behind him. Wrong move. She grabbed his arms and snatched the trophy from his hands. Taehyun looked back immediately and groaned in disappointment.

"Sit down." The guy followed her demand as she started looking through the box. After a moment, she looked up at him again. "Can you um," She paused. "Can you roll your sleeve up to your shoulder? I need to see the cut."

As he rolled it up, she took out some disinfecting wipes and tried to clean the cuts. Taehyun jolted from the sudden sting, making her mutter sorry. She tried to hold him still while gently hovering the cotton ball over the cut.

He watched her nimble hands precisely wipe the blood off the cut. Someone's obviously had some experience with this, he thought as his eyes shifted to her face. Her low eyes flicked around the cut, making sure she was disinfected the whole thing. She stayed focused as her lower lip jutted slightly outward, forming a small pout. Taehyun nimbled on the inside of cheek out of habit, before looking away. The last thing he wanted was to get caught checking her out by the said girl. As he went back to studying his plain surroundings, his thoughts inevitably went back to Eunbi. Why was she even doing this? Perhaps out of guilt. But why? It wasn't her fault. He argued with himself, before he even noticed her pick up a cotton ball. Dabbing it in some peroxide, she held down his arm, hovering

"This might sting a little, so brace yourself."

Taehyun winced, veins popping out his hands as he shut his eyes in pain. She dropped the cotton ball.

"Hey! Quit it!" She started to bandage up the cut. She patted the now sealed cut gently, yet still making the boy wince in pain. "There you go. I'm done." Taehyun let out a relieved sigh, as he looked up at her. Eunbi kept frowning at him. "Which means you can stop giving me that look now." He raised his eyebrows in shock, before he became aware of his creased eyebrows and tense eyes. He tried his best to ease his eyebrows, before touching his shoulder gently.

"It'll still sting for a few," Eunbi stated as Taehyun's nose slightly scrunched up, in a bit of a cute manner. Eunbi blinked and looked away. Taehyun followed her gaze however, and as she was tending to the cut, he finally mustered up the courage to ask the burning question.

"Why are you even helping me in the first place?" Eunbi's eyes flicked up at him, the setting sun having a transparent glow on her big brown eyes. Taehyun had to look away. Not this again.. Control yourself you idiot. Eunbi stayed quiet for a moment.

"Because I'm that much of a good person." She replied quickly, she looked up at him again.

"Take some notes, pretty boy." Taehyun scoffed.

"Like shit you are!" he said, his voice raising an octave in an effort to hide his burning cheeks. She thinks I'm pretty? Eunbi rolled her eyes.

"Does it still hurt?" She asked, scowl evident on her face, but voice softer. Taehyun slightly flexed his bare arm, before blinking in surprise. Eunbi was quick to look away. Had she been so stupid to not notice his bare arm that she was tending to the entire time?

"I actually don't feel anything!" He couldn't hide his surprise. She had quite some skill in first aid. Eunbi was quick to keep her scowl, but what was this warm feeling inside of her? It's been a while since she felt this proud. God she was so compliment-deprived. Taehyun got up and checked his watch. It was 8 in the evening. He didn't want to leave so soon. Much less go back home. He loved his dad but sometimes it got lonely even when he was home, from all the work calls and meetings he had regularly.

Eunbi looked at him, staring at his watch. Her parents were fortunately out of town, so she didn't have to worry about them for the next few days. However she did feel a bit lonely. The perks of being rich huh? Eunbi looked out at the setting sun. It was getting dark, and it would be hard for a young teenager like him to be walking all alone, especially since he was the son of the CEO. Since his identity was hidden from most people, there was no need for a bodyguard. But it would still be dangerous. It irked her that she didn't want him to get hurt, but she decided against it.

"It's getting late. It's dangerous for you to be walking alone like this at night." She started, cheeks heating up. Taehyun looked up at her in surprise, before his face broke out into a mischievous grin.

"Wow, how considerate you are," He batted his eyelashes and clasped his hands together. Making the girl lightly shove him in annoyance. Taehyun giggled a bit.

"Like I said, it's not safe. So I won't let you out." Taehyun went silent for a while, making Eunbi shrink from the awkward silence.

"Isn't that... locking me in?"

"Uh-" Eunbi had to admit, she was doing this for her own selfish benefits. She didn't want to be alone. Although she hated her parents, she was still grateful when they were home. She really dreaded being alone. "I was offering help! But fine, go out and get kidnapped. I don't give a shit," She grumbled before opening her door, gesturing to him to leave. Taehyun hesitated. He didn't want to go home to be honest. His dad was most likely going to be in work meetings, making him feel more alone than he would be away from home. He glanced at the door, and then back at the awaiting girl, missing her hopeful eyes. He sighed in defeat.

"Fine." The girl perked up at his words. "I'll stay."

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