Chapter 27

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Nayeon's pov

I already spent 4 months in my 1 year hiatus i think it's time for me to make my bucket list come true.I went to my husband's company and tell him about what i'm thinking.Once i opened the door i saw him massaging his temples and he looks tired he didn't noticed me so i went to him quietly.

"I know your there."He suddenly said and made me jump slightly.

"Ugh it was supposed to be a surprise."

"No one can surprise me."

"Are you okay? You look tired do you want help?"

"Ugh yeah i'm so tired did you bring food? I'm starving."

"Of course love wait i'll prepare it for you."

"Thanks love."I prepared his meal,got some utensils and gave it to him.

"Here eat."

"Can you feed me?"

"Of course."I was ready to get some food for him but he grabbed my waist and made me sit on his lap.I looked at him shocked and he just smirked at me.I fed him until all the food was gone.

"Thanks for the meal love."He kissed my cheeks and i did the same.

"Anything for you.By the way there's a reason why i'm here love i have something to tell you."

"What is it?"He stared at my eyes and i know his nervous idk why.

"I want to go on a vacation."

"Without me?"

"Of course that's why i have a hiatus to make time for myself."

He made those puppy eyes and pouted.

"Don't give me that look kim seokjin you're busy with work so it's better if you stay here."

"But i wanna go i don't want you to look with other guys."

"Who you says i'm looking for other guys? I already have a husband his smart,handsome,rich,sweet and super hot.See? I already have the guy i was dreaming to have when i was a child."

"But i wanna come."I rolled my eyes and i was going to stand but he wouldn't let me.He kept kissing my neck i don't know why he kept doing this.

"Jin stop."

"I won't."He kept doing it until he reached to my cleavage.I didn't push him away cause i kinda like it.His door creaked open and i quickly jump off from his lap and pretended to tidy some things in his office.

"Umm excuse me sir am i bothering?"
It was my husband's assistant.

"No.What do you want?"

"I just want you to sign this and i just wanted to remind you that you have a meeting in 2:00 pm sharp."

"Ok all done you can go."

"Thank you sir."

When the door closed he ran to it and locked it and went to my direction smirking.

"Now where were we?"He was about to carry me to the table but i stopped him.

"Sorry love we can't do this here you have a meeting remember?"

"But it's still 12."

"So? You have to get ready."

"Fine."He still carried me to his ergonomic chair and and i sat on his lap.He was working while i'm still on his lap leaning on his shoulder using my phone.When i looked at the time it was already 1:40 so i reminded him his meeting.

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