Chapter three: Garu's Confession

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Pucca was shocked when Garu was in her bedroom. Crap.. Garu thought as a decent dark crimson was creeping across their faces. Garu started to talk.

Garu: Ummmm... Pucca I am really sorry.

Pucca: Garu why are you in my bedroom!?!?!

Garu: I-I just wanted to tell you something. 0///0

Pucca: Ok, so what do you wanna tell me.

Garu: I really do like you, Pucca. I hid that secret deep away.

Pucca: Oh my goodness. I am flattered.

As garu was going to go, he felt a forceful peck on the mouth. It was the peck of Pucca, which Garu really missed honestly. So, Garu gave pucca a kiss. ON THE LIPS. Pucca was super suprised and deep crimson.

I know it was a short chapter, but yeah, do you like how it turned out?
Oh, and sorry this chapter came out late. My wifi was glitching.

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