The Confession

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Earlier today, you left a message for Lio to find. A small note said the following:

"Meet me in the abandoned apartments at noon."

In one of the ruined flats, you waited for him with your back next to the wall. Every minute filled you with impatience. Broken furniture and windows littered. It wasn't exactly the most romantic spot, but anything else was too open.

Then you see him at the doorway. With that familiar lime-blonde hair, fuschia eyes, and leather outfit, who else could it be? You swallowed at the thoughts that littered your mind.

"You wanted to discuss something?"

"Yeah..." You forced yourself to walk closer. Every detail about him was overwhelmingly beautiful. "Can I ask you a quick thing first?"

"Sure." It's blunt and to the point. Butterflies began to flutter about in your stomach at the sound of his voice. You refused to meet his gaze.

"What do you think about me?" A brief silence is heard.

"You're someone to rely on. So, a friend." His brows lowered, confused.

"Would it be okay... if we were something more? I think I love you." You could feel your face reddening as words poured out. "You're different from all the other boys I've met. Galo's too loud and out there, the others are taken or only bring me down. But you? You make me feel complete. I want to be by your side 'til the end. Anything to be with you is enough for me."

After confessing your entire heart out, what meets you is an awkward stare. His fuschia eyes briefly widened, but he bore no smile. No blushing. Something was wrong here.

"I see..." A gloved hand was raised to his chin. He contemplated. Eyes looked you up and down.

"It's just... You're really cool and the only one I-."

"I'm sorry."

"... What?" All the red in your face drained away.

"I don't feel the same." Arms now folded, he straightened himself out. He continued onward. "I appreciate it, but to be honest, there's someone else. Said person... I'm sure you know." No need to guess who. You already said his name earlier. "Even if I didn't, I don't believe it's time for me to be in a relationship. Besides, I'm sure you would be better off with someone else."

Your heart that was once set aflame immediately silenced itself. Dread filled your body with every word. Every emotion took hold of you as you considered crying before feeling a hand on your shoulder.

"If it makes you feel better, I can understand where you're coming from. I don't want to dismiss your feelings here. If anything, I'm glad you told me. Just... I don't feel that way."

"Right..." As Lio lifted his hand away, you realized how touch-starved you were. How desperate for affection you were. It hurt.

"By the way, would you mind not telling Galo about this? Don't want to force him to do that."

You nodded, but deep down knew you were too upset to keep that promise.

Confession (Reader and Lio Fotia Promare Fic)Where stories live. Discover now