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Jen's pov

Tae ! Listen to me it's about my career. i will comeback to you tae . I promise you that I will never fall in love with someone else.i tried to convince him. Ok Jen, it's your life do whatever you want.tae said in a sad tune .

On the day when I was leaving korea

Bye tae !! Bye mum bye dad take care of yourself. I love you always remember that. Bye oppas !!! Take care of Lisa and chae . I m leaving them on you .

End of the flashback

Jen's pov

It's been 6 years and finnally i will get to see tae ,mum-dad and my friends . I'm so excited!!!! I said in excitement to my roommate who is just like my sister . Jennie-aah we r going to miss you ! She said in a sad tune . Me too sista but i have promised them that i will return after my study finish that's why I have to go . I said to her which made her smile a Lil .

Time pass at the airport

Bye Jen !! All of my friends said . I bid my goodbye to them and boarded my flight. I didn't told any of them that i m coming to korea. I m going to give them a surprise. I would love to see there reactions. I smiled to myself thinking of tae's reaction he will be so happy !!.

Time passes in Korea

Jen's pov

I just landed in Korea . I decided to get a bus . I entered the bus and saw a familiar person with a unfamiliar girl . I tooked my seat just beside them and tooked a glance and noticed that it was tae with some other girl . Tae!! I said happily and loud enough for him and the girl hear me . They looked at me and tae was shocked to see me . He whispered my name slowly. We got off the bus at the stop and i hugged me so tight but he didn't hugged me back and pushed me away . I was shocked by his actions . Jennie what are you doing here ??!! I thought you are never coming back. Tae said rudely .he is changed for sure .

Tae what's wrong with you i promised to comeback...

So guys sorry for a short chapter and whole mess in the first chapter but i promise for twists and turns in upcoming story . I promise of your entertainment.

Lub uhh!!

one that got away (taennie+vsoo)Where stories live. Discover now