Part 2 - Inquisition

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A/N: As promised! Part 2 ;) Enjoy!

    After sweeping the outdoor crime scene at Murdock Park, I came up with no fingerprints, no witness reports to take. Not even a clue as to the type of gun used on the victim. My vision had come too late again. I couldn't cheat death in this way. Just because I had this gift...

    A hand touched my shoulder, and I flinched away. It was only Jack. He had an elderly woman behind him, and she was introduced as the victim's grandmother. She'd had full custody over the young victim, and was taken in to file a report for her granddaughter's untimely death. "She was at the wrong place at the wrong time. That's all there is to it," She whimpered to the reception desk attendant - Jerry Sacks. Jerry nodded throughout the entire story, and I quickly assessed the room.

    The KPD station was most likely the tallest building in Killman, as well as the most crowded at times. Opening 24/7, the station had seen so much; almost more than I had. The entire first floor of the facility was mainly for progressing cases, hooligans and pranksters. The major crime-offenders were usually sent to a surrounding city for safety purposes. This first floor was also home to our investigation room. The second and third floor were simply offices and cubicles for the police officers, as well as the members of PASS. Our boss, Adam Bridges, was situated on the second floor, and my fellow supernatural detectives and supporters remained on the very top floor.

    PASS was a program designed and introduced only a year earlier. Being a relatively new program, PASS was my boss's idea. He'd recruited beings with a talent that was crucial in ridding crime from the streets of Killman. I was one of the first in this unique faction. We all had a special skill that was used from time to time, but there weren't that many of us. The human cops easily outnumbered our special task force. Most of them had no idea what we could do. In time, Adam hoped to change that.

    When the paperwork was finished and filed, I took the time to gather my bearings. Another shooting... Could it really be connected to Cassie's ill-timed death? If it truly was the same killer, why would he come back to Killman? To kill more innocent people? It was a theory I was no doubt skeptical towards, given the lack of hard evidence. Whoever had did this must've known what they were doing. This scheme of theirs was all too perfect. Too convenient.

    It was about to get worse.


    I woke up to screams in my head and darkness behind my eyelids. The visions were back with a fierce vengeance and an insistent nature. Arching my back in pain, I tried to focus on something besides death and agony. Every image was brief, as was the death itself. Another shooting.


    The vision ended, and I was left panting. I'd had to deal with my... "condition" for ten years. Being a 10-year-old with visions of death and horror, blood and gore, wasn't the best in the world, especially when my parents had gone missing a few years later. For a long time, I'd grown accustomed to these visions, but they were so unpredictable. It scared me.

    I wasn't the only one. May came barreling in - probably alarmed by my piercing scream - and looked ready to punch something. "What is it? What's wr-" She stopped, met my gaze, and instantly relaxed. "Oh... " She dropped her head. "Another one, huh?"

    "You think I'd be used to these by now. I have them at least once a week, but something's wrong."

    "Hmm?" May grunted with a curious look. I shrugged my shoulders. "The visions are similar to one another for once. All of them have been shootings."

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