Part 3 - Intuition

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A/N: Ahh, the awaited conclusion...So ready for you all to read it *evil chuckle* Enjoy! ;)

  "Brunch?" I echoed my partner's words. They didn't seem to fit the situation. Jack laughed as he drove the two of us down the dirty road of Killman, Illinois. We passed many empty intersections, and at 9 in the morning, it was perfectly understandable. With the high crime rate. Killman was deserted most of the time, especially at night.

   "Are we going back to Barb's again?" I asked next, confusion setting in. No, we were heading in the opposite direction of the diner. We were going near the very south edge of town; the city limits, as the fleeting visitors and passersby call them.

   Jack ignored my sudden suspicion, and kept on driving. His body was relaxed, the opposite of my tense one. I didn't like this, wherever we were going. "Jack, I'm serious," I pressed impatiently. "Where are we-?" I stopped speaking altogether when I saw the brick building. The run-down convenience store composed of chipped red brick. The store located near the "Welcome to Killman" sign that stood in a crooked and grotesque fashion.

   I knew this place. I hadn't wanted to return to Massacre Place, the convenient store where my sister's life had been taken all too soon. I remembered the vision I'd gotten suddenly that very night. Blood, so much blood... The bullet hadn't gone through her head; it was lodged in her shoulder. Another bullet to her stomach, her ribs, her pelvis. Bullet after bullet tore through Cassie, and I felt every blow; every breath was painful, and I never got a look at the murderer's face. He'd taken joy in Cassie's demise, I assumed that much.

   "Jack," I uttered the name softly, gaining my partner's attention. "Yeah?"

   "Why'd you bring me here?" Every word that left my mouth struggled to escape. Ripping at my esophagus like bitter acid. Jack's face softened. "You know the investigation is starting up again. I wanted your opinion on the scene before I called reinforcements."

   I said nothing in response, too shocked to speak a word. I trudged toward the old, decaying doors of the abandoned shop. The place had been shut down after the robbery, and I could see that no one had bothered to repair any damage. As soon as I passed over the threshold, taking in the rusty atmosphere and dust-coated store I felt a strange energy emitting from deep within. Jack flipped the grimy light switch, bathing the place in a florescent beam. I looked straight ahead, following the feeling that pulled me in. It was coming from the cash register...

   "Kat?" Jack called from far away, and I almost didn't hear him. Something was in that cash register.

   "Kat, what are you doing?"

   I said nothing.


   I moved until I was before the register, black and unused. It had only been two years, but this shop made it seem like decades. My fingertips brushed the buttons, and instinctively, I pressed down on one of the keys. The cash register popped open, and where money should have been was a note.

   A note addressed to me.

   Stunned to say the least, I took the crinkling paper and held it up to the light, inspecting it. "It's for me?" I murmured to myself. Deciding to take some risks, my curiosity got the better of me. I unfolded the parchment and found a handwritten letter, signed in cursive. I recognized the name at the bottom.

   Natalie King.

   "Mom," I breathed, then slowly read the letter in its entirety:

My dearest Katherine,

   I'm sorry your Father and I had to leave you and your sister to fend for yourselves. We only did what we did to protect you. Your power is too great an asset in the wrong hands. Keep the secret hidden until you believe it's time to use your gift for the greater good. You, Katherine, have inherited my gift of premonition. You already knew that, though. You also inherited something from your Father: the ability to see another's past. As this is truly rare, you, my daughter, have been blessed with a combination of two immense powers. Call your gift "Intuition", for that is what our ancestors called it. Be smart, trust yourself and those who support you, and remember that I love you and your sister, and will miss you. Never forget your bloodline.

With love,

Natalie King

   I was shaking by the end, tears springing in to my eyes. Mom... did what she'd done to protect me from wrongdoers? She's seen the future, and she knew what I'd eventually become. I fell deeper into the void of sadness, and I remained that way until Jack pulled me out with his voice. "Kat, are you okay? You're crying."

   I wiped my face, hastily smearing the tears that speckled my pale cheeks. "I'm fine now. I just found my closure." Instead of asking me what I meant, Jack smiled brightly at me. "I'm glad to hear that... but what about your sister?"

   Cassie King... Her death had been an accident, hadn't it? Mom said nothing about them targeting Cassie... What if the shooting hadn't been random? Would I ever know?

   I sat up straighter, letting the note fall to the floor. "Like I said," I told Jack. "I've found my closure. I've moved on, and I'm sure my sister has, too."

   "Are you sure?" Jack asked, his smile widening. I mirrored him. "Cassie would want to me to let go of my anger for her death. All this time, I blamed myself. It could've been an accident, but does that really matter anymore?"

   Jack said nothing; obviously waiting for an answer. I thought back on the letter, about my secluded relationships. May, Jack, PASS, my boss... even my parents, who had left a bigger mystery than they'd probably imagined.

   Intuition... My power as Mom had stated.

   I patted my partner on the shoulder. "Let's scope the store for prints. I'm sure we'll come up with something."


   "The camera caught this?" The detective asked hesitantly, gloved hand hovering over the metallic mouse on the keypad. Her partner nodded, a frown plastered on his face. Kat King wanted answers, and she was about to get them. Scrolling over the screen, Kat zoomed in on the fuzzy picture bursting with static.

   "It looks like..." The zoom feature was maxed out, and Kat was becoming impatient.

   "Kat." Her hand froze at the sound of her partner's voice. "Yes?"

   "I don't want you to be disappointed. What if you can't see their face?"

   Biting her lip, Kat pressed on, scanning the video tape from front to back. Nothing but static and the gun shots she'd heard in her vision. "Damn it," the psychic grumbled. "I can't make out-" The words caught in her throat when the screen suddenly focused. It had focused on a face. A familiar one.

   "No..." Kat whimpered. "No, it can't-" Her body had gone stiff, fear freezing her reflexes. From behind her Jack clicked his tongue in disdain. "I guess you saw it, after all."

   Kat couldn't speak; couldn't believe it. That face...


   "I'm sorry."


A/N: Well, thanks for reading, everybody! ;) Glad you enjoyed the story - sorry if it was kinda rushed near the end (still working on pacing :P ) I don't think this will be a stand alone short story, but I want to know people's opinions before creating more material :) Maybe expand upon the other members of PASS? Maybe ^__^ Regardless, thanks for reading ;) Hope you enjoyed <3

Picture: Inspiration for this chapter :D

Song: Another Way Out by Hollywood Undead

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