Chapter 6

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As soon as all the light went red The Other Sam said "what the hell is going on?" Dean then said back to him "I have no idea, but whatever it is, it's not good." After everyone expects Sandy pulled there guns out from the back of there pants and they all left the dungeon room to see what the hell was going on down here and as they were all walking down the hallway with there gun posed and Sandy behind them all, Josh suddenly stopped walking with them as he could sense something so he started following the feeling he was getting while the other keep on walking and as they got back into the main area of the bunker and at the other end of the room Urial and Xephros was standing there and Urial said "look at what you have found here." They all then quickly turned to where they were and saw then standing there and Sam then said "I'm guess your the angles." Urial then said as him and Xephros started walking towards them "and you must be the Winchesters." Dean then said "you make it sounds like we're famous." Xephros then said "trust me your not, more like a pain in our ares." Dean then said "we'll you know I do aim to please." Xephros then cracked a laugh and said back to that "I like you." Dean then said back as he walked up to him "we'll thank you but I don't really wanna be pals with a demon scum like you." Xephros then tensed his face and then before Dean knew it Xephros then head butted Dean and that sent him down to the ground and as soon as that happen then Both Sam's and Bobby went on Urial and Xephros and when both Sam got up to Urial and Sam quickly fire off a couple of bullets that did nothing to Urial apart form injured his vessel and he then quickly grabbed the hand that Sam was holding his gun in and then he twisted his arm around and kicked him to the floor and quickly then grabbed The Other Sam by the neck and threw him across the room sending him crashing into a book shelf that was on the other side of the room, but Sam quickly got up to his feet max quickly managed to lay a couple of punched on Urial around the face and in the stomach and then The Other Sam came running back in a smack Urial around the face and that sent him down to his knees when Sam came in with the demon knife and went into stable Urial with it and it managed to pierce Urial skin right in his arm but as soon as the knife enter Urial he quickly grabbed Sam and smacked him around the face and threw him into the nearest wall, when The Other Sam went in to hit Urial again he quickly dodge the punch and got back to his feet and then kicked The Other Sam to the ground and then picked him up with one hand and just started punching him around the face over and over again.

With Bobby and Dean as they was running towards Xephros they both opened fire on him unload as many bullets as he could but all they did when they bin him was slow him down a second or too but before Bobby and knew it Xephros grabbed there gun out of his hand and threw it across the room and he then punched Dean right in the throat sending him to the ground chocking and then Bobby quickly managed to get a punch on him and then one instead in the stomach but then Xephros swiped out Bobbys's leg, sending him down to the ground and he then went in to punch Bobby but he quickly moved out of the way and then managed to grab the demon knife and once he got that he jumped to his feet and went in with the knife and managed to cut Xephros a couple of times with the knife and he just said to Bobby "come on now you know that won't kill me." Bobby then said back "yeah I know but it makes you bleed so bite me." Xephros then just smiled and went in for a Bobby again and while Bobby was occupying him Dean came up behind him and charged into the back of him send him to the ground so Dean could then get a couple of punches on him before Xephros then manage to head butt Dean sending him of Xephros but before he could get to his feet Bobby came running at him with the demon knife and stabbed it straight into his hand and then got a punch around his face before Dean managed to get back to his feet and then help Bobby hold him down a bit longer.

While this was going on Sandy and manage to leave the main room without any of them noticing and she went back to the dungeon room and started looking though the flies trying to find something that could stop them before they killed everyone but as she was doing that Josh has closed in on the room that was attracting him and as he got to the outside of this room, The Mark start the burn and glow on his arm and as soon as that started happening he then looked down at his arm and he could see the outline of the mark thought his jacket, Josh then reach for the door nob and opened the door to reveal that this room was an armoury and before he even walked in the room he could see the blade sitting right at the back of the room on a stand. Josh then walked straight into the room and over to the blade, when he got to it he looked at him for a second and then he reach out and pick up the blade and as soon as it touch his skin all these red veins went shoot up his arm towards the mark and Josh could see all of this vaguely though his jacket and then before he knew it this wave just hit him once the veins connected with the mark and it was this white hot rage as this hit him all Josh could do was take a massive breath but then all of a sudden Josh heard this massive crash and it instantly snapped it out of his trance and he then just quickly ran out of the room and towards the fighting.

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