Chapter 2

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"Do not run so quickly, girls. You are going to hurt yourselves!"

Visenya only giggled at her mother's warning and ran faster. Behind her came the pealing laughter of her sister and the pitter-patter of feet on cobble as Aegon chased them through the gardens of the Red Keep. Helaena did not want to play with them, the little girl choosing to lounge in the shade of the large pavilion and take a nap on their mother's lap. She had already exhausted herself by running after the butterflies that flittered around the flowers of the gardens.

The day had dawned hot and bright, and Visenya had risen with the first rays of light, awoken by Rhaenys' screams of terror. She always cried when she had one of her nightmares. Visenya was usually able to comfort Rhaenys by climbing into her bed, but she continued to cry and shake despite the soothing whispers. So, knowing that she needed to find the one person who could calm her sister, Visenya took the girl's hand in her own, and the two ran to their mother's chambers. The soldiers that stood guard at the doors did not stop the princesses to ask where they were going at such an early hour, merely following along at a leisurely pace. They had heard the girl's screams and knew where they were headed. This had happened enough times for them to know that they were on their way to the queen's rooms.

The first few nights after the screaming began, just shy of the twin's fifth name day, the guards had burst into the chambers, afraid that someone had managed to slip past their watch to harm the princesses. They had gone in weapons at the ready, weapons that were quickly sheathed when they realized the only thing attacking the youngest Targaryen were nightmares. The Queen had been called when the girl refused to settle, and it became a custom for them to run to their mother for comfort when the night terrors came upon the younger princess. On one occasion, when the queen was indisposed, they had sought comfort in their older brother, demanding to sleep in Aegon's bed and refusing to take no for an answer. This was where their mother had found them when she returned that morning. Alicent was awakened by the familiar creak of her door, and she sat up and opened her arms as soon as she saw her little girls. Rhaenys and Visenya ran to her and cuddled into her warm embrace, resting their heads on their mother's stomach. It was swollen with the child, and Rhaenys was convinced that the babe was a boy. Visenya, however, hoped for another sister. For her, one brother was more than enough, and she did not need another.

It had been Visenya's idea to have a day of relaxation in the gardens and Alicent, unable to deny the girls that small pleasure, had agreed. (She could hardly say no to one child when they gave her the puppy-eyes. The woman had stood no chance against a combined attack.) Alicent roused Aegon and Helaena from their slumber, had the maids prepare a luncheon for the family and her ladies-in-waiting, and brought her children to the gardens that were reserved for the royal family. She did not bother to invite Viserys to join them. Alicent was well aware that the man would make some excuse not to attend, and she would rather not spoil a lovely day with the reminder of Viserys' lack of interest in spending time with their children. Alicent watched as her babes (They were much too old to be referred to by that term, having already reached the ages of eight and six, but they would always be her babes no matter how old they were) laughed and played. She couldn't help but smile at their happiness. It reminded Alicent of the days of her childhood, running through the gardens of Old Town, laughing with her brothers, and playing with the children of nobles that had come to see her uncle. That was before her mother died, and her father brought her to court in King's Landing, leaving her brothers in the care of their uncle, the Lord of Hightower. Alicent released a sigh at the memories. It had been so long since she had felt so carefree. There was no time to play, not when she was the daughter of the Hand of the King. It had worsened when she became the companion of Princess Rhaenyra and now Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Her life as a child ended the moment she crossed the gates of King's Landing. People watched her every word and every move so she was always careful. She did not know whom she could trust as even the most loyal servants could someday betray her. Everyone had a price for their loyalty, and men could be bought as easily as a new dress. Alicent was not sure she could even fully trust all of her ladies-in-waiting.

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