Chapter 7

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Alicent spent the trip to the King's tourney in a state of unease. The selected tourney ground had been a clearing beyond the walls of the city. Pavilions bearing the banner of the houses of Westeros, great and small, created a wave of color that finally washed away the melancholy from her children and replaced it with excitement. The shouts of the crowd could be heard from the ground even though they were still a few minutes away and Alicent knew that Viserys' wagon had been spotted by the cheering of the smallfolk that thundered through the wheelhouse. She could see the steel of amour as they glinted in sun, the banners snapping in the gentle summer breeze, and the people as they went about preparing for the great fun that was to come. The scene should have filled Alicent with joy but she only felt a sense of dread welling within her. She remembered another tourney as grand as this, one that changed her life irrevocably in ways that she had never dreamed of. A tourney took place while a Queen screamed, a crown of blood roses was given to the Queen of Love and Beauty while the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms bled and died in the birthing bed. Pain radiated from her stomach and Alicent's breath caught in her throat. 'Please, my child,' Alicent begged, 'Please do not come yet. Now is not your time.'

Alicent and the children were led to the royal box amidst cheers from the small folk and the already gathered lords and ladies. Viserys was seated in the centre, a golden chair with dragons gracing its crown so grand that it could have been a throne. To the queen, it was obnoxious and ugly. Alicent and Rhaenyra were seated on his left and right respectively. Laenor sat to the right of his wife and to Alicent's left, was Daemon Targaryen. The Prince had opted not to compete in the tourney this year but he participated in other ways, mainly through the betting pool. Daemon had barely sat down before he started placing gold dragons on his chosen riders. Sitting in front of them were the children, the girls were placed on either side of their brother. The tourney had not started as yet but they were already giggling in excitement. Alicent could not help but smile as she looked at them. She wished that she could turn to a friend to do the same but there was no one to whom she could speak. Johanna and Maecy were too far away, Viserys was engrossed in a discussion with Rhaenyra, and Daemon was very much preoccupied with a flagon of wine. She did not think she would know what to say to him even if he was not. They had grown used to each other but that did not make them friends.

Before Alicent could give in to her desperation for conversation, Viserys rose from his seat to begin the tourney.

"Today is a fine day for such festivities and I thank you all for travelling such a long way to take part in my name-day celebrations. It is an even greater day as my daughter and heir, Princess Rhaenyra, has returned to King's Landing. May the Gods shine on all the combatants."

And the tourney began.

"It's quite a dull affair, isn't it?" Daemon asked, and Alicent chuckled at the boredom she could so clearly detect in his voice. The jousting had been going on for hours, and it was well into the evening. Many riders had entered the lists and many had left by elimination and death. Aegon, Rhaenys and Visenya had been escorted back to the Red Keep when most of the matches began to descend into bloodshed. After the first few rounds, Alicent had ceased to pay attention. Her mind was much more preoccupied with the increasing pangs that radiated from her belly. She only mustered an interest when Ser Criston rode into the arena. He was her sworn shield and she would show her support even if it was only by polite clapping. The man also wore her favour on his wreath and she would congratulate the man who rode in her honour.

"It is only boring for you because you are not competing. Why did you not join the lists?"

"Considering what happened the last time I entered the list for a tourney, I thought it best that I sit this one out. I am assuming your memories of another tourney are what is keeping you from telling your husband that your labours are about to begin."

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