Chapter 3

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Alicent knew of Daemon's presence in King's Landing, but it still surprised her to see him seated at the table when she was summoned to her husband's solar. She usually took her evening meal in her own chambers, with only her ladies-in-waiting and her children present. The king did not often join them, so there was no need to use the large dining hall. Alicent spent that time giggling at the antics of her children and conversing with her ladies, before sending the children off to their beds and beginning her own preparations for sleep, as long as she was not summoned to attend to Viserys in his rooms. Therefore, when Alayna Westerling, another of her ladies, called upon her and informed her that the king had requested that she and the children dine with him tonight, Alicent was overwhelmed by a feeling of dread. Not wanting to keep the king waiting, Alicent bid the maids to dress her quickly so that she could gather her children and make her way to the Viserys' quarters.

When they arrived, Alicent bowed to Viserys and instructed her children to do the same. Only Aegon, Visenya, and Rhaenys had accompanied her. The little Helaena was fast asleep in the nursery with the nurse maid watching over her. Alicent helped her children to their chairs before taking her own seat at the king's side, as was her place as the Queen. Daemon sat on Viserys' right, the place usually reserved for the Hand of the King. It made her uneasy to see the prince in what was once her father's seat. Alicent could feel Daemon's eyes on her. The gaze felt heavy, and she ached to pick at her fingers for want of something to do to avoid his stare. But it would not do to let him know that he had made her uncomfortable.

"Good day, husband, and good day to you as well, my prince. I hope that your journey to King's Landing was pleasant. If there is anything that you need during your time here, please let me know, and I will see it done."

Fortunately for Alicent, the maids began to set the table for the meal, so any further possible conversation was halted in favor of satiating their hunger. The spread that was brought forth was fit for a feast. White, flaky fish sautéed in butter and herbs; thick cuts of chicken resting on beds of vegetables, potatoes roasted with rosemary and thyme, and a thick, creamy soup. These were accompanied by various loaves of bread and pastries, along with an assortment of fruits and cheeses. In the hands of the maids were serving mugs, which, Alicent was certain, contained wines from Dorne and the Reach, the prince's favorites. (Alicent hoped the longing in her eyes as she glanced at the carafes of wine held in the servant's hands could not be seen by her dinner companions. She estimated that she would have to be well and truly drunk to get through this insufferable dinner. But alas, she was pregnant and would not consume one drop.)

Despite not having an actual feast (that, as Alicent would come to know, was scheduled for a later date, as a means of softening the lords of the realm to Daemon's more permanent return. Viserys thought that everything could be fixed with feasts and wine.), Viserys still spared no expense for the return of his dear brother. Alicent only wished that he showed the same enthusiasm to his children. For Aegon's second name day, Viserys had organized a hunt while he hosted a tourney for Rhaenyra. The twin's celebration was incredibly small and, if not for the ravens that were sent to the high lords, no one would know that a fourth child (third daughter) was born to the king by his lady wife. Such was the celebration of Helaena's birth. Rhaenyra and her husband, Laenor, had come to present 'their son,' Jacaerys, to the king. The birth of her daughter was overshadowed by the return of the Viserys' eldest child and the birth of his first grandchild, which was commemorated with a tourney. Her trueborn daughter was denied the celebration that should have righfully been hers, given away to a bastard. Because that was what 'Prince' Jacaerys was. Viserys refused to see what was right before his eyes, but Alicent was not so deep in denial as her husband. Jacaerys Velaryon was no child of Laenor's, bearing a very strong resemblance to the commander of the City Watch, Harwin Strong. Alicent had to answer Aegon's heartbreaking questions, the little one wondering why neither he nor his siblings ever had a tourney in their honor. She did not have the heart to tell him that it was because their father would never love them as much as he loved Rhaenyra.

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