[ DAY 7 ] - ❝cookies❞

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〞[ baking some cookies with scara]
‣... boyfriend! scaramouche x gn! reader
‣... fluff, scara is a tease, also modern au!
‣... foul language.
↳ 08:39 pm, 2022


Scaramouche hums, running his slim fingers through his dark locks as his eyes scan the paper on the counter in front of him. Long eyelashes brushes the apple of his cheeks softly with each concentrated blink, and his skin is rosy due to the warm temperature in the kitchen. He practically looked ethereal standing there, dressed only in his long pajama pants and fluffy oversized sweater that fell on his shoulders in such a pretty way, so you couldn't help but stare at him.

Longingly, with such an intense look that even he could feel. He is so beautiful, he should be illegal. He also chose to ignore the way you mentioned baking cookies and you didn't even move an inch until now. It is fine though, he didn't want you to burn the kitchen before holidays, cause he doesn't have the patience or the right mood right now to deal with that. Scaramouche was quite satisfied with you just watching and handing him stuff he needs.

He was already in the middle of doing the dough, so one of his hands was dirty with flour, using the other one to flip through the pages of the recipe book you borrowed from Xiangling once, and he kept raising his arms in the air to make the long sleeves fall back from his palms, but it was no use.

After a while of trying, he huffed, searching your lost gaze for help. "Stop gawking and help me with the sleeves, idiot. Unless you want these cookies to smell like me."

His silvery voice brings you out of your daydreaming and you jump from the chair immediately. He groans silently when you quite literally squeeze in between his body and the counter, taking his arms in your hands to do what he asked you to - or, actually, what he ordered you to do.

"What do you mean," you mumble sweetly, diverting his attention from the pages back to you. His gorgeous eyes meet yours, gulping subtly when he could find so many clear emotions inside your sparkly irises. You lean in to press a soft kiss on his jaw, as your arms wrap around his waist, inhaling the fresh scent of his cologne that you instantly fell in love with the first time you met him. "I love your scent more than anything."

Scara's clean hand touches your cheek, "you fucking weirdo..." he grumbles, but he secretly loves your pure affirmation. A giggle escapes your lips when he clears the distance between the two of you, eyes coming to close, waiting to feel his lips on yours, but the moment never comes.

Instead, you feel him smudge a fair amount of flour on your cheek. You squeak, lips parting in surprise when the small particles of flour fall on your collarbone, then makes their way inside your sweater, tickling your skin.

"You're such a dick!" You yell, trying to hide the smile blooming in the corner of your mouth when you see his mischievous smirk.

"You love me so much," he playfully whispers.

You then take a full fist of flour and throw it in his face. He couldn't dodge the full attack, now staring right back at you with an indescribable shock sketched on his features. He managed to block the majority of his face with his arms, but his dark locks are now covered in the white powder, flying everywhere when he shakes his head to get rid of it.

"Oh, it's on." He declares.

It's like a whole war started between the two of you after that: you ran after each other, throwing playful attacks and laughing your hearts out when you'd both tumble down as you tried to catch one another, and by the end of it the whole kitchen was covered in flour because neither of you liked to lose. It went like this for half an hour, you were both exhausted, resting in opposite parts of the room. His chest was heaving, soft pants leaving his rosy lips and he made the mistake of looking at you.

Right at the moment you decide to undress your sweater, shoulder being revealed by the oversized shirt he wore last night. The white powder indeed made its way deeper than he thought, and is now smudged all over your exposed collarbones.

A single drop of sweat falls slowly on his temple.

His heart starts beating faster.

"Stop looking at me like that, you started it!" You grumble before he could even say anything. You didn't notice the actual emotion hiding deep inside his indigo eyes, now darkened and clouded by an undisclosed desire and he raised his chin for a second, gazing down at you as he pushed himself off the chair.

He steps closer, caging you in between his arms and the counter.

"...Scara?" A confused mumble escapes your lips.

"Have I ever told you how much you fucking annoy me?"

His pointer comes up to touch the middle of your chest and your breath gets stuck in your throat, feeling his fingertips caress the skin of your collarbone, then move up your jaw until he grabs your chin and forces you to look at him. At his mesmerizing half-lidded eyes.

"I'm not finishing these stupid cookies," Scaramouche mutters against your lips. "Not until you stop acting like a needy bitch and help me." He gasps when your hand makes its way under his sweater, moving up to caress his warm skin until you rest them on his lower back.

He then leans in to capture your mouth in a kiss but you lean back, hearing his grumble of annoyance.

"Who's the needy bitch now, huh?"

He deadpans.

"I'm leaving-"

"Wait, no!"


✎••• author's note ノ
a bit self-indulgent cause I can't bake to save my life. someone pls teach me omfg!! also I am actually not satisfied with this chapter at all but uni is killing me and my inspiration...
↳ reyna ♡

©2022 -higashikata. do not copy, translate or repost my work.

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