1- 6th year already? damn

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September 1st 1976
James Potters Room, Potter Manor
8:36 am

'pst... bee. bee. pheebs. wake up.' james whispered as he got nothing in response he resorted to the only way he knows. 'PHOEBE! WAKE UP SUNSHINE' james chanted as he bounced up and down next to a sleeping phoebe

ever since first year, phoebe and james had a sleepover at james' house the night before hogwarts. ever since she was young (except for her first day of hogwarts) phoebe has been a pain in the ass to wake up. she's very violent in the mornings as james says

'i will fucking throw you out the window james potter if you don't lay the fuck back down and share the blanket because i'm fucking cold you blanket hog' phoebe grumbled into the pillow without moving a muscle or blinking an eye the whole speech

james' eyes widened at the girls words and almost instantly dropped down and slowly wrapped the blanket around the girl and blushed very deeply at the close proximity of him and the girl as she sighed contently and fell back into her sleep

james was terrified to move, nervous it would wake him up from this dream

over the summer james had done some thinking and talked to sirius a lot

and came to the conclusion

he was utterly in love with his best friend.

but she would never feel the same way as they were just best friends and she 'didn't do relationships' due to a bad one in her 4th year with a bad experience 5th yesr. But that's just what james thought.

the door slams open
'James are you up yet i'm bored as hell'
james snapped out of his thoughts looking up to see sirius rubbing his eyes in just plaid pants and no top
james didn't speak just stared
'mate what are you- is that binx (i love hocus pocus)?'
'um yeah..'
'are you guys finally together'
'no- shut up she might hear you' james whisper yelled
'oh sorry jeez, why are you sleeping together then?'
'we do it every year sirius'' james said through his reeth
'okay fine. merlin. mia said for you two to wake up and be ready in 2 hours'' sirius said as he walked at the door
he turned back on his heel ' you might want to get that' he said pointing at james' obvious boner as the duvet was almost completely on phoebe 'before pheebs wakes up'
the long haired boy shut the door behind him leaving james to finally let out a sigh

as he looked down he realized he really did have a problem

a groan interrupted his thoughts of snape in a ballerina uniform he quickly looked over and saw phoebe slowly opening her eyes

'g'morning' she said in a rough morning voice as she arched her back as she stretched leaving james to blush furiously and the tent in his pants growing ever so slightly

godric, how can she be so perfect the minute she wakes up

'uh jamie?' the girl asked with a slight tone of amusement
'yeah bee' the boy said in response
'u might want to take a cold shower soon darling' she said running her hand down his abs the motioning towards his lower area

james swallowed quickly and laughed nervously wanting to feel her hand go lower. ' oh yeah' he quickly got up and sprinted to his bathroom connected to his room leaving nat to giggle slightly at the sight of her best friend

in his shower he thought back to the dream he has just a little ago-

james potters bedroom-

james was laying on his bed looking through a quidditch magazine taking mental notes of some plays he could show to phoebe later

not too long after, a knock was heard on his door

'come in' james said thinking it was his mom

'hi jamie..' he heard the husky voice of phoebe laurent

his head almost snapped up immediately she was wearing nothing but a shirt, his shirt at that. phoebe walked further into the room, crawling onto his bed and stopping just infront of his face.

her hand roamed down his bare chest as james was just in pajama bottoms. 'i've been looking all over for you'

'you- you have?' james nervously said 'yeah i have' phoebe smiled and bit her lip. she leaned forward and slightly to the left and bit james' ear and tugged then leaving sloppy kisses down his jaw leaving james' breathing to become very staggered

phoebe leaned back 'it's time for dinner' she said and walked out like nothing happened leaving james stunned before he woke up in his bed

back to present time-

after fixing his little dilemma, he quickly washed his hair and brushed his teeth before walking out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel showing his gorgeous v-line

'looking good potter' he heard phoebe say, he looked up seeing her having barely moved from her spot specifically on the right side of the bed. 'have a nice shower mate?' she spoke again. james flushed before saying 'oh yeah. nice shower' he said quickly as he walked towards his closet where he had laid out his clothes for the train consisting of a pair of jeans, an old quidditch shirt, and red converse fitting his gryffindor 'aesthetic' if you will

'well i'll leave you too it then' she said as she walked out towards her respective guest room in the large manor. james' mood dropped slightly as the girls presence could no longer be felt but hurried to finish getting dressed and packed to follow her to her room to watch her do her hair and makeup for the day

phoebe now in her room shoved her clothes not already packed down into her truck not being to difficult of a job due to the extension charm placed on it. she decided on light wash bell bottoms that lily had gotten her that made her ass look amazing, a black tight top that had a v-neck that showed the perfect amount of 'boob-age' as peter would say, her dark red leather jacket and doc martens. she had just put her socks on as james walked right in and plopped himself down on the bed

phoebe had left her shoes for later and slid her jacket off to finish getting ready as she sat criss cross in front of the large mirror she started her mascara

'you ready for 6th year jamie?' phoebe asked as she finished her mascara moving to adjust her wavy hair into a half uo half down look. 'yeah i have a good feeling' james said 'you uh think you're gonna get a boyfriend this year?' james asked using the last bit of courage he could find in him

'yeah right- as if. i need to focus on quidditch, plus have u met the guys in our year? none of them want anything with me they just want to shag and move on.' phoebe said losing her confidence as she said the last sentence

also, another thing to know about phoebe, she's the new quidditch captain. It's been her dream since she was a kid to be good at quidditch as her goal is to go pro. James had never been more proud.

'oh come on bee. yeah i mean some guys are total dirtbags. but not all of us are like that..' james said mostly talking about himself 'don't us yourself james i know you and siri remy and pete would never think that but u just don't see the way those guys look at me. it's that stupid old veela trick.' phoebe said 'what do you mean?' james said forgetting what the girl had mentioned over the summer
'james i told u this' she said putting down her hairbrush 'a lot of wizards think that if you snog or even better shag a veela you'll have good luck. it's a load of utter bollocks. i would know i kissed stephen wood last year and he broke his arm in hogsmeade the next day' phoebe said

'oh i'm sorry bee' james said feeling bad for the girl not knowing how to help her making him feel horrible. 's'alright, i need to focus on quidditch anyways.plus, i still have my fun' she winked at james now standing up and walking towards him

james now flustered by the girls wink and her walking towards her swallowed quickly as the girl got closer to him
phoebe leaned towards him making eye contact and so close he could feel her breath on his face he looked quickly down at her lips and across her face to nervous to make eye contact

she reached behind and grabbing something before standing up and putting on her jacket she grabbed
after putting her jacket on she leaned back down
patting his cheek with her soft palm 'aw jamie, you don't have to go so flustered darling' she winked at him before grabbing her trunk and walked down the stairs

he blinked a few times before standing up and grabbing his truck he left at her door when he walked in.

Strawberry Kisses // James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now