5- what should we wear

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Saturday October 31st, 1976
Hogsmeade Village
2:30 pm

the 4 girls had found themselves in a muggle style costume shop on the last row of shops in hogsmeade.

'so should we do a group costume or something different' lily asked as she looked and then multi-colored wigs. 'mmm maybe like a common theme?' mary responded and she was over by the gloves trying on a lace pair.

'oooo- what about holidays but make it sexy' marlene said as she held out very revealing red lingerie with a small skirt and a tiny bow and arrow, obviously meant for valentine's day.

'would we get in trouble for that?' lily asks 'i mean that bra is quite literally see through' she runs her fingers through the rack 'hey where's p?'

suddenly a blonde head poked around the corner 'oh sorry' she says and she pulls a shopping cart with white and cream colored ass-length dresses with brown corsets strapped around them with some pirate hats boots and other accessories surrounding them. 'what about these' the blonde says dragging the cart behind her

'oh i like those' mary said pointing at the cart behind phoebe.

'i have an idea how about we all go get costumes and then we take a vote' lily said as she wasn't really digging the very revealing costumes her friends were picking.

around 15 minutes later...

the 2 blondes looked very sweaty as they both had full carts, the brunette with a couple hangers with costumes over her arm, and the ginger with seemingly only one costume in her hand looking pissed.

'me first!' phoebe said as she raised her hand and pulled her cart around in front of her.

'alright so first-' she pulled out some bright pastel colored slip dresses with lace on top that flared out at the bottom, clear colored heels that matched the dresses, flower crowns, and fairy wings. 'hot fairies, cause duh-'

she then grabbed short black flapper dresses, small pumps, headpieces, pearl necklaces, and long silk gloves 'muggle flappers- my dad told me about them they were dancers or something. then of course pirates'. phoebe said as she put all the costumes back into the cart 'well those are my ideas'

'good ideas, but not better than mine.' marlene said as she pulled around her cart

first she pulled out a skimpy cowboy costume, cowboy boots, and cowboy hats. 'cowboys, it looked cool'. second pile was the same red outfit she had grabbed earlier and a christmas themed one, easter bunny themed, and new years themed costumes. 'you lot of course already know about this idea, but lily's to busy being a prude.'

lily rolled her eyes 'sorry i have a little dignity and don't want the common room to see both my tits'

'so maybe just one?' marlene asked

'oh whatever marls, i found costumes that still make u look good while not showing your entire ass to the entirety of gryffindor house' lily said

phoebe put her hand over her chest acting offended 'excuse me, my costumes cover the great body part that is the ass'

'anyway,-' lily said as she pulled out leather pants white cropped button down shirts and red bandanas to wrap around the neck. 'the 50s' she said with jazz hands

'my ass does look good in leather pants' mary said

'yeah but this corset will make my tits look great' phoebe said

'but this cowboy hat goes great with my star earrings' marlene said

'okay and my hair rollers are perfect for this' lily said

'okay okay you know what. i'm gonna go get remus'


'remus remus i need you' phoebe said running in and grabbing the boys arm from the table.

'wha- why' remus said getting up from the table

'we need help picking out our costumes for tonight' the blonde said rushing him out

'hey what about me' sirius pouts as peter pats him on the back


'alright remus take ur pick' phoebe said after the had laid out the costumes not telling him who picked who

after a few minutes of thinking, phoebe was chewing on her lip, marlene was twisting her hair, mary was biting her nails, and lily was messing with her necklace.

'okay.' remus said as all the girls looked up at him in anticipation

'i think the pirate costume because it has the most accessories and you lot will look hot' he said as phoebe jumped and screamed 'HA, suck on that all of you'

the 3 other girls complained but eventually agreed as they knew they would all look good in them. they paid for their costumes and walked out to be met with the 3 marauders left behind.

'you couldn't have picked me!? i'm a fashion expert!' sirius screeched as they came face to face. 'oh it's alright siri, i'll come to you for all my future fashion needs' phoebe said patting his cheek.

he shoved her off as she laughed. 'piss off, asshat'

'yes sir' phoebe said in response while saluting him

as the group walked towards the carriages phoebe walked up to james 'those jeans do wonders for your ass potter' she whispered in his ear as she passed by him catching up to marlene just ahead of him leaving james to turn completely red

'what did she say to you mate, you look like a bloody tomato' peter said as the boys snicker at the look on the boys face

you have no idea what you're doing to me phoebe laurent.
this was what i was thinking

———————-this was what i was thinking

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with these boots

and imagine pirate hats

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and imagine pirate hats

i hate this sm but i don't really care

next chapter is the halloween party which i'm actually excited for i'm putting nats brother in there and a few other things

i would love to hear any comments and if u want vote!

if you're reading this i appreciate it just hold on i swear it gets better

Strawberry Kisses // James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now