18 ~ As He Deserves ~ 18

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"Those blades..." Aemond drawled, "They're well crafted."

"Thank you."

"Are they yours?"

I sighed. Of course a simple compliment from the prince was far too difficult to gift. There was always an edge to his words. A sharp, pointed edge.

"Yes." I grumbled. "They are mine."

"And what purpose do you have in the ownership of a blade? Two blades, no less."

"Protection?" I quipped.

"That is the purpose of owning a knight. We own many. Are you a knight?"

"I am not." It was the truth. I wasn't a knight. Though once this war was over and my function in battle dissolved, knighthood seemed like a desirable goal to strive for afterwards. Or perhaps once Ser Luther Largent passed, Daemon may think to shift leadership of the Gold Cloaks over to me. A slim chance since I remained a woman, but it was no bad thing to hope for.

"I have noticed you own scars that surely weren't gained from simple swordplay. Your life has been attempted." Aemond stated.

Only now, as I beared the evidence upon my skin, Aemond noticed that death was wished upon me? Really? Had he been so blind in our youth, even in the days he blinked two eyes? Perhaps this is why he threw around that blasted title of mine. Because he saw no consequence in it. This made me feel... disappointed. To know that maybe he didn't notice my strife as much as I noticed his.

"My life has been attempted even before I wore it blatantly."

He hummed and did not speak for a moment as he mulled over my words. "And this is why you own blades? So you may elude assassination?"

In some twisted way, yes. It was the truth. But not the entire truth. Just as any other, I equipped myself with a weapon to avoid attack. Mortals may have achieved a mask of civility, but at our root, we remained beasts. But I did not carry a blade to simply defend myself. I carried the blades to vanquish my enemies and enemies of the Crown.

"It is." I decided. I wasn't sure how Aemond would react to the true reason behind my blades or the truth of where I had been. Though I knew secrets could not remain buried forever, mine would stay put for now.

"I don't believe you."

"Yes. I know. You ask me many questions and refuse to believe the answers I provide."

"I know your lies as if they were my own, Lyra. Such as you likely know mine."

I wasn't sure if that was true. This Aemond was much different to the boy I knew before. He was more guarded and bitter. Devious and sly. And angry. He was much more angry than he ever was, even during his days without a dragon. Perhaps it was his eye that made him scornful. Or rather, his lack thereof.

"Yet you turned your nose up to my speech at dinner. I spoke the truth then."

He chuckled dryly. "Your speech of missing me oh so much and wishing me an infinite happiness?" He mocked, spanning his arms wide as we walked. "Yes. I find your words difficult to believe."

"Then you cannot taste my lies as well as you think." I smirked, "You could not taste my lies this morning either, as we dueled. To claim to know me so well, yet you could not tell it was me who challenged you."

"Deception and spoken dishonesties are not the same."

"How convenient."

Aemond huffed a humourless laugh. The halls remained silent for a time, removed from our quiet steps. We were nearing the dungeons and my apprehension was rising.

𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐄 ~ aemond targaryen (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now