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           "Beauty has arrived on the mountain"


   The NorthCrest Mountains were especially beautiful in the winter. The stream and lakes would frost over, creating mirrors of ice, and the entire mountain would be coated in a layer of cold powder. But not many would ever see these wonders, due to the treacherous terrain. Or so they say that's the reason. Either way, enjoying the sights from afar was enough, at least for you.

The bus engine gave a low hum as it drove along the snow-covered road. A light dust of red coated your face from the frost nipping at your skin. You'd known it was cold in the mountains, but you hadn't anticipated the severity. After all, it had been years since you last visited. It was bittersweet re-visiting the mountains, considering you were only coming back in light of your grandmother's passing. You were coming for the funeral next week. She had raised you along with your mother when your father left, becoming more like a second mom. Her passing wasn't unexpected, but to say it didn't affect you would be a lie. But you were always one to ignore things like that. It wasn't because you were detached, no, it was more of a survival instinct. A way to keep on moving.

This "survival instinct" was something you were engaging in right now, letting your eyes rest from the blinding snow outside and clearing your mind, drifting off. Rides like these were places where many people would say that they can think. But that was just the problem: you'd think. Think about school, the stress of it, your Grandmother's passing, the bitter cold... Just resting is better. You lost track of the time you stayed in that daze.

A sharp halt pulled you out of your thoughts. You didn't have to open your eyes to know that this was where the drive ended. Packing up your things, you maneuvered out of your seat. Your legs ached and the grogginess from dozing off hadn't left you, but you ignored your body's cries and whines and got off the bus.

The air was even cooler outside. You could see your fast-paced breaths as you realized how ill-prepared you truly were, worn out from carrying your luggage (you swore it wasn't that much). The walk wasn't far at all, though, thank goodness. Step after step you closed the distance between you and your destination. The house was the same as when you left, even down to the scent of the pine trees. You stepped through the thick and fluffy sheet of snow onto the porch.

You gave the door two knocks and waited, the weight from your bags tugged and pulled on the skin of your hands. Finally giving in, you put them down to peek through one of the front windows. You saw no one. You listened intently for any kind of movement inside, but when nothing but the wind accompanied your ears you sighed. Returning to the door you tried the knob of the door. It opened. "What a waste of time..."

You were greeted with the familiar sight of your grandmother's- well mother's home. You took your bags inside, sitting them by the door and closing it behind you. After taking your shoes and coat off, you called for your mother, to no reply. As you walked through the house you found answers on a note on the kitchen table, it read:

' Hello sweetie! I'm so happy you've come home! I've run to town to grab some things, I will be home very soon! There is food in the fridge if you're hungry. '

 - Mom

It seems that you were alone, then. Leaning against the kitchen counter you thought about your next move. Smiling fondly, you ran upstairs to your old room. It felt good to be back, nostalgic even. But the reminder of why you were back came rushing back, silencing that fluttery feeling instantly. You plopped down on your bed. The warm, soft sheets felt so good after bearing the cold. You lay there for a moment. But even if it was only a moment for you, you opened your eyes to pitch-black darkness.

Damn... I fell asleep.

You grabbed your phone out of your pocket to check the time, the light of it nearly blinding you. After the initial shock, you read the small numbers: 11:57 pm. How long did you sleep? Couldn't have been that long, considering how exhausted you still felt. Getting up quietly, you thought about if your mom was home and if she was asleep. If so, should you even bother getting up? Your eyes drifted to your now coated-with-ice window, something it wasn't before. You stood still to listen. The wind was harsh tonight, and the house rattled in response. There were no other sounds but the storm outside. A serene scene.

You took the lack of sound beside the storm outside as a sign your mother wasn't awake. After a mental debate, you decided to quietly go downstairs to grab your bags and maybe a drink. Mom shouldn't wake up, right? You were always good at sneaking out. You crept down the stairs without making a sound.

That's when you heard it: a familiar voice. It called for you, its cadence twinged with longing. It was your Grandmother's voice. You hadn't heard it in so long but still recognized it instantly. Maybe you were hallucinating; you could never be sure. But it felt like it was fading, leaving you. You took faster but still silent steps towards it. You couldn't help it. It came closer again and then faded, like a cruel game of cat and mouse. Soon you approached the door that kept the storm out. Were you willing to open it? Was all of your better judgment completely buried under your grief?

Maybe it was desperation, hope, or pent-up emotions you couldn't name, but you turned the knob and opened the door to be faced with the harsh pitch-black scenery of a winter's night. The cold snow hit your face causing you to shiver. The voice called again, and oh was it enticing. You wanted to run, wanted to see her face again, tell her everything you hadn't. But the snow held you painfully back.

You couldn't see anything, so you let the voice guide you. It was freezing, the tips of your body turning to ice. Turning back wasn't an option anymore, no. You couldn't if you wanted to. You didn't know where you were, only that she was close. So close. You'd wanted to call out, scream, but your lips were sealed shut. Your eyes felt weak and the snow felt like needles harshly pricking your skin with every hit, the wind deafening with its howl.

All your senses slowly shut the winter out, laying you to rest in a bed of snow. The voice was gone now. Your eyes closed, small snowflakes held snugly in your lashes. Would you wake up in bed? Would she be there by your side again? Was this all just a dream?

' Stop thinking. Stop thinking. Just sleep. '



Word Count: 1,184

Authors Notes,

From Penny (2centminstrel): Glub Glub. I hope you know Wendigo lore. It'll explain a lot of things...

From Wren (W_r_3_n): Yoo, I hope u enjoyed chapter one :)) Penny slayed the house down he's a cool mf. Lmk what y'all thought pls!! Updates should be at least once weekly. Also oml wendy gets so mf cute <33 I'm emotionally attached to him already. Anyways!! Y'all stay safe until next time <33

Nov. 20, 2022

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