Chapter 17

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Minji's POV:

My heart sank as soon as I saw the two of them embracing on the dance floor, her head resting on his shoulder and his hands caressing her slim waist. I couldn't take my eyes off of them, observing them moving in sync, smiles on their faces. I remembered her telling me that she never learned to do this dance but back then, I was too focus on training, completely ignoring her. If only I had taken better care of her when we were together, I would have probably been the one with her at the moment, hugging her tightly on the dance floor.

"I'm impressed, it's the first time I don't see you at the bar." A masculine voice was heard behind me. But I didn't need to turn around to know who it was, I perfectly knew already.

"But I'm still drinking alcohol." I chuckled, showing the glass in my hand.

"It's not an innocent glass of champagne that will kill you." Kai said, putting himself in front of me. "Now, why don't you stop stalking your girlfriend for a moment and just enjoy the evening?"

"Ex-girlfriend, you mean." I corrected him, feeling my heart tighten at my own words.

"For now." He answered. I was about to question him about that but he cut me before I could say anything. "Now, let's go eat something. I heard you can be really grumpy when you're hungry."

"For real!" I agreed, completely forgetting our previous subject and following him to the snacks and appetizers.

And for a few minutes, we stayed together, discussing the afternoon's performance and enjoying the taste of the sophisticated food in our mouths. But he suddenly took my hand in his and guided me to the center of the room as a slow song began, gathering some couples around us.

"Do you like dancing, my dear Minji?" He asked, putting his hands on my hips.

"No, I hate it even though I'm the lead dancer of my group." I chuckled, crossing my fingers behind his neck as we started to move slowly.

And just like this, we danced through the entire song, having fun like children without caring about people's judging looks to our loud laughs. The current music quickly came to an end and unfortunately, I couldn't dance to the next one, my high heels preventing me from jumping. So we safely moved to the side, taking another glass of champagne and happily chatted, leaning toward the other to talk since the music was covering our voices, making it difficult to hear each other.

But suddenly, something came clearly in my ears. A sound I could hear from miles away that could make my heart clench in a second, Yoohyeon's cries. I wasn't sure Kai noticed it but I knew what I heard and I couldn't ignore it. I started to look around me and quickly found her in the crown, fighting with Taehyung. She was trying to push him away, yelling at him something I couldn't hear when he suddenly hugged her, imprisoning her in his arms. At that sight, I saw red. How dared he touch her like this when she clearly didn't want it? I was about to interfere but saw her got out of his grip in a strange way, running away from him. He immediately started to chase her and I did the same but quickly lost them as I was too far and too slow with my high heels. Luckily, I found a door with written on it 'Staff only' and it almost screamed at me that she had taken this path thinking she could be alone.

Without hesitation, I pushed open the door and began to search for her in the labyrinth of corridors. And just like a few moments ago, her cries guided me to her, finally finding her in a storage room, all alone. She looked so weak and vulnerable, crying uncontrollably as she was hugging her legs, rocking back and forth, probably to try to calm herself down. I quickly ran to her side and held her tightly, gently caressing her back and her hair with my hands, making her completely lean on me. Gosh, what could he have done to her to make her run away crying like that?

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