Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

            Pain was all I felt as I became aware of my body. Everything ached as I tried to move around

to assess the damage. I didn’t immediately recall what happened as the last thing I remembered

before entering the white room were lights and screaming. I slowly opened my eyes afraid of what I

was going to see.

            The light was bright, but not like the white room. This was a toned down version and looking

around I realized I was in a hospital room. The antiseptic smell invaded my nostrils giving away any

hope that I was still dreaming. I felt a pressure on my right hand and saw that I was wrapped in a

cast and a name written in the center. ‘ZANE’ in all capital letters took up the majority of the space.

           “What the hell is that?” I questioned out loud, scrutinizing the name. A small knock on the

door brought me out of my revelry.

            “Oh good you’re awake,” the nurse said with way too much enthusiasm. “Dr. Boston will be

glad to hear that you are up. He has been pestering the nurses all night long to let him know the

minute you come around,” she smiled at me like there was some sort of an inside joke that I

apparently wasn’t a part of. Another knock at the door made the nurse and both turn our attention

away from each other.

            “Speak of the devil. I’ll just come back later to get some vitals. Call if you need anything,” she

said as she walked out the door.

            My mouth fell open. Dr. Boston walked in the door and it took everything I had to stay in bed.

Zane closed the door and smiled at me with such passion and adoration that I couldn’t help but

smile back.

            “I guess it’s meant to be,” he said warmly. I was speechless as I watched him walk over and

take the seat next to my bed. He placed his hands in and around mine and I didn’t miss the fact that

he showed visible relief as he looked at my face.

            “What do you mean it’s meant to be?” I questioned. I continued to stare into his eyes and I

slightly squeezed his hand knowing in the back of my mind that I had made the right choice. I was

meant to live and I would do whatever it takes to make sure that I do.

            “You said we would see each other again if it was meant to be and here we are. It’s fate,

don’t you think?”

            “You also told me you were an advisor,” I said as I cocked my right eyebrow. His laugh

caught me off guard and I tried hard to give him a glare.

            “You’re right, I did. I do advise people. I just didn’t feel the need to tell you I was a doctor right

away. I wanted to make sure that if you liked me, it was for me and not my profession.”

            “I understand and it makes sense. Then advise me of something will you? How did I get


            “Well….” A look of pain crossed his face and he didn’t look as if he wanted to relive what

happened. “You were hit by a bus. I was on call that night so I rushed right in. The minute I saw it

was you I did everything in my power to make sure you survived. I thought I had lost you there for a

minute.” He said the last part so quietly that I wasn’t sure if he actually meant for me to hear it at all.

            “Look I appreciate everything that you’ve done for me and I’m sorry if I scared you but I think

you are trying to move this,” I motioned between him and me, “way too fast. I like you and I think that

if whatever this connection is between us is going to last, then we need to slow down a little.”

            His smile faltered just a little and I could see the disappointment clear in his eyes. I mean

come on; did he think that we were just going to get married after knowing each other for one


            “Zane I like you, and I would like to see where this goes, but I have some stuff that I need to

work out.”

            “Okay, I’ll I want is for you to give us a chance. I have to go make some rounds but I will be

back later to check in on you. Feel free to walk around the hospital a little. It will do your muscles

some good to get some exercise. Although, I could think of something else we could do that

doesn’t require you leave the room,” he said while his eyes smoldered into mine suggestively.

            “Go Zane before I force you out,” I laughed while pointing my finger out the door.

I needed to shower and get into a clean gown since my clothes were nowhere to be


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