Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

   “Excuse me?” the tall, handsome man questioned me.

            “Oh my gosh! I’m sorry, that was extremely rude of me,” I said standing up to face the man.

My goodness, he is tall, and very handsome, I thought to myself while I eyed the man up and down.

I stopped again at his eyes and noticed that he clearly saw me checking him out.

            “My name is Zane Boston,” he said while holding his hand out for me to shake.

            “I’m Serein Simone. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I said while eagerly taking the man’s hand

in my own. Zane chuckled slightly at my zealousness and I smiled along with him. I instantly felt a

connection to Zane even though we had only met a few moments prior. I looked at him briefly and

noticed him looking at me with the same expression.

            “This is going to sound completely crazy, and I apologize now if this weird you out any. Would

you like to go somewhere and get something to drink?” he asked me with what I can only

comprehend as hope in his eyes.

            “Well, I’m not weirder out at all and after the day I’ve had, drinking sounds fantastic,” I said

enthusiastically. “I just need to let my friend know that I’m leaving so she doesn’t worry about me.” I

grabbed my pink BlackBerry Curve from my purse and sent Lilly a quick text message. ‘Hey Lil, met

a hot guy and we’re going to get drinks. I’ll let you know the name when we get there. – S’. Not

waiting for a reply I slipped my phone back into my bag and followed Zane outside.

            We walked down the street a couple of blocks and found a relatively empty bar. Sitting in a

little booth we began talking about all kinds of topics from his eye color, to our jobs, or my lack of a

job and different hobbies we enjoy.  I was so surprised by how much we had in common.

            “Wait, are you seriously telling me that your all-time favorite movie ever made is The Never-

Ending Story?” I asked Zane incredulously.

            “Why is that so hard to believe?” Zane asked, while raising his eyebrows in mock disbelief at

my questioning. “Do you not believe me?”

            “What is the boy’s name?” I questioned him.


            “What is your favorite line in the movie?” I asked again.

            “Having a luck dragon is the only way to go on a quest,” he quoted not even missing a beat.

            “I have to admit I am impressed. Normally people would just say one of the generic main

quotes, but only a true fan would know more,” I said with a smile.

            “You know Serein, I don’t want to jump to any conclusions and I’ve had a really good time

with you tonight...” he started. Oh man, I thought starting to slightly shake my head... Here is comes

the proverbial ‘but’. I thought that my day was finally starting to look up a little and now I’m getting

dumped, again.  I swallowed trying not to show the disappointment on my face.

            “I’m really hoping that this works out with us. I know it seems fast but I’ve never felt such a

connection with someone before. Can you feel it too?” he asked the anticipation clear on his

handsome face.

            “What?” I finally manage to choke out. “I thought you were breaking up with me.” I looked at

him with wide eyes. Mentally cursing myself for saying ‘break-up’, like we were actually dating. ‘I’m

so pathetic,’ I thought to myself.  He reached across the table and enveloped my hands with his


            “That’s crazy Serein. I have never felt so strongly about a person, let alone someone I just

met. Go out with me tomorrow?” he asked.

            It was then that I noticed a very attractive woman approach our table and stare at Zane, with

her arms folded across her chest. She glared at Zane and if looks could kill, he would have been

dead the moment she walked in the door. I shifted in my seat, uneasy with so much tension in the

air. Faster than I could think possible, she grabbed his water and threw it in his face.

            “That’s for sleeping with me and leaving. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone run away as

fast as you did, you low-life, scum bag, piece of shit!” she screamed. Without waiting for a

response she turned and walked back out into the night.

            I knew this was too good to be true. After the day that I’ve had, why the hell did I think that this

“date”, if this is what that actually is, would be any different. I started laughing and withdrew my

hands from Zane’s.

            “Wait. Serein, I can explain,” he said as he followed me into the night.

            “Don’t bother. You know what, I don’t even care. I was stupid to think that this could have

been anything more than just a hook-up to you. You’re just a player. Always have been and

apparently always will be.” I said as I continued walking away from him.

            “Serein,” he yelled after me. “What can I do to show you the truth? I have more feelings for

you after only a couple of hours then I have had from everyone else combined.”

            I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to face him.

            “You can’t do anything. I guess if it’s meant to be it will be. I will see you around Zane, or

maybe not.”

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