Chapter 1

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          ~One year later~

          “Come on, let’s do it! It’ll be fun!” Travis Ryland and his sister Britt walked down the paths through Crescent Springs University. The siblings took almost all the same classes and since their last one had just ended at 3:45pm and their next class didn’t begin until 7 that night, they had plenty of time to kill.

          “No! I’m not going into the tunnel! Are you kidding me? Do you even KNOW what went on down there? I heard somebody even say that there were like, demons or something going on. And animal sacrifices!” Britt was horrified at the thought of entering the tunnel.

          “That’s just nonsense. It’s only tales by the security people to keep students from exploring it. I can promise that nothing like that has ever happened down there. Hogwash, Britt, all hogwash.”

          “I don’t know. Hearing the stories at the conference scared me enough to never want to think about the tunnel again.”

          “Trust me, it’s is not creepy.”

          Britt arched her eyebrows skeptically. “You know this how?”

          Travis smiled. “I’ve been there.”

          Britt abruptly stopped walking. Her mouth hung agape, and in a shocked voice asked, “You’ve been down there? What are you insane?” Britt nervously looked around, and pulled Travis away from the people walking by. She pulled him against the current of students and took a path that took them away from the center of the campus, which was where the Wright Building was located.

"What are you doing" Travis demanded.

Britt didn't reply, instead she stopped in front of a bench and sat down, dragging Travis with her.

"What was that all about?" Travis rubbed his arm.

"What if someone heard you? You know no one's allowed on the tunnel! At least no one's here to hear you." Britt nervously glanced around.

They were alone.

"Britt, it was awesome down there! It's like being in a tree house when we were kids. It's not very long either. Only takes about five minutes to cross the whole thing."

"I can't believe you went down there! When did you do this?"

"During your occult class on Tuesday. I had a break, so I decided to explore a bit."

Britt's nervousness turned to curiosity. "How do you get in?"

Travis grinned. "I'll show you."

He stood up, but Britt grabbed his arm.

"I don't know. It seems dangerous."

"It was perfectly safe when I went down. Nothing's changed. Come on!" Travis motioned with both arms for her to get up.

She sighed and stood. "Alright. Let's do this before I get scared again."

"That’s my sis!"

Travis and Britt strolled confidently towards the Wright building. They reached the entrance, and entered.

The Wright building was several stories high. Once inside, two hallways extended on the left and right, leading to stairs which took you to the higher levels. The further up you were in the building, the closer you were to graduating.

Directly in front if the siblings, there was an open area, filled with tables and chairs for studying. Two vending machines containing drinks and snacks were neatly placed in the back left corner, and bathrooms were opposite those, in the back right.

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