Opposites Attract Part 1

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Your P.O.V- You were the smartest yet coolest kid of your high school. Everybody looked up to you, you were loved by everyone. You weren't that basic white girl who was a total slut, sure you went to parties, but you were polite to everyone, friends with everyone.

As you walked the hallways, kids waved hi to you, you smiled back. All of your friends followed behind you, they were a mix of different types of "groups". Which made it all work. There was Tyler and Erika, the jocks, Maddie and Emily, the preppy girls, Cameron and Symon, the casual cool guys, and then there was Felicia and Issac, the 'nerds'.
You never thought of them as nerds, they were just super smart yet your closest friends.

"I'll see y'all later." You smiled at them and waved, heading to your first period, math.

You sat down in your regular seat, waiting for the teacher to walk in, along with the other students. Moments later, the one and only Devin Hayes. He was really cute, unlike what most of your friends would say, so you kept your mouth shut. He walked over, flashed you a small smile and sat down. Devin was sort of the new kid, showed 2 days ago. You were staring at him wondering if he would even look twice at you.

"Good morning class, before we begin our lesson today, I would like to see Devin and Y/N out in the hall please." Your teacher spoke, interrupting your thoughts.

'What the hell did I do?' You thought.

You both got out of your seats and Devin shot you a questioning look, you shrugged and walked into the hall.

"Before you ask, no you're not in trouble," the teacher had started, "But I figured since Devin is new to our school, I thought maybe Y/N could catch you up on what we are doing." Your teacher had looked at Devin for approval.

"Sure. That works." Devin said, his voice making you melt. You only heard him talk once before and his voice was sexy as fuck. Devin stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked back and forth a little on his toes.

'Hes so cute!' You thought, 'and now I get to tutor him? Alone?' Your mind wondered at such things.

"When would you like to meet up?" You asked, biting your lip.

"Um- I- My house?" He stuttered, staring at you.

You didn't notice the teacher left, leaving you two to discuss.

"Sure! What time?" You smiled, looking straight into his eyes.

"W-Would um, uh.. Um 6?" He questioned, starin at the floor.

You stepped closer to him, causing him to look up at you,

"Devin, are you nervous?" You ask smoothly, your hand holding his chin to look you in the eyes.

He stood there for a while, not being able to speak. You stepped even closer, your bodies touching, your faces only an inch apart.

"Y-Yes." He whispered and stuttered at the same time.

"Why?" You smiled sweetly. Innocent card always works.

"You're just really beautiful." Devin said truthfully, causing you to stumble.
Nobody has ever called you that, everyone said you were 'hot' or 'sexy', or they only used you for your smarts.

"Beautiful?" You asked, giving him a questioning look.

"Yeah. Hasn't anyone told you before?" Devin asked out of curiosity.

You shook your head no. Devin stepped back a little, "Well you are." He winked and walked back to class.

You leaned up against the wall and released a breath you never thought you were holding.

'Damn.. He is hot as hell. Cute af too.' You thought.

*After School, 5 pm*

You hurried into the shower knowing you were gonna take forever to pick out an outfit. After your shower you put on your lace bra and lace panties, luckily no one was gonna be home for the next few days so you walked around your room in your undergarments and a towel on your head.

A little while later you had your outfit all picked out for devin.

Your outfit consists of:
•washed out high waisted shorts
•orange spaghetti string lace top
•brown cardigan
•black vans
•white flower head band

Your hair had been slightly curled, and your make up was natural.

It was 5:50 so you walked to Devins which was surprisingly down the road.
Knocking on his door, he answered right away.

"H-Hey Y/N." Devin stuttered.

"Hey," you kissed his cheek, walking inside, "no need to be nervous."

His face turned instantly red.

"No ones home so it will um just be us- if that's okay with you I mean,"He continued, "Would you like to come upstairs to my room? O- Or we could stay down here if that-"

His nervousness only made you more attracted to him.

"Dev, it's fine if we go in your room." You smiled.

Devin brought you up to his room, which was pretty cool.

His bed was fairly big and neat, he had a desk area with a mac book on it, a giant closet, a walk in bathroom, and a bean bag in the corner.

"Let's get started!" You smiled plopping down onto the bean bag.

*40 minutes later*

Devin's p.o.v- Y/N was super sweet, let alone beautiful. She made sure I understood everything, and made some jokes from time to time. Y/N just makes me so nervous! I can barely speak when I'm around her, damn it Devin get your act together.

Y/N stared down at her text book, trying to find something I wasn't really paying attention to.

"Dev? Are you even listening?" She laughed, I love her laugh.

"It's hard to when I get distracted by you." I covered my mouth, my eyes wide, I so did not mean to say that.

She looked up at me and blushed, our eyes met, and it was like we were just staring into each other's eyes forever, which I wouldn't mind honestly. Slowly she started leaning in, I did too.
And then our lips met.

Slowly, the kiss became more passionate but I still got fireworks. Guys get those right? I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance, but Y/N decided to be the little tease she is and keep her lips sealed. I reached my hand down and grabbed her ass gently, causing her to gasp, allowing me to slide my tongue in.

Somehow, Y/N found her way onto my lap, and was grinding against me. She. Is. So. Fucking. Beautiful. My hands kept rubbing her sides and rubbed up and down. I moaned slightly into the kiss as she grinded down harder.

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