Chapter 3

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Thinking, *Sounds from an object*, Character pov speaking, Others speaking

-Akaza pov-

Hmp, he's faster than I thought he would be. Oh well, he was to careless. Akaza thought. Looking up, he saw the sun on the horizon. I better get back quick. 

-Kocho's pov-

He's gone. He really is gone. She thought. 

"Shinobu! What happened, why are you crying!" She heard Aoi call rushing to her side.

"G-giyuu... he- he-" She mumbled. *Caw Caw* She looked up to see her crow and the flame pillar.

"Shinobu, we heard uppermoon three was here? What happened?" Rengoku said in his booming voice.

-After Aoi explained it was smthng about giyuu-

"I see.." Rengoku said, his voice quieter.

"Uppermoon 3 took him, he didn't e-eat him" She sniffed. You could see the puzzled looks on everyone's face. 

-Giyuu's pov-

He woke up on a bed in a room he didn't recognise. Where am I? 

"Ah, your awake!" A cheery voice sounded from the foot of the bed. Giyuu shot up. Looking at the figure,he saw that it was uppermoon 6. What? Giyuu was confused. 

"Who are you?"

"I'm uppermoon 6, Daki, this here is my brother, also uppermoon 6, Gyutaro" Daki said as a sickly demon appeared with a scowl on his face. Giyuu nodded, not knowing what to say.

"Giyuu dear are you hungry?" Daki asked.

"Y-yes" He sputtered out. Just then, Gyutaro seemingly disappeared and reappeared with a plate of food.

"Thanks.." He mumbled.

-Sanemi's pov-

Where could that bastard have gone?  He thought. That was all that was going through his mind. Kocho said uppermoon 3 took him, didn't eat him. Could Giyuu still be alive?

OOK DONE. THat was a short chapter but atleast its out now. 275 words

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