The Multiple wars of the Human Race (Prologue Part 2)

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(Captain Zack "Gold" Cerrant's POV)
As i wake up by the sound of that god-damned Alarm, i think to myself
... It was just a dream, i cant believe it was just a Dream, but anyway, time to cope with it and finally wake up, god damned alarm i swear why the hell is it so far away from my Bed!?

-"... please, god, give me the power to get up and turn that alarm..." i am thinking aloud. But Anyway, as soon as i get up from bed and change into my formal Captain attire, i hear somebody knock on the door 

 But Anyway, as soon as i get up from bed and change into my formal Captain attire, i hear somebody knock on the door 

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this is what said captain Attire looks like

and after some seconds of mentally preparing myself to actually answer the door instead of just standing there like a fool, i did it, i accomplished the impossible task of answering the door

-"Good Morning, Captain! Its time for the Daily log straight into the Archive, this is the status report of the ship, there are no relevant news today, Uneventful Morning i guess"

-"... Yeah, Uneventful Morning"

God, of COURSE it was one of those logistics psychopaths this early in the day, but anyways, time to go for the daily log, and so, i walk straight to the Archive Room

-"Deneb, Begin Recording of Personal Log N°3
Good Morning, this is the 4th Day of our Training Voyage to the Large Magellanic Cloud for some Joint Excercises with Garmillas, today, and Yesterday's Night, like in every other one, Nothing Happens, Sometimes i wish i was back at the more eventful days of our war with Garmillas or Gatlantis, even though it was a Nightmare for all my species, Masochist's dreams, i guess... But Anyways, today i  had a crazy Dream, not only we fought Garmillas Again, but also some strange triangular and other Sleek Ships! and they were massive, scores bigger than even our flagship or, in other words, the ship i am inside of right now, The Aries, that, just in case you have forgotten, is a Self-Automated Andromeda Refitted after war with Gatlantis, there are still some scars from the BBB phase of the ship in the hull, and the questionable quality of the life support in some parts really highlights the past of this ship, BUT ANYWAYS, BACK TO TOPIC, Since i have nothing to tell you Today, i will tell you a bit about my life! Back in my heydays, i was a Gunner on board of the Kirishima Main Battery, Turret B to be precise, yes, the Funny looking Bridge turret, but anyways, after the ass beating we got at Pluto, i was out of action for Months, and so, i wasnt electible for Yamato's Crew, and therefore, i missed all the journey to and from Iskandar, but i can retell some parts from one of my friends, a Cosmo Falcon Pilot, but thats for another day

After the war, i reenlisted and joined the crew of the Aldebaran just in time for the Disaster of Saturn, while looking like a very stylish entry to the war, god was it disastrous, seeing so many people die, after so much time, feels horrible, it moraly destroys you, but after the 100th time, you quickly desensitize, specially when you realize a lot of them are either unmaned or Really undercrewed for a ship the size of the Dreadnought, But anyways, we couldnt stop them as you probably know, Gatlantis kept pushing thru the Solar System because of that massive ass thing called Ark of Destruction, it consumed Saturn and then warped
As the Ship survived the battle without major damage, it became the flagship of the Mars Defense Line, and there we held! for a little bit at least, before we had to retreat to the Time Fault. So yeah, i have kind of a story with the Navy, Anyways, Good Morning, end of Log N°3"

 Another god damned uneventful morning of saying absolutely nothing, i remember this being more fun, more active, not just sailing in a metaphorical straight line for days, and not so metaphorical at times, and then, i hear ANOTHER one of those Logistical Psychopaths Start Laughing a bit, and he looks at me, while saying

-"Isnt that a little bit too Informal, captain? its a Captain Log After all, you should be more serious about those types of things, you know what HQ thinks about that"

-"You yourself said it, its my Personal Log, and im pretty sure nobody is going to be listening to these, maybe 1 or 2 AI's but they dont really care, considering how many ships they have, you are a logistics Wizard, you should know how hard it is to monitor the boring, uneventful morning log of the captain of Random Andromeda N°230.

But even then, if you dont take everything for the laughs sometimes, then life is a lot more monotone and Boring, really Boring, so i like to be the Sarcastical, over-the-top moron"

-"i Suppose that is a good reasoning, Gold"

I turn to look at the Woman who Just adressed me by a 4 Year old nickname, with a bit of confussion, since the last person to ever call me like that was myself and 

-"And you are?..."

-"Logistics Chief Officer Kari Takira"

-"A Very Strange name for a Brittish"

-"And how exactly do you know that?" i hear her say, with shock

-"Captain's Tricks, i guess"

And Finally, i return to the amazingly fun activity of looking at the Window, and watching what our escorts do (of course, sail in a straight line), Dreadnoughts and E-Classes are just cool, and being the leader of a Ragtag fleet of an Andromeda, 2 Dreadnoughts, and 6 E-Classes Gives you a special feeling of power , and after some Minutes of that, finally, its goddamned time for the most interesting part of the day, the warp, And this time we arent Warping ramdonly, we are using one of those Quirky "gates" the Garmillas made literally everywhere they went only to have a better logistical chain with their own galaxy which, kind of makes sense in hindsight but anyways, we werent using some random gate! we bought this one with Time Fault space back in '01, of course, its an old, deficient one but, eh, if it works it works, we arent too sure it will work but anyways..

-"General Quarters, all hands prepare for warp." i cast through the Intercom of the fleet, yeah, HQ was sooo generous by giving us a Channel that is TOTALLY not monitored by 5 Different Agents

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