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" Hey baby " Leo said as I walked up too him

" Hey, " I said smiling at him..

" I didn't know you were actually coming!' he said kissing me on my lips

" Well, we haven't seen each other for like a month " I said looking at him..

" I'm sorry I've been busy. I was in Europe " he said grabbing my hand as we got on the elevator

" I know. It sucks " I said leaning on him.

He kissed me on my forehead and we went into my room

" Just pack your things and we will head to my place " he said looking at me

" I just got here, all my thing are already packed " I said

He grinned and grabbed my bags.

We walked out of the hotel as he looked around and gave my bags to a man who stood by the all blacked out Mercedes .

The man walked to the trunk as we got into the car...

" So you drove? " Leo asked looking at me

" Yeah, my car is right over there " I said looking out the window

" It should be fine here" he said as he got on his phone

I nodded my head.

" You want to get something to eat? " he said stopping infront of the Chinese restaurant

" Yeah " I said as I got out and walked to the restaurant

His phone began ringing and I looked at him as we ordered.

" Just get me whatever you get " he said as he left the table

I rolled my eyes. ..

I ordered and got him something.

I was starving

Our food was ready and I began eating as Leo was still outside talking on the phone to whoever.

He walked in as I was finishing my plate

" Who was that? " I asked

" No one important " he said looking at me as he sat down and ate his food

I didn't say anything else. I got on my phone and began scrolling through it.

" What's your problem? " he asked looking at me...

" I'm ready to go " I said as I rubbed my face

He got the check and paid

I didn't say anything to him as we made it home to his house.
It was huge!. It was 2 stories and wide covered in red brick. The grass was nicely cut and everything looked well tooken care of.

There was a huge back yard pool with a cookout area, plaay area and much more.

" This is your place?! ' I asked shocked

" Yeah" he said as he texted on his phone.

I walked into his place and it was even nicer on the inside. I don't understand how he can afford such a luxury home and then for the inside of it to look like a fairytale is just mind blowing.

I walked around the house as I looked at everything

" Hey, come on " he said as he walked up the stairs still on his phone

I walked up the stairs and followed him

We mad it to his room which was as big as my whole house.

My jaw dropped

" What do you do again? " I asked as my bags were sat in my room

" I own a business " he said looking up from his phone

" Must be a great business " I said looking around

I heard someone walk in. " Hey brother! " he said hugging Leo

" Hey man, how have you been?! " Leo said wrapping his arms around his brother I'm guessing

" Good!. We need to catch up " he said

I just stood there looking at them

" Hey man, this is Addy " Leo said

" I'm Jamie " he said shaking my hand

I smiled

" Hey, my friends are coming over to swim and stuff. We are Barbecueing. If you want to join " he said looking at me.

I did feel like going for a swim.

I put on my swimsuit and walked downstairs and then outside.

I sat my towel down as the pool lights were bright enough for me to see everything.

I got into the heated swimming pool and relaxed. All my muscles relaxed and I tilted my head back

" Here's some drinks, they're cold ,Jello shots. Vodka Strawberries. Anything is in there.. " he said as he sat the cooler by me

I open the cooler and took about 5 shots back to back.

" You might want to slow down on those. That isn't baby stuff there darling " he said looking at me

" I'm fine " I said Rolling my eyes as I took a regular shot of vodka.

I swammed around as everyone came and began chilling.

" Hey, Your girl Is out of there " Jamie said looking at me as I stood there in the pool

" No I'm not. " I slurred

" Get out of there before you drown " Leo said walking up to me

" And you would care?. I mean I'm not your phone " I said as I swam away to the other side of the pool

He followed me.

" Get out " Leo said bending down.

" Give me a kiss " I said as I puckered my lips

" Then you'll get out " he asked

" Yeah " I said licking my lips

He bent down and I pulled him into the water as I laughed

" Got dammit Addy. !" he said as he got out of the water quickly and grabbed his phone.

" What's up with you and that damn phone?!" I said screaming as I walked out of the pool

" I have business to attend to! " he said

" Then why am I here?! " I said raising my voice

" I don't know! " he said quickly as he caught what he said

" You better hope she doesnt remember that in the morning " Jamie said

I walked back into the house as he followed me.

" Don't touch me! " I said as I pushed him off of me and began walking again

" I didn't mean it " he said following me

I ignored him and made it to his room.

I ran to the restroom and threw up.

I walked out as I grabbed my things

" Don't leave tonight. Leave in the morning please if you are that mad at me . I'll sleep on the couch " he said looking at me as I walked out the bathroom

I grabbed clothes and took my shower.

I can't believe this

I put my sweats on and a shirt and went to sleep

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