The one where y/n buys a shovel

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"The thing is, a friend of mine is a student at the Akademiya. He was doing a paper on some old 🍑 snake god." y/n explained as her and Kaveh ventured from Caravan Ribat and into the desert, "There were some ruins in the desert he wanted to go to, a temple or something, and I wasn't about to let him go alone, so..."

"You went with him?" Kaveh guessed.

"Mmmhm. I happened to have some skills with weaponry and combat, so I figured I'd protect him." y/n continued.

The duo halted by one of those big 🍑 trees where the ajilenakh nuts were just chilling. Y/n gave the tree a little scowl before delivering a swift kick to it, causing the trio of nuts to come falling right down.

"We went in, he did his research, yadda yadda, but he started messing with stuff he shouldn't have messed with. Some treasure hoarders were sniffing around the ruins as well, so a big 🍑 fight broke it— and it was totally unfair because it was literally SEVEN AGAINST ONE." y/n continued explaining while Kaveh was forced to run after her, carrying a bunch of nuts, "In the end, I won, but I was bleeding pretty heavily and triggered some weird ritual thing. I ended up with this."

Kaveh peered past the pile of nuts in his arms, his gaze landing on a small little fiery orange gemstone in the palm of y/n's hand. It wasn't any bigger than a raisin, but glowed fiercely enough to make his eyes hurt.

"Ah, 💩." the young man took a pause to look away and rub at his eyes while doing his best to hold onto the ajilenakh nuts, "What even is it?"

"I dunno. Probably something the giant snake dumped while taking a 💩." y/n replied with a shrug, tucking the gemstone away, "Ever since I got my hands on it, I've been consistently having issues with treasure hoarders."

"Why not report the issue?"

"Because I'm not supposed to have this thing, idiot."

Kaveh gave her a look to which she scowled back.

"It's simple."

"It really isn't."

They returned to Caravan Ribat, but y/n stopped to buy a shovel. Why? Kaveh had no clue, but he had a feeling that it wasn't good. She looked way too happy buying a shovel.

"Where's your friend now?"



Kaveh looked alarmed as y/n purchased her shovel and gave it a look which was difficult to read.

"Oh, err, I'm sorry for your loss." the young man mumbled and y/n shrugged with a small smile.

"Well, he got to turn in his paper. He looked damn happy too. He died happy, doing what he loved for what he loved, so... that's all that matters to me." y/n finished before giving Kaveh a little glare, "Enough of an explanation for you?"

"No! What if they come back and attack me?"

"They won't."

"How do you know that, huh?"

Kaveh didn't like the grin on y/n's face.
He really didn't like that grin.

Y/n shrugged and turned away, "Help me drop the ajilenakh nuts off at the café, and I'll show you why."

Kaveh immediately realized that he shouldn't have expected anything more than an actual murder scene.

He idly stood off to the side with a stunned look as y/n was digging a pit with her new and shiny shovel.

He looked over to the pile of treasure hoarders on the ground, then back at the same young woman who took comfort in knowing that her friend died happy.

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