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March 13th 2015.

The plane had just landed in Sydney and to say I was excited was an understatement. I've been dreaming about this student exchange for 2 years now and I can't believe it's finally happening. I've been corresponding with Charlie, the girl I'm going to live with for the next year, for almost 6 months now and I can tell we already have a lot in common and I cannot thank her enough for this. Her family accepted to let me stay with them for the next year. Of course I'm scared to overstay my welcome and I'm scared we won't get along as well as I thought but right now I'm just happy I am able to live in Australia for a year. The plane had just landed and I was currently grabbing my luggage. I had no idea where I had to go because well I clearly never been to Australia before so I was trying to find my way in this huge airport. Charlie and her family were waiting for me at the exit. Everyone were holding signs with names on it and when I spot my name in a blonde and blue eyed girl I knew it was Charlie. She was wearing a floral white and light pink dress and her hair were neatly tied in a fish tale to the side of her head. I walked straight to her, and a boy that looked just a few years older than us. He was very tall, at least 6'0 feet, wearing black skinny jeans and a black Nirvana shirt. "Hey, I'm Camille, nice to meet you!" I smiled at them and offered my hand for them to shake. "Oh my god! I love your accent!" The boy next to Charlie said, "I'm Ashton by the way." he smiled at me and I smiled back. "Ashton, leave her alone, I'm so happy to see you, Cam! We're going to have the time of our life!" 

The house was a 30 minutes drive away from the airport and Charlie, Ashton and I chit-chatted the whole way there. Once we got there Charlie showed me our room and helped me unpack the things I had brought with me. I had no idea where Charlie and Ashton's parents were, but I would meet them later I guess. While we were unpacking I could hear Ashton talking to some other guy in the basement but I didn't bother ask who Ash was talking to. "Cam, we should go out tonight! You could meet Ash's and I friend before school starts!" Charlie happily said and I nodded, it would be nice to meet a few people before school starts, so I wouldn't be a loser hanging alone. "There's a party at Tyler's house tonight! We should go!" And with that said, I agreed. Who would turn down a party!

It's currently 7 pm, Charlie and I are getting ready for the party. Charlie was in the bathroom doing her makeup while I was in her room curling my hair. Ashton was also getting ready in his room with his friend, the one I still haven't met and have no idea what his name is, yeah that friend. They were coming along tonight because he was the one driving and from what I've seen Ashton and Charlie are really close. I had no idea what to wear! "Charlie, what are you wearing tonight?" I asked her and she just yelled back, "shorts with a crop top, what about you?" I took a look through my things and decided to wear the same thing. "Same!" I settled with my floral crop top and my black ripped bootie shorts. One thing you should know is that, I'm actually quite short. I'm 5'0 feet on the dot, so heels and wedges are my best friends. I decided to wear my black wedge with that. 30 minutes later, Charlie and I were ready to leave. I had decided to do minimal makeup, a bit of mascara, eye liner, foundation and a pink lipstick. Charlie settled for a simple outfit, black crop top with light blue shorts and did a smokey eye with black lipstick, needless to say she looked amazing and quite mysterious.

"Oi! Are you girls ready?" We heard Ashton say from downstairs, "yeah! we're coming!" Charlie yelled back. I was finally going to meet Ashton's friend. We both grabbed our purse and went downstairs. "Camille, this is Michael. Michael, this is Camille. She'll be staying with us for a year." Ashton introduced us. Michael was very tall, in fact, he was almost the same height as Ashton. Okay maybe I was just short and that's why everyone looks tall to me. Just like Ashton, Michael was wearing black skinny jeans and he was wearing a ripped Def Leppard shirt, meanwhile Ashton was wearing a plain black shirt. Michael also had bright green hair and I never thought someone could rock green hair but Michael sure did! "Hey, nice to meet you." I extended my hand for Michael to shake it, "Oi, I love your accent! What is it? French?" he asked. "Um, yeah. I'm fluent in french, actually I grew up speaking french. Both my parents speaks french." I smiled nervously. I was so self-conscious about my accent. Especially here. "Well, I like it." Michael said. "Alright guys, you ready to fuck shit up?" Ashton asked. I laughed at that. "Hell yeah mate! Let's go" Michael answered and with that we left to that Tyler dude's house for the party.

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