Chapter 12- Spatial Dangers

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Lumine POV

Itto grinned proudly as his hand began to glow with Geo energy. 'No way he's actually going to channel elemental energy bare-' Her thoughts were cut short as he lunged forward towards the solid stone wall in front of them. "Have a taste of this!" he exclaimed, and a large cloud of dust and rubble flew everywhere. As everyone coughed and covered their face, they saw Itto weakly standing in front of a glowing yellow opening in the rock wall. "Whew," he panted, exhausted. "Kay, so I didn't tear the whole place down. But hey, check it out, new path! If you.. Need a hero... Then I'm the man for the.. Job-" His last words trailed off as he collapsed, unconscious, right into Shinobu's waiting arms.

"Shoulda seen this coming..." Shinobu sighed. As she carefully settled Itto down on a large rock, she explained what happened. "Boss passed out because he used all of his strength, which also managed to tear out a new passage." Yelan spoke up. "I'll go see if there is a way to stabilise it." They all nodded as Shinobu continued, "You see, the thing with boss is that he can't stand teammates arguing. Another thing with boss is, that he hates people sacrificing themselves, but somehow always ends up doing it himself. But he doesn't truly believe he is sacrificing himself, because he believes he is strong enough, and he certainly doesn't expect again."

".. I'm sorry." Xiao said quietly. "Don't be, it's not your fault. You both made some good points but I must say I'd have sided with Yelan on this one." Shinobu affirmed.


After a lot of discussion, blah blah blah, etc etc, she and Yanfei chose to venture into the hopefully last domain in this place. Xiao and Yelan had already taken off on their own, but Xiao wasn't able to escape without getting a nice long 'talk' from her about how to not go sacrificing yourself, not pulling any stupid moves, admitting to needing help, and the sort. She really was on a roll. Apart from Morax, she was the only one who had the authority to talk to Xiao like this, and she was fully abusing- I mean, making use of that authority. She was on a roll.

She sighed and rubbed her eyes as she turned the Fantastic Compass lookalike's needle again. It had to have been at least ten times, and atleast 2 hours. Whatever this place was, it certainly knew how to sap her strength. She was exhausted, and clearly Yanfei was too. They had encountered a bunch of the Fatui, well, memories of them, more like. But they did fight like they always did, and the cryo and hydrogunners were especially annoying.

Lumine slumped down against a rock, extremely ready to fall asleep. "*yawn* Yanfei, how do you think the others are faring? More importantly, how much more time do you think it will take us to figure this out? Coz I wanna sleeeeeep." She dragged out the 'e' in sleep. "I think.. I've almost figured it out..?" Yanfei said uncertainly, intently studying the clock-like device in front of them. She got up and picked up some things, while Lumine shamelessly dozed off. Give her a break! I mean, she had barely slept at all the entire time she was in the Chasm! And the entire time they had been in this space, she had been silently controlling it. She could sense danger in this space. As in a much bigger danger than the measly Fatui, something restless, an unidentifiable identity, something that was hungry for more sould to devour. And she understood that the people in this space were the ones targeted. It also meant that there were others in this domain. She wanted to regroup with everyone safe, so she was consciously controlling this chaos, sending out one simple, clear but threatening message- "Stay away." But this space was also smart, actively drawing her strength out of her with every moment she controlled this space. She had to get out soon..

She was shaken awake gently by her companion. "Hey Lumi, I'm pretty sure something will change the next time we go through this space. Whether it's good or bad.. Well, let's just pray for the best."

As they entered another space, they saw more of those pests she called the Fatui. But this time, there was another person there- Yelan. "Yelan!" They both exclaimed. Mission 1- Regroup with Yelan- Complete. Now they only had to regroup with Xiao, and quickly, because she could sense something's target specifically being Xiao. After clearing off the troublesome enemies, she finally chose to use one of her abilities as the goddess of spacetime, which she had been avoiding using till now, because she wanted to regroup with atleast one person. She told the others to be silent, especially Paimon.

She closed her eyes and retreated into the world of the subconscious, of the un-understandable void. She forced the sentient domain to show her a layout of its spaces. It resisted. Strongly. But she wasn't one to give up, as she channeled more of her willpower. After some time, she did succeed, as she saw a map of sorts, showing several overlapping spaces and times in the vast world of space-time.. It was almost like a several storeyed house. And she was finally able to pinpoint the last human presence in that domain, who indeed was Xiao. It took some time, but she could finally figure out the shortest path to the space where he was.

The reason she hadn't used this yet was that it drained almost all of her energy just searching for one person, taking the sentience of the domain into account. If she searched for two.. Well there was no knowing what might happen to her. She pulled out of the void.

The first thing that entered her ears was "Oh, you're finally awake! Paimon was so worried." Lumine got up a bit groggily, stumbling a bit as she was tired and disbalanced. She gobbled up a sweet madame from her inventory to somewhat heal herself. "I know the way to go." She spoke, her voice sounding a bit strange to her ears after silence. "I don't doubt that, but are you sure you're ready to go? You seem rather weak and worn out right now. Perhaps you should rest a bit." Yelan said worriedly. She shook her head. "We should go as soon as possible. Xiao is in this domain, but I can tell that there is some powerful entity here that's specifically targeting him. He's also much more worn out than I am, I can sense that. " "How?" Yanfei asked curiously. "Never you mind that." She said as she fiddled with the compass confidently. Then she led the others through the door, to a space engulfed in red.

( 1200 words 

Okay so um I won't be doing any archon quests after this for at least some time, because its kinda forcing me to somewhat adhere to the storyline, so after I finish perilous trail, all the content will be based purely off my imagination.

Prepare for some Childe content :p)

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