013: Hypocrite

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༺ Hypocrite ༻

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༺ Hypocrite ༻

"I thought you said you wanted to talk," Ricky whispered from behind Megara, his hand resting on his shoulder. But the once comforting feeling brought her goosebumps.

Neither party wanted to say it, much less be the one to start the hard conversation, but Ricky and Megara both knew their time as a couple was coming to a close. It wasn't a matter of if but when since it was becoming clear that Lip liked Megara back and would care to continue a relationship with her. Megara wasn't crazy about jumping into one with him right after breaking up with Ricky, but she liked him and didn't want to waste all of Ricky's efforts trying to help get them together.

She murmured quietly, he barely heard. "Uh, yeah, well, I just figure it wasn't the right time."

"Guys!" Ashlyn exclaimed at her to shush.

Megara groaned. "Whose bright idea was this anyways?"

Carlos looked at her in disbelief. "Yours. You said we need to get back at them for attacking Nini online?"

"And find out who stole the mask?" Ricky added, equally confused.

"Oh, yeah," Megara said. It was utterly silent for a long moment as everyone stared at her. "Well, I didn't think you'd actually go through with it."

"Yeah well, it's a little too late for that," KC said.

Gina rolled her eyes. "I'll be the lookout, I guess," she said with a sigh, turning and finding her way to a spot in the hallway near the lockets, trying her best not to look suspicious.

"So, ringleader?" EJ asked. If he was annoyed, he didn't show it. If anything, he looked tired and not as excited to be there as everyone else. As Megara stood there looking at everybody, she realized the only reason they looked wide awake was that she egged on their lame idea of breaking into the other school. Out of everybody, EJ was the least anxious, which surprised her, but she guessed it was because he didn't really care as much as everybody else.

"Well, let's split into groups, right?" Megara asked everyone as they stood in a circle. "If they have the mask, it has to be lying in with their crap somewhere. My guess is the drama room or their costume area, but I have no clue where that is."

Savannah sighed. "I do." When everyone turned their heads to her, she explained, "I went to an orientation here once."

"You almost went to North High?" Seb asked in disbelief, placing his hand over his heart. "Savannah!"

"What?!" she defended herself. "It's a good school."

"Yeah, she's not wrong," Kourtney grumbled. "Come on guys."

"It's this way," Savannah pointed. "Some of us will take the left and some take the right."

"Aye, aye Captain," Ricky saluted her, but Savannah hardly paid attention as she passed him, the others following her lead delicately so as not to get caught.

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