In The Clouds Part 21 ☁

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Minho felt his heart sink now too, trying to find the words to say it, feeling overwhelmed himself by it all. "Jisung... The truth is-" 

Suddenly, they heard the door slowly creaking closed. Jisung immediately stood up out of his seat, terrified. "W-What was that?" Jisung asked in horror.

Minho stood up too now, also slightly frightened. "I-I don't know. Wait here." Minho slowly walked to the door, slowly turned the knob and opened the door. There was nothing there. "Maybe it was the wind?" Jisung now walked to the door too, when suddenly, a figure popped out from behind the door and yelled, "BOO!" 

Both Jisung and Minho screamed, holding onto each other. The figure started laughing. "You guys are so hilarious! This was so fun! You were right San, totally worth it!" It was Wooyoung and San, two of Jisung's friends. 

Jisung yelled at them, "What the fuck are you guys doing here?! Why did you do that?!" Jisung still holding onto Minho, both their hearts pounding in their throats at this point. "San had the idea to scare people who would come to the haunted house tonight! And it was totally worth it, you should've seen your guys' faces!" Wooyoung said as he continued to laugh, holding his stomach. 

The pair let go of each other now, Jisung now facing Wooyoung, "I outta kick your ass! Get over here!" Wooyoung ran as Jisung started chasing after him, completely forgetting about the spiders and the haunted house.

San was still standing there laughing at the two run through the house. Minho went up to San and asked quietly, "Hey you. Did you hear what we were talking about?" San turned to Minho and shook his head. "I only heard when he asked why you called him Han Jisung. Why did you? You're his brother, right? You should know his name." 

Minho nodded his head and sighed. "It was a serious conversation. I can't really talk about it with you guys, but maybe one day, he'll tell you himself." San looked confused as hell. "What the hell is that all about?" San asked, as Minho yelled, "Jisung, I'm heading outside." And with that, the two headed back outside the house.

Hyunjin asked as he saw the two, "What happened? We heard you guys scream and there were other voices?" Jisung, with a frown on his face said, "Woosan happened. They were there waiting for us to scare us." Minho shook his head. "They just got there. I talked a little to the other guy. It seems like they knew people would go to the house on Halloween, so they plan on scaring people." 

Hyunjin scoffed, "That's so cheap." "Yeah, I didn't think they'd go that low." "Kind of pathetic to be honest." Jisung sighed. "Well, whatever. Let's just go to the party before I go back inside and kick his ass." 

The group had now arrived at the party, and they were signing in with their names and costume draws. The hotel looked extremely nice. The event room was decked out in Halloween decor, decorated by the clubs at the school. There was even a fog machine on the dance floor. Felix whistled. "Wow. How much money do you think they spent renting this room?" Chan responded, "Not a lot. They get discounts since they're with the college." "Makes sense."

The groups now split off with one another, Felix was talking to Changbin, Seungmin was talking to Chan and Minho, and Hyunjin was sticking with Jisung who looked a little uneasy. They were sat down at the bar area. Hyunjin asked, "What's wrong, Sung? Did Woosan get to you?" Jisung shook his head. "Then?" Jisung looked hesitant to speak, but he needed to talk about it to someone. "Hyunjin, I haven't really been keeping up to date with you about Minho..." 

Hyunjin now looked concerned. "Okay, then fill me in."

Hyunjin listened with a shocked expression the entire time. "So, you didn't tell me you guys kissed?! And he told you he loved you?!" Jisung nodded. "I don't know what to do, Hyunjin... You know I have feelings for him, and now he told me he has feelings for me which makes me happy but... I mean, you know... I can't do anything about it. It's just wrong to..." Jisung stopped, Hyunjin nodded.

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