Lost in the Sun Part 1☀

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It was morning time now, around 9 am on a Saturday. Minho woke up with a smile on his face for the first time in a few months, knowing that the person he was in love with was the first thing he would see when he woke up. He was too excited to have Jisung back with him, especially as his partner, so much so that he kissed all over Jisung's face, waking up the boy. Jisung slowly opened his eyes and in a sleepy tone, said, "Minho-hyung?" Minho loved Jisung's sleepy voice, it drove him a little crazy, he couldn't help but kiss the boy's lips repeatedly, causing Jisung to smile and kiss back.

"Good morning, hyung." "I love you." Jisung blushed, "I love you too. Are you okay hyung?" Minho nodded. "I'm just so happy that you're back. I'm even happier that I get to call you mine." Jisung started blushing up to his ears. "It's too early to make my heart race, hyung! At least wait a few minutes!" Minho raised an eyebrow. "So, I'm making your heart race?" "... And if I said yes?" Minho smirked and kissed Jisung slowly and deeply, sliding his hand down to Jisung's waist, then his hips. Jisung responded by putting his hands on Minho's face, then slid his hands into Minho's hair, lightly gripping it.

When they stopped kissing, Jisung added, "You know, hyung... I've never really been this way with anyone. But for some reason, it feels very natural with you. Maybe because we've known each other for so long?" "I think so. I mean, I've been with other people like this, but it never felt that deep? But with you... It's like this deep, endless ocean that I really want to dive in and explore more of, instead of the shallow, muddy water that I'm used to." Jisung, with a surprised face said, "Hyung do you write? That sounded like poetry or lyrics to a song!" "Really? Maybe I've been spending too much time with Chan," Minho chuckled. "No seriously! Let's write a song together some time or something!" Minho smiled, "What would I possibly write about, Jisung?" "Hmm... Iced Americanos?" At the same time, they said, "Cho-wa, cho-wa," causing them to laugh.

Mrs. Lee then knocked on the door, "Minho? Did I hear you talking to someone?" They both shot up out of bed, both panicked and startled. Minho whispered, "Well... I guess it's time to explain everything, huh?" Jisung nodded. "Yeah mom, I was." Minho went over to open the door, revealing a standing and perfectly-okay Jisung to Mrs. Lee.

Mrs. Lee immediately gasped, teared up and cried out, "Jisung?!" As she rushed over and hugged him tightly. Mr. Lee overheard the commotion and ran up the stairs, "Did I hear you say Jisung?" And again, Mr. Lee saw Jisung stand there and rushed over to him, embracing him too, tears forming in his eyes. "Jisung! We're so glad you're okay! We missed you so much, what happened? Why didn't you ever respond to us?" They all sat down on Minho's bed as Jisung began explaining his long situation to his former parents.

"Oh Jisung... You must have gone through a lot these past two months, didn't you?" Mrs. Lee said as she again hugged Jisung. "We're just glad you're okay. And of course we won't say no to you moving back here. Especially if your only other choice is moving countries," Mr. Lee added. Jisung smiled, "It is a hard decision since I don't want to just leave my parents again but," Jisung looked at Minho now, "I want to do what makes me happy. And I know moving away to Malaysia isn't what's going to make me happy." Mr. and Mrs. Lee nodded. "Well, we can't just call your parents to tell them about your decision. We're going to have to go meet them in Incheon and let them know. I'm sure they're worried sick about you." "Yeah Jisung, even though it's a hard decision, you can't just run away like that." Jisung nodded, "I know and I'm sorry, but I didn't know what to do. I couldn't contact you guys and I didn't know how to tell them without hurting them..." Jisung looked down.

They all hugged Jisung again. Mr. Lee added, "You're a good kid, Jisung. They haven't known you long but I'm sure they can easily see that you aren't trying to hurt them. C'mon," Mr. Lee said as he stood up, "Let's get ready to go to Incheon." 

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