Lost in the Sun Part 12 ☀

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Jisung finished, and there was an applause from the audience. Jisung had his eyes on Minho the entire time, and only now lifted his vision to see everyone's clapping. He gave a short description about the meaning of the song, then walked off stage, earning a high-five and a back rub from Changbin, not noticing Choi Jin speaking to his colleagues and other idols about and pointing at Jisung.

Getting off the stage, many people were praising Jisung and giving him fist bumps, high-fives or pats on his back. Jisung had to admit, he did really like the praising. He finally made his way to his boyfriend when suddenly, Choi Jin called Jisung over to him. Looking nervous, Minho gave Jisung some words of encouragement before giving his hand a squeeze.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Jisung asked, trying his best to not let his anxiety show. "Yes I did. How are you doing Jisung? That song sounded really good, I can't wait to hear the final product." Jisung smiled and bowed at the man. "Thank you, sir!" "Come with me outside, I'd like to discuss something with you."

The two walked to a door, Jisung shot a glance at Minho who was with Chan and Changbin, mingling with other people, before he turned back to step outside.

The two sat at a patio table that was outside. "So Jisung. I've heard a lot of good things about your first song, HaPpy. So much so that it seems the song went viral for a good week. The amount of views that the song has isn't usual for someone's first attempt. We want to say congratulations. I was speaking with some other company members and idols, and we want to offer you something." "What is it?" Jisung asked, more curious than nervous now.

"We want to offer you a position as an idol at our company. We aren't a big company, but we think with your help, we can gain a lot more popularity." "W-What?! Really?" The CEO nodded. "But, we also talked and we know it's a lot to ask for, especially since you have no training and you're already 18 years old. So we have another option we would like to offer you. We would like to also offer you an official producer position at our company when you graduate from high school. That means you would continue doing what you're doing, but you would also produce songs for our artists and we would also like you to keep performing and writing your own songs along too. This will also require training too of course, but we are willing to work with you and with the schedule you have, for either of these positions."

Jisung was shocked at the offer. He honestly didn't think he would get this far so quickly. "Um... Do I have to get back to you immediately?" "No, please, take your time. We don't want to put you on the spot like this. You can take your time deciding. You can take as long as you need, even if it's a week before you graduate high school. Of course we would like for an answer earlier than that, but if you decide at that point, then we will still accept you into either position."

The two nodded in agreement and shook hands, heading back inside, Jisung smiling and giddy to share the news with the others.

It was obvious the two wanted more time together. Jisung had mentioned the deal from the CEO to the group, but soon got swept away by other people wanting to introduce themselves. The two kept looking back at each other, admiring how good the other looked from afar. Jisung kept biting his lip frequently, wanting to rush to the other's side, and Minho had the urge to push everyone away and just keep Jisung to himself. The tension between the two was extremely obvious, as they snuck glances at each other often. Minho even winked at Jisung during some of their eye-connections, which made Jisung weak, as Minho knew Jisung loved his winks.

Minho had a plan to get Jisung away from everyone, so the next time they made eye contact, Minho secretly pointed at the restrooms. Taking the hint, Jisung nodded and headed to the restrooms, Minho waited a little as to not seem suspicious.

Minho entered the restroom, and asked, "Is anyone else in here?" Jisung shook his head as Minho closed the door behind him, locking it. Minho walked up to the boy and kissed him roughly. The younger reciprocated and wrapped his arms around Minho's neck, kissing deeply. "You're so fucking hot," Minho whispered into the boy's ear before kissing him again. Jisung spoke in between kisses. "Hyung, I can't... stand to be... without you right now... I want you, hyung..."

Minho smirked and lifted Jisung, Jisung wrapping his legs around the elder, who had his hands on Jisung's ass. They kissed each other deeply as Minho pushed Jisung into the wall, Jisung now feeling the elder's hard on against his own. Jisung blushed and quietly moaned at the contact, which encouraged Minho to rub his hard on against the boy.

"H-Hyung, let's go home?" Jisung suggested. Minho quickly agreed, and the two tried to calm themselves down a little before heading back out. Thank goodness their blazers covered what was going on down there.

The two waved everyone goodbye and were on their way home, basically running back home, giggling and racing each other to see who would get home first.

Minho won as the younger stopped running, complaining he was going to die and panting, falling over. Jisung knocked on the door a few minutes after Minho got there, saying, "Let me in pleaseee~" Minho opened the door and asked, "What's the password, loser?" "Loser?! The password is if Minho doesn't open this door right now, then he's sleeping on the couch tonight!" Minho laughed and opened the door for the boy.

Jisung immediately slammed the door shut and locked it, and kissed Minho, continuing their session from earlier. Minho lifted Jisung up in the same position as last time, wrapping Jisung's legs around him, his hands moving to grip the younger's ass. Jisung wrapped his arms around Minho's neck, kissing the elder desperately. Minho squeezed on the boy's ass as Jisung now moved down to Minho's neck, nibbling at it and licking it. Minho slammed the boy onto the wall, not too hard, and lifted Jisung's hands above his head, making the boy kiss him roughly, inserting his tongue into the boy's mouth. Minho swirled his tongue around Jisung's mouth while still holding his hands above his head, Jisung now wrapping his legs tighter around Minho for support since his hands were occupied, which made their now hard-ons to rub against each other. Minho began sucking on the boy's tongue, grinding a little on the younger, who moaned in response.

The elder began working his way down to the boy's neck. Jisung tilted his neck in response and whispered, "Hyung... You look so good today..." "You look hotter baby. I wanted to make you mine in front of everyone." "Please hyung..." "Please what baby? Tell me what you want." Minho looked into Jisung's eyes now. Jisung blushed hard and looked down, too flustered to make eye contact. "I... I want you hyung... please..." Jisung looked into Minho's eyes now, mustering up the courage, looking at him with seductive but pleading eyes. "Make me yours, hyung."

Minho put his hands back on the boy's legs and carried the boy back to their bedroom, all the while still kissing the boy, causing him to stumble a little on the way to the bedroom. Minho closed the door with his foot and threw them both on the bed. Minho wasted no time and quickly took off his jacket while still trying to kiss the boy under him. He then helped Jisung remove his jacket too, until he slowed down for a second, realizing the situation.

"Wait, Jisung. I don't want to fuck you."

"W.. What?"

"I want to make love to you."

~ I decided that I'd upload for the next few days before I leave town and can't upload til January 5th or 6th. Also next chapter is gonna be smut but it'll be so cute I actually love the way I wrote it *sobs* ~ 

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