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Two days pass and two visits from Dr Styles come and go. Tomorrow I'm free to go home and relax like nothing ever happened. My mum sat packing all my stuff and putting them in my over sized suitcase, with a smile on her face as if to say, ' My baby's finally going home.' I smile to myself, with the neck brace gone and my injuries healed I can live my life the way I should.

I start thinking about something I really shouldn't be, my addictions. The great thing is that I don't feel the need for drugs, usually when I think about  my addictions I feel the need to do drugs or go party, but now I feel disgusted when I think of when I did those things. How did I ever do things like that.

In the midst of my thoughts my phone beeps.

'Hey babe, when are you getting out, I want to see you! Let me know! - Your best friend , T xx'

I smile at the thought of my best friend Taylah, she has always been there for me ever since kinder-garden. Ah the good old days.

'Hey T! I'm getting out tomorrow. I will see you soon! - Ally xx'

I set my phone down beside me and sigh, then my phone beeps again, and its an unknown number.

'I put your number in my  phone from your forms, hope you don't mind!

-your favourite doctor '

Oh okay then, as if planed Dr Styles walks in with a wave. "A bit childish don't you think?" I laugh holding up my phone.

With a smile he nods and sits at the end of my bed, "Listen I pulled a few strings and you can leave anytime today you want!" He smiles the biggest smile I've ever seen him smile and it's beautiful, he is beautiful.

"Thank you so much doctor!" I smile and he leans in with his arms open, and he hugs me tightly. "Mrs Matheson can I please speak to Ally alone?"

"Yeah sure I'll go outside."


Good Girl With Bad Habits::H.S::Where stories live. Discover now