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Emmett's POV-
Rose gets in just as the bell goes.
"That was close," I say as she sits down.
"Oh please, as if I'm ever late."
"Em, if you list every time in the last 80 years or so when I've been late, I swear I will rip out your tongue."
"Thanks. Did you do the homework?"
"What did you get for question six?"
"52. What did you get?"
"Same. But I genuinely don't understand how I did it."
"Give it here."
I hand her the paper and she reads over it. Then she crosses her eyebrows, reads it again, and still looks confused.
"Okay, you are either a genius who has invented a new type of physics, or have just done so many things that, by sheer luck, you have got the right answer."
"I shall take the first one."
She rolls her eyes.
"Try explaining that one to Mr Benson," she tells me.
"Speak of the devil," I reply as the teacher walks in.
"Next time, let me check your homework before we get into the lesson. Then the person with two degrees in physics can explain it to you rather than an idiot who doesn't believe in gravity. (AN- the person I volunteer with has told me about a teacher at their old school who didn't believe in gravity. Apparently, the reason things arent floating around is because density)"
"But it's funny watching him trying to explain it to me with equations he doesn't believe in. Plus, I always end up asking you anyway. Talking about Chemistry-"
"For a start, we were talking about physics."
"Details, details. Now, talking about chemistry, you and Harper."
"Do you like her?"
"Em, I've barely spoken to her."
"I mean, she seems cool. And she's pretty."
"I like her."
"Why? You've spoken to her less than I have."
"Because I haven't seen you with that look in your eyes before."
"That's kinda cheesy."
"Fuck off."
She laughs.
"Seriously though, I think she could be good for you," I tell her.
"Yeah, me too."
"Settle down class," Mr Benson calls and she decides to glare at him from where she's sitting.
"You could just switch to chemistry or American history," I tell her.
"No. I like physics. I just hate this fucking idiot."

Harper's POV-
I sit alone in Chemistry. Thankfully. There's a girl on the table next to me who keeps trying to talk to me. She gives up after about twenty minutes. The teacher seems nice. She doesn't force me into the awkward introduction thing some teachers do. After class, Rosalie's class is still inside, so I pace awkwardly,  waiting for them to be let out. Once they're out, I walk with Rosalie and Emmett to art. Emmett leaves us before we go into the building. When we get to the classroom, she goes to a seat at the back and takes a book and pack of watercolours. She fills up a cup with water and takes a paper towel before sitting back down. I go to the teacher, Miss Wesson.
"Um, hello, I'm Harper," I tell her.
"Oh of course. I'm Miss Wesson, as I'm sure you know. I don't know what you did at your old school, but here we do eight week projects. The class is already three weeks into this one, so I'm not expecting the same things. You can do either a few larger pieces or a collection of smaller ones. You can use any medium. This time, our project is the theme 'The Everyday'. If you have any questions, you can ask me."
"Thank you. Um, can I use photography?"
"Oh, um, I don't see why not. You may want to use some other mediums as well. Would you be able to provide a camera?"
"Yes. I could also d-do stuff outside of school too. And some other art styles."
"Sure then, that's fine. Please, take a seat. We have some materials, but you can bring some from home if you're doing things that aren't photography."
"Thank you."
"Sorry, I know I probably shouldn't say this, but you do look unbelievably like your mom. Other than the dyed hair."
"Yeah, I get that alot."
"Anyway, you should probably get going."
"Thank you."
I go to the back and ask Rosalie if I can sit in the seat next to her.
"Sure," she replies. I sit down and take put my notebook to start planning my photos.

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