Aftershock and rescue

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As the car continues to shake and the white light still glowing all around him, his car's sytems begin to malfunction. The dashboard begins to light up and turn off every single second while the radio and the CB radio turn on with static playing. Not only that, the headlights and the emergency lights begin to turn on and off by themselves as well as the siren. And it doesn't end there. The secondary lights begin to pop un and down and flash continuously. It's as if the car has a mind of its own. Despite Andrei's best attempts to regain control, the car won't listen to him. It's completely dead. For the first time, Andrei feels as helpless and hopeless as he can get. He tried everything. He tried to drive away, but the car doesn't start. He thought about walking away but the void has no end. Even if he did get out, he would still be trapped in there. He even thought about shooting his stun gun to see if it would do something to the light, but he decided not to risk it. He might as well fracture the space time continuum and be trapped in there forever. And then all he would have left in there would be to drive and drive until he would run out of gas and electric power. That's definitely something he wants to avoid. What's worse is that if he's trapped in there forever, he'll probably succumb to insanity sooner than later.

Then, all of a sudden, the lights and the siren turn off completely and the white void begins to fade away. It seems that whatever was causing this anomaly is slowly getting weaker and weaker. Well, that's a relief for Andrei. He thought that he and his car would be trapped in there forever. Apparently he got anxious for nothing. Maybe it was just some sort of fog, maybe it was all part of his imagination. For the first time in so many years he had lost his cool for no reason.

As the white light clears though, the sight Andrei comes across shocks him. The race track is now replaced with a brown muddy road. The specator seats have now vanished, and so have the light poles, safety bars and safety tires. His car is still here, but everything else has vanished and has been replaced with a different object. This isn't the same place he was in a few minutes ago. This is a different area. He knows the track inside out and he can clealry tell that the area he is in, is not in the maps. Somehow he's been transported to an unknown location with his car and gear still intact. That's very strange. Unless he's hallucinating and everything is part of his imagination, although it's a bit unlikely since he can still touch everything he picks up.

-'Where am I?', he asks to himself in a low voice tone. 'What is this place?'. Surprisingly, he appears to be very calm when in reality he should be panicking like most people would. That's not his style though. He knows that panicking won't help him, he needs to be calm so that he can think properly. Panicking will probably confuse him even further while being relaxed will help him think more rationally. By staying calm, he'll be able to figure out a way out of this place and what his next move will be.

Not wasting time, he picks up his binoculars, lifts his helmet's visor up and looks around. It seems that there's nothing but trees and grass all around. There's no sign of life for the next 20 kilometers. No birds flying around, no people walking, no cars passing by, nothing. It would seem that he is all by himself here. The only other 'living' thing in this place are his and his car's shadows since they can follow their moves.In general, there's no sign of life. Come to think of it, some of the trees appear to be either cut down or completely burned. If there was a fire, a few woodcutters, or both, it wouldn't be a surprise if all animals were chased away. If that's the case, the perpetrator will have to attend a really long interogation. What they did was illegal and if this area is inside the property of the racetrack directors, it falls under his jurisdiction so it will be up to him to arrest thise responsible.

-'Well pal, it appears we won't be going anywhere anytime soon', he says to his car as he puts down his binoculars and lowers the visor. 'We might as well relax for a while'.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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