Chapter 1

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Elena's P.O.V

I stepped into the bar at the corner and immedialty felt eyes on me as I walked towards the counter.

My long blonde brown hair was curled down to my waist. I was wearing a short black dress i took off my mum, that she hasn't worn for years. And black high heels which I also took from my mum. I didn't wear much make-up except for eye liner and mascara. I don't like wearing alot of it though.

I pulled my dress down incase there was something they could see. I started to regret coming here but as soon as the guy at the counter asked "What will it be?" I felt myself smile and push that feeling away.

"Um surprise me." I winked at him causing him to smirk and walk away to prepare my drink. I looked around and at 10 at night the dance floor was filled with people grinding and dancing with each other.

People were kissing, hooking-up or just dancing. This wasn't new to me as I had been here a few times a few years ago before the thing happened.

No Elena don't think like that, you're not here to mourne

My thoughts were interupted when I was lurched forward after being pushed.

"Oh my god I so sorry about that." I heard someone with a strong irish accent. Why would someone from Ireland be in Australia?

I looked up to see bright blue eyes staring worridly down at me.

"Its fine." I replied and stodd back up to retrieve my drink.

"Are you sure?" He asked again still worried.

"Honestly its fine." I offered a small smile which seemed to make his worried expression disappear.

"Ok good, my friend here is just a little drunk." He laughed patting his friend next to him, who had chocolate brown curls which was swept accross he's forehead. He was talking, well more slurring his words, trying to order a drink.

"Well this is a bar." I hinted. Isn't everyone at a bar supposed to be drunk.

"I'm not drunk." He answered leaning against the counter smiling.

"Yeah but you've had a drink right?" I asked taking a sip of my drink. The alcohol burned as it made it's way down my throat.

"Yeah." He answers chuckling, obviously not seeing my point.

"Well aren't irish people supposed to be really drunk by the end of the night?" I asked giggling.

What why was I giggling. Did I just giggle at a boy.

He laughed at my comment. He's laugh turning contagious making me laugh along with him.

"Hey why are you laughing?" The boys friends stumbled next to him slurring.

"Nothing Harry, why don't you go and dance?" The irish boy said to his friend Harry.

Harry didn't reply instead shouting "Louis." Before stumbling towards the dance floor.

I laughed at his actions. He was obviously failing to keep straight.

"I think he's going to have a very big hangover tomorrow." I giggled taking another sip of my drink ignoring the burning feeling.

"Yeah he will." The irish boy laughed, "My name's Niall by the way, I probably should have done that at the start." He mumbled the ending.

I laughed at him, "It's alright, my name's Elena." I smiled.

"Pretty name for a pretty lady." He winked sending shivers down my spine.

Wait not this can't be happening. It's not allowed to.

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