Chapter 10 - New & Old Acquaintances

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When Regulus ran into Remus again, it was in the hospital wing the morning after they arrived back.

Regulus had meant to go the day before, but had skipped dinner in favor of more sleep.

When he arrived, his wrist all mangled, Madam Pomfrey gasped.

He blamed it on his clumsiness and she scolded him.

She put a cast over his wrist, to Regulus' dismay. It wasn't a nice break, meaning the magic could only do so much.

When she left to get him something for the pain, Lupin appeared.

"Are you alright?"

He'd gotten a haircut, Regulus noticed.

"Do you care?" Regulus quizzed, but there was no bite behind it.

"Yes." Remus muttered without hesitation.

This caught Regulus off guard.

"Why?" Regulus muttered, since he was seemingly the only person that cared.

"I misjudged you. I don't know what happened between you and James, but the gift for Sirius", Remus paused, "It meant a lot to him, so it means a lot to me."

Regulus let a smile ghost his lips.

"Not saying we'll be best friends, but if you need anything just ask." Remus muttered.

"Thanks." Regulus jeered.

He didn't really think his gift for his brother was that special that he earned Remus' kindness, but he wouldn't complain.

Remus turned on his heels and headed towards the curtain.

Just as he was about to leave, he looked over his shoulder.

"Did you really fall down the stairs?" Lupin asked with a hint of disbelief.

Regulus looked down at his fingers.

He could lie or he could tell the truth.

Lupin wouldn't dare tell Sirius or he'd have to admit he'd spoken to Regulus.


Remus didn't say anything, just slipped out of the curtains.

Madam Pomfrey returned and made Regulus drink a vile potion that had him gagging.

Then she sent him on his way, after making him promise to be more careful.

He really didn't have any control, but he assured her he'd try.


Despite James' disappearing act, Regulus still studied in the Room of Requirements whenever he was free.

It was cozier than his other studying spots and much more private.

He could study or read or take naps, so it was an ideal spot.

Regulus raged tossing his quill across the room.

The cast on his wrist prevented him from writing with his left hand, meaning all his writing was now chicken-scratch.

His whole body hurt so bad.

Regulus had only been back a couple of days and he already hated it.

He was so mad- so furious that James had been such a big part of his time the last few months and now he was just gone.

The door opened and Regulus' whipped his head towards the intruder.

Speak of the devil.

James' face took on a look of horror as he took in Regulus.

Regulus Black: The Prequel Where stories live. Discover now