Saint Seiya World Cup

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"Welcome, everyone to the epic football match between two rivals, The Gold Knights of Athena versus The spectres of Hades!" Athena announces brightly, broadcasting the upcoming, exciting match between the two enemy teams. "I'm quite excited to watch this match", interrupts Hades; stealing the microphone from the hands of Athena, "I am quite excited to watch my best spectres win". Athena frowns, "for me, this is a bonding time, for there to be no more serious wars involving death, but a war in football".

"Psh, your ideas about bonding are stupid. No matter what, we will always be enemies.""But we can be enemies in a way without violence.""Whatever." Hades frowns.Getting back to the microphone, Athena looks around, directing her attention to the Gold Knights; who are flexing their muscles and stretching, then averts her attention to the Spectres, who seem to be teasing each other.

"It seems that your spectres are not so tough, with their spirit and effort I don't suppose they're going to win - just foul." Athena says mocking Hades' army as Hades sits back and sighs, "I must agree, my spectres, especially those Judges, can be idiots. But trust me, when they're in action, they're phenomenal on the battlefield (the football ground)".

"Humm, I suppose we'll find out their true potential, the match is about to start!" Athena exclaims as the Referee, Poseidon, chants "START!!" "Impressive! Watch Capricorn Shura, Hades!" Shura grabs the ball in a fast motion, just as he would use the Excalibur. "Are you sure?" Hades asks as Rhadamanthe snatches the ball from under Shura's feet, now kicking it in the opposite direction."Oh my," Athena watches, amazed, "It seems you were right about your army! Did you watchers witness that amazing steal that Rhadamanthe just performed?!" Rhadamanthe kicks the ball in the direction of Minos, who successfully receives it. "What a smooth pass"! Exclaims Athena, "But, what is Minos doing...?" She asks as Minos kicks the ball around in the opposing direction, over to Aphrodite, he winks at him and effortlessly kicks the ball into... his own goal?!

"WHAT?!!" Hades shouts, "WHAT IS THIS?!!" "Oh wow! It seems that Minos has just kicked the ball into his team's goal! What a stupid move." Athena sighs, commentating on the foolish action of Minos.

Down at the pitch, the Spectres have a conversation."Brother, WHAT WAS THAT?!" Rhadamanthe shouts at Minos, disappointed over the reputation they will earn from this action and the distrust for Minos being on their team."Ehh, pardon, I just wanted to look at that Aphrodite. He's quite attractive, eh? I want to wrap him up in my strings and watch his despairful face." He excuses. "But Sir Minos... There is a time for everything! We're in the middle of a football match." Lune of Balrog confirms, putting his hand on Minos' shoulder.

"Ugh, whatever. When else will I be able to see this fine man if not now?" Aiacos bursts out his laughter, "Minos, you're such an idiot!"Minos sighs and crosses his arms, but before he could defend himself, Poseidon shouts for them to go to their positions. The match starts again, with the two teams facing each other. The ball is in the middle, the spectres go in and take the ball, and successfully take the ball from Gold Knights. "This time, it's Aiacos who has the ball!" Athena exclaims. "Yeah, and he's going straight to the other team's goal, we're going to succeed this time". Hades confirms proudly. But suddenly, Aiolia stops Aiacos in his track, so he has no other option than to pass the ball to Minos who is near him. Minos has the ball, he lifts the ball and passes it to the Albafica who is a ghost (in Minos' imagination).

"WHAT?! MINOS AGAIN?!" Hades shouts, shocked. "He's given the ball to nobody." And then, a rose comes out of nowhere and hits Minos in the head, causing him to faint."Was that Aphrodite?! No, he was not near Minos..." The ambulance flies to Minos' rescue, while the spectres cheer because Minos is not going to make them fail. It takes Minos away, but another rose hits all of the tires of the ambulance and the ambulance is dead, and Minos is missing from the ambulance. What has happened? "He is a lunatic. He thinks that Albafica is still alive." Rhadamanthe says, facing his team.Hypnos goes to the referee with his brother, Thanatos. "Hello, Poseidon, we are offering to replace Minos". Poseidon is confused, "but there are two of you, which is not fair." Thanatos is offended and uses Terrible Providence on Poseidon, however, Poseidon stops it in time with his trident and allows them to replace Minos.

Once again, the teams get on the field. In their positions and now, Deathmask storms off with the ball, ignoring the spectres or his team waiting for him to pass to them. He furiously kicks the ball into the opposing goal, scoring the point as the crowd cheers, "HE DID IT!! An amazing goal from the Gold Knights!" Athena applauses.

"Ladies and gentlemen, that's it! That's the Saint Seiya World Cup Finale! And the winners are my Knights! Thank you everyone for attending or watching at home." Athena announces as Shakira walks in, and twirls her hips to her song "Hips don't lie" while looking at Shura who is sweating.

"Hey girl, I can see your body moving~" The song plays. "I am looking forward to seeing you all in the next World Cup", says Athena, "In 200 years, please until then, stay tuned." Athena pokes Hades, "and he also says thank you, he loves you all!" Hades growls. "She makes a man want to speak Spanish~".

Meanwhile, with Pharaoh and the other spectres, "where is Minos now?" The others shrug. While Minos is at the restaurant with Albafica.

"A table for one?" The waiter asks offending Minos who clearly is sitting with Albafica. "Are you stupid? I'm sitting with my love right now, don't ignore him!" The waiter stares and is confused. "Sir, there is nobody with you, I'm sorry but your fantasy will never come true." Minos gets very, very, very insulted.

However, he is never seen again, and neither is the restaurant he and Albafica were at.

The end!

Saint Seiya World Cup 2022Where stories live. Discover now