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The ride to apartment 88 was silent. When they got to the complex, the Professor let the two out.
"Alright, where are the police?"
The Professor looked around. Angel nervously walked over to the him and grabbed his arm.
"Well... can I talk to you for a second, Professor? In the Machine?"
The Professor nodded, and grabbed the door handle. He disappeared inside, and let Angel dismiss Clessa.
"Clessa, can you wait in the house?"
Clessa nodded and reluctantly walked into the apartment.
When the two got into the Machine, Angel shut the door behind her. She looked at the control panel, and then into the Professor's eyes.
"Can I trust you, to keep a secret?"
The Professor raised his eyebrows, and slowly nodded.
"I'm not really Clessa's mother."
The Professor's jaw dropped.
"Then who are you?"
"Wait I was just kidding about that part to grab your attention. Anyways."
The Professor grinned.
"I have a plan, and I need assistance from a certain"
"Every person has a back story, what's yours?"
"Whenever I was young, people thought that I just followed the rules. I was always on time, and they could boss me around. Then-."
"This sounds to me that you are more like a super villain."
Angel opened her mouth, and gave a crooked smile.
"Yes, I am."
Back in the apartment, Clessa was sweeping up the remains of glass in the room. She looked over at the stove.
"Still eight burners."
Clessa grinned and walked into the living room. It held too many happy memories of watching TV with her dad, or being with both of her parents. Now she had only half of the happiness, but it felt like more than what she needed.
Basically, the Professor and Angel were all she had left dealing with the concept love.
"I am a bad guy. I have a bigger alternative than just taking over the earth. I want to enslave it. Make it pay."
The Professor awkwardly took a side step away from Angel.
"Did Stacey make you crazy?"
"No, but I told her of my plan. Too sad she accidentally had to die."
The Professor knew now that Angel was the one who had killed Stacey by cutting of her blood flow through a hug. He was standing in a room with a murderer.
Back in the apartment, Clessa has turned on the TV. The local news was on.
"...And today Simon Clark was arrested for harassing his best friend, Clessa Fairway. He was proven guilty and had three years in prison, but with good behavior he could get out at six. I know I will be sleeping more soundly knowing he's put away."
Clessa stared at the bright moving screen. She had really mixed emotions about the whole Simon thing. Sure, he did do things to her, but he still was her best friend.
"No one could ever full that spot," said Clessa to herself.
True, although Simon was gone, it felt like he was still there.
Back in the Machine, the Professor had his gaze locked on Angel.
"I did kill her... because she reminded me of Clessa."
"And why would that be bad?"
"I only have one Clessa... and I am not going to let some looney girl in tights take her place sit very easily."
The Professor kicked his lips, and through frustration, sat down. He ran his fingers over his face, as if a way to process information that was just given to him.
" you killed an innocent girl... just because of Clessa?"
"Yes... I'm not proud of it. But what is done is done."
"Tell me about your plan."
"My plan? Oh yes that plan, here goes. I want to take over the world. And there is an easy way to do it."
The Professor rolled his eyes, but Angel ignored it.
"Have you ever heard about Queen Elizabeth's Gridlock?"
The Professor's eyes widened.
"How did you find it?"
Angel laughed and continued on.
"The Gridlock is a very special ring, known to have fantastic powers. But, only blood relatives of Liz can use it... can I borrow your computer?"
As the Professor was about to protest, she did it anyways.
"Here we go."
The Professor looked over her shoulder.
" is the site."
The Professor ran his fingers through his hair.
"Okay, here we are. Elizabeth has a large family. But look who I found on this."
Angel used a long, black painted finger to point at the screen.
"John Fairway," said Angel with a grin.
"Why not your husband?"
Angel laughed.
"The ring only works on people under the age of twenty. I thought you'd know that."
"I know that, did your plan just form."
"Well, the online dating service when we met said he was nineteen, I was eighteen. But he was actually twenty, but soon I fell in love with him."
The Professor glared at Angel.
"Now, since I am not blood related to Jan, but Clessa is, she is related to Elizabeth."
"Don't you dare. If you even lay a FINGER on Clessa."
"Don't worry, I'll just have to trick her. As soon as her blood gets trapped in the crystal secret case, I'll have all of the power I could ever want in the world."
"That's a sick plan. Why would you want to do that?"
"Because then I finally won't have to be a nobody. I'll be a somebody. The only sad thing is, if a want to be immortal, it will take all of Clessa's blood."
"You won't kill Clessa."
"No I won't. I'll just drain all of her blood. She'll die on her own."
"Why would you kill your own daughter?"
In the apartment, Clessa went into the kitchen to grab something to eat.
"What is there to eat?"
She rummaged through the pantry, and pulled out a box of Ritz crackers.
"Yum yum."
Clessa picked up a bowl, and dumped some crackers into it.
When she got back into the living room, there was a rerun of Simon's trial on.
"Young man, you have been accused of harassing a girl named Clessa Fairway, how do you plead?"
Simon looked down at his dry hands and then up at the judge.
"Not guilty."
Clessa thought of a not so polite word to call Simon, and then looked back up at the TV.
Simon's attorney stepped up.
"Your honor, my client Simon Clark has been accused of harassing Ms. Fairway. He was her best friend, so why would he ever do that?"
Clessa's attorney, yes she had one, stepped up.
"Footage from the security camera shows Mr. Clark pulling Clessa in for a kiss, and then her running away. Later elevator footage showed him yelling."
Clessa shut off the TV, hoping to forget the memory forever. Now, she felt no empathy towards Simon. He was a lying, cheating, and cunning person. She was actually glad that he was in trouble. Clessa hoped that he was going to rot in jail forever, so she would never have to seen him ever again.
"I asked you, why would you kill your own daughter?"
"Maybe I have not been completely honest with you this whole time."
"Tell me why."
"She actually isn't my daughter."
"I said, she wasn't ever my daughter."
The woman twisted her mouth into a smile.
"The smart man figures it out."
"You killed your own daughter."
"And aren't even grieving."
Camilla started grinning.
"She really meant nothing to me."
"What happened to Clessa's parents? Why were you at the church?"
"One question at a time. Clessa's parents are dead... at least I think. Yes, they are."
"Why were you AT THE CHURCH?!"
"No yelling please."
The Professor screamed.
"To mourn my husband. He was so sweet, but his daughter was a brat. I will miss him."
"I'm surprised."
"You did not even care about Stacey. Or Clessa. Or Clessa's parents."
"But I cared about him. I loved him. I really did. He made me feel happy."
"Why? Why take over the world?"
"Because the U.S is not big enough to have fun. With Gridlock, I'll look very stylish, but powerful."
"No one has ever measured it's true power. You could kill your self."
"Yes, but ruling the world is a risk that I will take for that."
Camilla giggled.

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