An Old Friend

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"How did you get in here?"
Clessa stared at Camilla.
"Those idiot boys. Leaving you here, all alone. How have your thoughts been?"
She knows about us!
It's all your fault.
You let Camilla get inside your head and now she's poisoning us.
It's not my fault!
If you would have never gone to your apartment, she would have stayed out of here.
Can she read our thoughts?
Doubt it. But if she can, I'll have to torment you.
So she doesn't get mad.
Stop it. Leave.
Never. I'm the part of your last hours. I am the last voice you will ever hear. And the sad thing is... I am you.
"Clessa! We are talking!"
Clessa looked at Camilla and frowned.
"Why the frowny face?"
"I'm frowning because your here."
Camilla laughed.
"No, you are frowning because of me. And my magic. And the fact that I could get inside your head and make you go completely cuckoo."
"I'm not cuckoo."
Camilla giggled.
"Your cuckoo," said Clessa.
Clessa started to run out of the room,
but Camilla shut the doors.
"No no little child. I am not leaving until I get my blood."
"It's not your blood. It's mine."
"Technically it is Elizabeth's."
She has us figured out.
Great job.
You let her in.
It's not my fault!
Then who's is it?
The Professor and Xander's!
Haha so you admit it.
Admit what?
That they have screwed up your life in every shape or form.
Clessa looked up at Camilla's smiling face. She felt disgusted.
"How do you plan to get the blood out of me?"
"Like this."
Camilla showed fangs in her mouth.
"How did you get those?"
"Well, I wath in my houth and I wath browthing the Internet, then I met a guy who leth me borrow a mixthure that would give me fangths."
"Put them away, then talk."
Camilla grinned.
"I was browsing the Internet and met a man who knew an elixir that would give me fangs for fifty hours. And that's more than how much life you have left."
Clessa looked at the sparkly ring on Camilla's finger.
"Is that the Geranium Code?"
Camilla extended her hand.
"Yes. Isn't it beautiful?"
Clessa nodded.
"I have been searching for it all of my life. Then, one day, while I was visiting England, it was in a museum. I little switcheroo and I had the most powerful weapon in the universe."
"You must be so proud."
Camilla shrugged.
"Too bad my little Stacey was not here for this. Oh wait, she is."
And then, out of the corner came little Stacey. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She was wearing a poofy pink dress that made her look like a princess.
"When mummy becomes the queen of the world, she said I could be PRINCESS," Stacey sang the last word and started twirling around the room.
Clessa looked around the Machine awkwardly.
"I really wish that that little Xander was here. He could be the prince," said Stacey pouting.
"Well he kissed me," said Clessa under her breath.
"What did you say," asked Stacey.
"Xander kissed me," said Clessa as she stood up out of the chair.
Stacey turned red. She walked over to Clessa. Clessa towered over the little girl, and smirked.
"Mummy! She's being rude."
Camilla came over to Stacey.
"How are you still alive," asked Clessa.
"Well, mummy tried to kill me, but it did not work. So, she apologized and said I could be princess if I got you detained."
Stacey giggled and skipped around the control panel. Then, she grabbed Clessa's wrist, and held it tight.
"Sorry," giggled Stacey, "this might sting."
Clessa tried to pry off Stacey, but soon, she felt weak.
Here comes the part where your legs get weak, and all you see is darkness.
It's all your fault. Your the one who let her get you.
Go away from my head.
It's our head now.
Clessa snapped back into reality, just in time to feel herself slipping away.
"Sorry," giggled Stacey as she let Clessa fall to the ground.
When Clessa woke up, she was lying on the floor of the Machine. She could not move.
"Sorry. I had to paralyze your legs."
Camilla was standing by Stacey, who was humming to herself.
"Let me go!"
"Not until I get your blood."
Clessa used her arms to get propped up from the ground. One of her wrists has a purple ring around it.
"I liked it better when she was asleep mummy."
"We want her to be awake to get the first ounce of blood. Sweetie, can you grab me the ring?"
Stacey nodded and skipped over to a giant glass case.
Stacey opened it up, and grabbed the shiny ring.
"I want a ring just like this mummy!"
"Not now sweetie."
Stacey sighed and tossed the ring to her mom.
"Be careful! This is priceless."
Ha! Little princess did not get what she wanted.
That's a first.
My legs...they feel like blobs.
Your fault.
Stop blaming me!
Because I said so.
Clessa controlled herself and looked up at Camilla.
"Such a pretty ring."
Camilla admired the ring, and then opened it. A red light emerged.
"If I told you this would not hurt, I'd be lying."
Camilla came towards Clessa with a devilish grin.
"Here comes world domination."
The ring was pulsing more as it came closer to Clessa. She grabbed Clessa's arm.
Clessa wiggled her arm.
"Stop. It will only hurt more."
Clessa became still as the ring stuck a needle into her arm. It hurt, and she could feel it's power shooting through her arm.
The ring started glowing, and soon the capsule had a drop of her blood.
Camilla released Clessa, and she fell to the ground.
The Machine filled with light, and she shot a bolt of red to the ceiling, which quickly busted.
Camilla dropped the ring to her side, and looked at Stacey.
"Let's dominate sweetie."
"Yay! Can I wear the pretty ring?"
"No, this is mummies."
"But I want to!"
"Why not?"
"Because, mummy doesn't want you to get hurt."
Then, the roof of the Machine sealed up.
"Oh no you don't! I need to broadcast to the world."
Camilla sent another pulse through the ceiling to broadcast her message.
Stacey giggled. She skipped next to her step mother and twirled around.
"Wait for mummy okay?"
Stacey pouted and walked away.
Camilla put the ring into the air.
"Oh crud I wasn't broadcasting."
Camilla sighed out of anger.
"Why would you want them to know," asked Clessa weakly.
"Know what?"
"Your plan. If they knew ahead of time, they would be able to stop you."
"Good point. I won't tell anyone. This is our little secret."
Clessa and Stacey nodded. Then, Camilla put on a cold smile.
"Time to test this out."
Camilla pointed the ring at Clessa.
"Sweetie, get out of the way."
Stacey skipped towards Camilla.
"Wait. Don't do this Camilla."
"Too late."
She sent a pulse of light towards Clessa's stomach.
Clessa slumped, motionless towards the ground.
"It works."
Camilla laughed, grabbed Stacey, and teleported out.
"I'll be back," said Camilla.
She was gone, leaving Clessa motionless on the floor.

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