Just another Kill

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Reaping day. It was the day you either dreaded, or looked forward to. I personally wasn't afraid of it.The reaping was just another day being stuck in District two for me. It was the only time the whole district gatherd in one place together.

Being from district two you could say in some ways I had an advantege,I was trained and ready for the games by the time I turned twelve. I was confidant that I could make it but in my family there was one rule my mother had enforced and I reluctantly abided by, I wasn't allowed to volunteer until I was 18, unless I was volunteering in place of one of my younger brothers. Either way she was totally against The Games.

The capitol fed us sufficiently and we got more freedom because we knew if we didn't obey we would end up like 13,gone. We respect the capitol, well most of us in 2. The capitol allows us the things we need and we provide same in return.

" Cato?" I turned around to face her aging beauty, my mother, my sweet, sweet innocent mother she was standing in the doorway. she smiled a weak smile at me spreading creases across her brow, "what will I do Cato?"

"Ma. I have to go. Im not cronically ill so I have to attend the reaping." I pause, "and even if I do get reaped, I can handle it Ma, I'll be back before you know it."

" Cato."

"No Ma, I have to go." I brush past her abruptly leaving the house and heading for the square. This year we had a really stupid escort in District 2.She was Fat and wore a stupid aqua wig, I emphasise when I say wig, no way was it real after all it's the capitol. She announces herself as Tweedie plumpet. more like tweedle dumb! "welcome, welcome, welcome." I think i've lost the ability to hear, her voice is so squeaky for such a fat person. " we just have a quick video to show, you may have seen this before it's from the capitol." This day will be broadcast all around Panem and by evening it will have been replayed so many times, there is no way you could forget. The one thing the capitol was certain of was we would never forget. The video went on to show the same old uprising footage of people dying and the capitol gaining back its power. " Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour." the screen went blank and Tweedie places her hand into the bowl containing millions of girls names. "ladies first."she rummages through the pieces of paper and decides on one " Clove, is there a young woman here named Clove?"

She steps forward from her cluster of girls. Clove looked around my age, she had a dark look about her and appeared physically strong, she walked up the government building steps and was greeted by Tweedie. " Congratulations Clove. any young woman want to Volunteer to take Clove's place?any one?"Tweedie looked around but no one offered. Pussies! In 2 we males are considered more valuable for the games,we train hard at young ages and usually volunteer the first chance we get but the Girls, no one has ever volunteered and their training only started when they reached 16 which usually by then would be too late. Clove however was lucky she had clearly been training, maybe no one volunteering for her was a good thing.She defiantly had a chance. "now for the gentlemen" Tweedie announced. Her hand diving into the boys bowl,rummaging, searching for this years victor. My little brother. "Hamish Octarve,is there a Hamish Here?" no he wasn't here he was dead. I could almost hear my mother's painful cry from the back of the crowd. Hamish had gotten beaten to death by peace keepers three years ago for stealing a loaf of bread. we weren't poor or starving, Hamish just wanted to defy the capitol and stir some shit, turns out he stirred some shit alright and it ended up hitting the fan! I step forward not concious of my actions or the actions of others. " Hamish is dead." the crowd is silent, "oh I am so sorry to hear that." tweedie says in a shocked voice though she continues, and draws another name from the bowl. "Jayden Octarve, is Jayden here?" No!! I hold in my cry. No I couldn't let them do that to my mother not after reaping Hamish, I couldn't. I had to volunteer, I said I would if the time came didn't I ? Well now was my time. I step away from the cluster of boys my age, and desperately search for the right words. "I volunteer" My voice croaky " I volunteer as tribute in place of my brother Jayden., I volunteer"

Tweedie asks me to come up to the podium and shake clove's hand then we are poked and prodded until we are securely locked away in the government building. My mother shortly arrives with Jayden, and my twin brothers James and Felix and are only allowed a three minute goodbye. I promise to be careful and look after myself and then they have to leave me. My brother Felix leaving behind what will be my token, a golden bangle I'm surprised he could afford this.

once my family is gone Clove joins me in the room I've been confined to. "Hey" her face appears slightly red as if she has been crying but maybe i'm wrong. "stupid question but are you okay?" I ask her unsure if we should converse , after all she came to me. looking at her now she is quite pretty once you get past the constant sour look upon her face. " I'm fine. they always say it's not easy saying goodbye, I guess now I believe them. ." I knew what she was saying, saying goodbye was never easy.

Clove appears tough on the exterior but now that I was seeing her up close she really wasn't that tough. We boarded the train, specially sent by President Snow no doubt, and then we talked all night until we were arriving into the Capitol, no point changing our appearances we were going to be scrubbed from head to toe by our prep teams any way.

Arriving in the capitol was the most daunting yet exciting experience Id ever encountered. There were stupid people everywhere at the station trying to catch the first glimpse of this year's district 2 Tributes, little did they know we were anxious ourselves to catch a first glimpse of them. I'd never visited the capitol, we weren't allowed to unless we were Tributes for the Games. President Snow wanted to keep the Capitol 'District free'' whatever that meant.

A/N hey guys me again...

is this good? please comment or vote if you think it is and would like me to continue? thanks :) LAUREN JAYNE xx

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